The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Will the ISS be full of Japanese taking pictures or Brits getting pissed and causing trouble?
By the end of the year it'll be filled with fat Hillbillies dual welding AR-50s and shouting "Right where dem ISIS fellars hidin'?"
from r/the_donald
Posting comments from The Donald is the ultimate low hanging fruit. You might as well post a comment from Stormfront.

Usually their fascism is a little veiled. I only posted this one because it is screaming out "Judeo-Bolsheviks".
Yeah, obviously it’s beyond Donald Trump just to say something incredibly stupid and ignorant. He MUST have been trying to say something else.
That level of stupid is similar to believing the earth is flat. I know he is dumb , but that is some next level shit.

What a legacy, yet all that his supporters care about is the economy and dolla dolla bills yall!

If it was even that. In reality it's about sticking two fingers to "the liberals" and those they perceive to be at fault for their own mess (Mexico, China, Germany, Clintons, whatever).

People with a real interest in the economy can't have an interest in policies that favor cronies and try to wind back the time to the 1950s.
Those migrant stories are so f*cking heartbreaking. With a young kid myself, I just cannot fathom how those agents could even follow their orders.

One day I'll find an Evangelical Christian who voted for Trump with the attention span long enough to show one of these stories to, and ask them in all sincerity, what would Jesus do?

Cause that was a seriously liberal fella, someone should make a parody of Fox News segments on his actions.
I get the notion there's a sizeable segment of Talivangelists and conservatives that wouldn't mind an American version of the SS. But they care about unborn babies, yo.
The bully with a badge is a feature of Western life., sadly.
Those migrant stories are so f*cking heartbreaking. With a young kid myself, I just cannot fathom how those agents could even follow their orders.

One day I'll find an Evangelical Christian who voted for Trump with the attention span long enough to show one of these stories to, and ask them in all sincerity, what would Jesus do?

Cause that was a seriously liberal fella, someone should make a parody of Fox News segments on his actions.
Exactly this mate!!!

So who in Congress checks up on these supposed costs? All I’m seeing is the usual moaning and hand wringing as Trump rips off the US yet again. Where is the receipt filed? Who checks it’s validity? Who checks with the limo company? Which newspapers investigate it? Who checks the bank accounts of the limo company? Their profit margin seems to have shot through the roof.

I’m guessing no-one will do anything.

So who in Congress checks up on these supposed costs? All I’m seeing is the usual moaning and hand wringing as Trump rips off the US yet again. Where is the receipt filed? Who checks it’s validity? Who checks with the limo company? Which newspapers investigate it? Who checks the bank accounts of the limo company? Their profit margin seems to have shot through the roof.

I’m guessing no-one will do anything.

I'm guessing you're guessing right!
That's true. But the layman can only vote him out.
Get on to your Representatives and your Senators and don’t let up. Give them grief about Trump. Right now they’re probably in Congress saying that no-one in their State seems bothered because they’ve only received a few letters and emails. Make sure the postman delivers a truckload of letters every day and their website crashes under the weight of complaints. Do anything people but please do something.
everything LABB touches involves a kick back.
See, that’s what I mean. Shrug the shoulders and carry on. Hey, it’s your country I know but he’s driving the rest of the world nuts too and there is nothing we can do or we would have done it a long, long time ago. We can give you intelligence that will bring him down but we can’t act on it. That’s something you as a country have to do.
See, that’s what I mean. Shrug the shoulders and carry on. Hey, it’s your country I know but he’s driving the rest of the world nuts too and there is nothing we can do or we would have done it a long, long time ago. We can give you intelligence that will bring him down but we can’t act on it. That’s something you as a country have to do.

just look at the 'solution' the Dems are pushing.Trump's brother from another mother.

God help us.
Can somebody explain to me again why Americans believe that impeaching a corrupt President would be harmful to the country and would affect his ability to govern? What the hell is a Vice President for?

Why is political posturing involved when it should purely be based on the fact that a person in office has committed a crime and should be held accountable regardless of his affiliation.

I don't understand why the Senate would defend a corrupt President just because he is one of theirs? Surely their first priority should be towards the Constitution and the American people?
Can somebody explain to me again why Americans believe that impeaching a corrupt President would be harmful to the country and would affect his ability to govern? What the hell is a Vice President for?

Why is political posturing involved when it should purely be based on the fact that a person in office has committed a crime and should be held accountable regardless of his affiliation.

I don't understand why the Senate would defend a corrupt President just because he is one of theirs? Surely their first priority should be towards the Constitution and the American people?

One page back there’s a video of 15,000 people giving an ex president a standing ovation at a sports game.

The country is weird as all hell. They treat their head of state like a deity.
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