The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Luckily I wasn't indoctrinated into supporting a party but when I realised that there was little difference between the two when older...Mind blown.

same here. i never grew up in a garrison area so i avoided most of that non sense. I only truly found out about ideological differences in parties when i started examining usa and to an extent british politics. That was my eye opener
And yet again the No shit Sherlock award goes to.....

Why was this even asked? The media just keep falling in the same traps time after time. Will they ever learn?

Sorry, what's the trap here, exactly? US Media aren't supposed to ask the Vice President about decisions by the President's administration? I doubt they were expecting Pence to go "Trump did what? What a traitor!", so that wasn't really the point.
I asked my mother in law whether she believes the sick should get to be seen by a doctor for free. Yes
Should the poor get food stamps. Yes Rebecca does.
What about a subsidy on a house or an apartment if you can't make the rent even though you're working full time. Yes

I said then you're a Democrat. No I'll never vote for them. I'm a republican. That's what we're dealing with
Have you tried wording it another way?

BB : Do you believe that the sick should get seen by a doctor for free.
MIL :Yes
Comment: well Republicans are going to make them pay and if they are too poor to pay then they will die.

BB : Should the poor get food stamps.
MIL : Yes, Rebecca does.
Comment: Well the Republicans are going to take way food stamps for the poor...and take Rebecca’s away too.

BB : What about a subsidy on a house or an apartment if you can't make the rent even though you're working full time.
MIL : Yes
Comment: Well Republicans don’t. They are going to stop that.

And so on and so on.
Have you tried wording it another way?

BB : Do you believe that the sick should get seen by a doctor for free.
MIL :Yes
Comment: well Republicans are going to make them pay and if they are too poor to pay then they will die.

BB : Should the poor get food stamps.
MIL : Yes, Rebecca does.
Comment: Well the Republicans are going to take way food stamps for the poor...and take Rebecca’s away too.

BB : What about a subsidy on a house or an apartment if you can't make the rent even though you're working full time.
MIL : Yes
Comment: Well Republicans don’t. They are going to stop that.

And so on and so on.
I did but had faith in you buddy;)
Sorry, what's the trap here, exactly? US Media aren't supposed to ask the Vice President about decisions by the President's administration? I doubt they were expecting Pence to go "Trump did what? What a traitor!", so that wasn't really the point.

The trap being that yet again the news cycle has been dominated by Trump's administration not allowing the Pride flag to be flown yet Obama did allow it.

And shock horror his highly religious right wing loon VP who is well known to be homophobic and a giant pussy who won't even be alone in a room with another woman, doesn't agree with the flag being flown either...

Yet at the same time Trump is making up stories about a non existent deal with Mexico that he frightened into signing and the bullshit tarrifs he made up and the kids dying in custody and ICE taking sick people's medicine from them and the Kushner story about foreign money etc, etc, etc...

But yeah, let's concentrate on a story about a known religious homophobe not wanting the Pride flag flown from Government buildings.
same here. i never grew up in a garrison area so i avoided most of that non sense. I only truly found out about ideological differences in parties when i started examining usa and to an extent british politics. That was my eye opener
So let me get this right. Trump has been bleating on about "No collusion with Russia!" for the last 2 years.

So he gets asked that if he received a call from a country saying they have information on a 2020 opponent, would he take it or call the FBI, the stupid fecker says of course he would listen to what they have and it would be wrong to call the FBI and they are wrong to insist that anyone in that position do that.

And the House are STILL dragging their feet over impeachment?? The guy's a fecking moron.
So let me get this right. Trump has been bleating on about "No collusion with Russia!" for the last 2 years.

So he gets asked that if he received a call from a country saying they have information on a 2020 opponent, would he take it or call the FBI, the stupid fecker says of course he would listen to what they have and it would be wrong to call the FBI and they are wrong to insist that anyone in that position do that.

And the House are STILL dragging their feet over impeachment?? The guy's a fecking moron.

Just came to post that. It’s absurd. He’s basically urging foreign powers to interfere and call him if they dig up something on his opponent. I’ve said it before, but this will be a dark chapter in future history books.
Just came to post that. It’s absurd. He’s basically urging foreign powers to interfere and call him if they dig up something on his opponent. I’ve said it before, but this will be a dark chapter in future history books.

It's really unbelievable how the American people have been taken in by Trump. The GOP should be ashamed of themselves in how they have failed the Constitution.

I'm actually beginning to believe Trump when he said that he could actually kill a person on Fifth Avenue, New York and he wouldn't lose any voters as they would say the trial was biased. That is really fecked up!
It's really unbelievable how the American people have been taken in by Trump. The GOP should be ashamed of themselves in how they have failed the Constitution.

I'm actually beginning to believe Trump when he said that he could actually kill a person on Fifth Avenue, New York and he wouldn't lose any voters as they would say the trial was biased. That is really fecked up!
If you read history of the late Roman Republic, absurdities like that happened quite frequently. Basically you can kill/fornicate/blaspheme as you wish yet as long as you grease the judges and have a powerful man ‘of character’ to testify on your favour, you’d walk free.

Also the Consuls (their equivalence of President) and Proconsuls (governor) had legal immunity during their term in office, so not a huge surprise a republic molded in their image is now following the same course.
I'm actually beginning to believe Trump when he said that he could actually kill a person on Fifth Avenue, New York and he wouldn't lose any voters as they would say the trial was biased.

Of course. First they'd come up with a narrative that made the victim seem like a terrible person (see Trayvon Martin for a good example), then they'd obfuscate by talking about crimes commited by others and how much worse they are, then they'd 'ask questions' about the incident that implied it was self-defense/good citizen act etc. By the time they'd finished, half his fanbase would be demanding a medal for him.
Of course. First they'd come up with a narrative that made the victim seem like a terrible person (see Trayvon Martin for a good example), then they'd obfuscate by talking about crimes commited by others and how much worse they are, then they'd 'ask questions' about the incident that implied it was self-defense/good citizen act etc. By the time they'd finished, half his fanbase would be demanding a medal for him.

Yeah it'd be like the Rodney King case when the 5 or 6 cops beating the pulp outta the guy were 'clearly' acting in self defence or whatever lame argument they got away with.

There's no way Congress can let this go though surely?? Trump has openly said he would break the law. I'd love to see how he walks this one back or how his stooges Conway and Sanders spin it.

I'm willing to bet that he will say he never said that at all in a few days.
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