The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Does he understand this might not be good news for other jobs in the long run.

Aligators and Snakes FFS :lol: is he fecking Jofffery Baratheon

Unnamed sources and aides or a former advisor always play into Trumps hands with his deep state theories. These so called resistance should come out and put their names to the allegations while serving under Trump as otherwise it never transpires to anything substantial and comes across as click bait or even ‘fake news’.

Somebody needs to come out and shaft him whilst still serving him otherwise it’s revenge or sour grapes.
Unnamed sources and aides or a former advisor always play into Trumps hands with his deep state theories. These so called resistance should come out and put their names to the allegations while serving under Trump as otherwise it never transpires to anything substantial and comes across as click bait or even ‘fake news’.

Somebody needs to come out and shaft him whilst still serving him otherwise it’s revenge or sour grapes.
It's easy to say "put your name on these allegations" but for the actual sources relaying these things, I think, by revealing themselves they will be practically ruining their and their family's career and personal life esp. if they are in just some low ranking governmental positions. Even in small organizations, it's a high-risk move to put your name on these allegations. Here we are talking about the president of the United States with his lackeys in all the top positions in the government and not to mention the cult members of Trumpism. And then also there is no guarantee Trump would be out of the office in the next months or even after the next election. So, I understand why these sources would want to be confidential. Whereas if it was some well-known people or people in top positions, then the situation would be slightly different.
Trump would eat them alive. He is out here threatning hanging "spies" in the White House. I would keep quiet too.

Aligators and Snakes FFS :lol: is he fecking Jofffery Baratheon

Can you imagine that brain storming session, though; "OK guys, how can we stop the bad hombres from getting here?" with 'Alligator Moat' and 'Snake Pit' on the whiteboard? They've missed 'Rickety Rope Bridge', 'Bridge with specific steps, otherwise you fall to your doom' and 'Door with giant rolling boulder behind it'.
next it'll be sharks with lazer beams attached to their head or dogs with bee's...

Pence will of course only get ill tempered mutated sea bass

I have heard from my sources in the Home Office that this is actually Priti Patel's post-Brexit plan to end Freedom of Movement.
The WH really needs to rein in this jerk. He might be the President but he’s also stark raving bonkers.
I was wondering, how can trump have such regular and continued use of twitter being the potus, its ridiculous the man's meant to represent fair and equality for all Americans (I know :lol:) yet he uses braitbart, fox and friends and stuff off the back of a kfcs menu as a source
Can you imagine that brain storming session, though; "OK guys, how can we stop the bad hombres from getting here?" with 'Alligator Moat' and 'Snake Pit' on the whiteboard? They've missed 'Rickety Rope Bridge', 'Bridge with specific steps, otherwise you fall to your doom' and 'Door with giant rolling boulder behind it'.
It did read like a trap made for indiana jones.
wait a minute the election was 304-227 man is sneaking in electoral votes outta no where :lol:
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