The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Soybean farmers, are you hearing that?

In India, after our govt overnight banned high-denomination notes and people stood for day-after-day in queues to get them exchanged with new ones (~150 deaths), the common refrain from the central govt, parts of the media, and local party people, was that "soldiers give so much at the border, you can sacrifice for your country too." Everyone accepted.
That's easy for you to say Steve. I'd like to see you say that to a 16 yo child who has lost his fingers to gangrene and also been told that he's gonna take part in the big push of 1916 Somme, yeah mate, I'd like to to see you say it then.
In a bid to counter the continual headlines about how Trump's trade wars and stupid understanding of tarrifs are hurting the USA and its economy, Trump has gone full scale moron and Tweetfested over a dozen nonsensical, rambling Tweets about Tarrifs and how China is losing and really sufferring.

Instead of posting those though... I like this one....

Putin dare not take military action against the US.
So he instructs his LABB to have a tariff war with China and threaten war with Iran.

Both actions ..very damaging to the US.

Trump as two puppet masters. Threatening war with Iran is Netanyahu's wet dream.
Yes I can see how it could only be the Machiavellian meddling of Putin and Netanyahu which might convince the famously mild-mannered Persophiles John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Donald Trump - not to mention that shining symbol of pro-Iranian sentiment in DC, the Republican Party - to initiate a conflict with Tehran.
So he basically said if you're a farmer and not in the military service you should shut up and color. Dems need to run with crap like this and equate it to all Reps.
Problem is that a lot of the working class he s basically putting down there will be hard pressed to not think that giving money to the military and farmers is justified bc "patriotism". Someone should probably explain to them that that's closer to the communist and socialist ideals that they pretend to hate.
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Yes I can see how it could only be the Machiavellian meddling of Putin and Netanyahu which might convince the famously mild-mannered Persophiles John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Donald Trump - not to mention that shining symbol of pro-Iranian sentiment in DC, the Republican Party - to initiate a conflict with Tehran.

It's true, just like how Russia supports Black Lives Matter to create racial animosity in America that didnt previously exist.
George Bush, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Wolfowitz, Rubio, Lindsey Graham, McCain, Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo - famously all Russian assets.

GOP tactic seen in court yesterday and now with LG....we are going after people for “political reasons”. Not criminal reasons because they have broken the law but only because of politics. Not above veiled threats here either.

Graham looks dreadful though and no wonder. He chose the cover-up path so he is carrying a heavy burden of guilt and shame.

GOP tactic seen in court yesterday and now with LG....we are going after people for “political reasons”. Not criminal reasons because they have broken the law but only because of politics. Not above veiled threats here either.

Graham looks dreadful though and no wonder. He chose the cover-up path so he is carrying a heavy burden of guilt and shame.

More than happy to help destroy the Clinton family mind you.
I don't know much about the American constitution but this is ridiculous. The president is basically above the law of he chooses to be.
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