The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Walked by this in Dublin just now:


That blimp is such a let down. I was expecting something Zeppelin sized with the amount of talk there was about it in the lead up to Trump's last visit to Britain. It's barely taller than a traffic light ffs.
Owing to anonymity its quite sad methinks that the internet extracts the worst of us as often as it highlights the best of us.

If you met me in real life you’d know it’s the kind of ridiculous shock bating ironic joke I’ll make in public as well and that I’ve got more respect for women in my left toe nail than Trump has in his whole body. And another negative thing about Internet is that people are offended far too easily..
Unity on display on foreign soil, D-Day 2019:

Classy. They certainly managed to get the setting right..

Can you imagine having relatives buried in that War cemetery and having to listen to that selfish nasty ignorant disrespectful narcissistic gobshite being interviewed by Fox?!
Trump on Fox News:
"Nancy Pelosi - I call her Nervous Nancy - Nancy Pelosi doesn’t talk about it. She’s a disaster. She’s a disaster. Let her do what she wants, you know what? I think they’re in big trouble.”
Frickin' Lassie had more mature speech.
Does he really mean that going to to the moon is part of going to Mars which is a viable option indeed, or did somebody try to explain that option to him and he deduced that the Moon is an integral part of Mars ?
'Space Force! Which is a part of Parcelforce!'
Ott but why wasting so much resources for space uncertainty when our very own earth is in the brink of destruction
Guardian said:
Last year, a committee formed by the Trump administration floated the idea of allowing astronauts to appear in marketing, such as on cereal boxes, for commercials to be filmed in the space station or even for extra-terrestrial rover vehicles to have logos in the way that racing cars do. The committee is headed by an attorney who works in government relations for the space tech firm Maxar Technologies.
It's so obvious he's winging it. Just saying pure shite with zero clue what's happening.

He knows a lot didn't you hear him say he personally knows most of the 30 million Irish people in America ?
Cocaine Mitch must have threatened to slam Little Donnie's dick in a car door if he didn't get in line about the Mexico tariffs. Wouldn't be surprised if they can just hold the threat of impeachment over him now whenever they feel like he's out of line.
Does he really mean that going to to the moon is part of going to Mars which is a viable option indeed, or did somebody try to explain that option to him and he deduced that the Moon is an integral part of Mars ?

The first one, but of course, people who don't like him will pretend not to understand in order to fulfill their fantasies.
Yeah, obviously it’s beyond Donald Trump just to say something incredibly stupid and ignorant. He MUST have been trying to say something else.
I could stand to hear some more...
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