The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I always wondered why Trump was going ahead with trying to topple Maduro and defy Russia when it comes to Venezuela. It just didn't fit his MO. Maduro is basically a dictator and he likes that type and ousting him would be against Russian interests which trump clearly values over anything else. Looks like putin set him straight in their hour and a half phone call the other day :lol:

I always wondered why Trump was going ahead with trying to topple Maduro and defy Russia when it comes to Venezuela. It just didn't fit his MO. Maduro is basically a dictator and he likes that type and ousting him would be against Russian interests which trump clearly values over anything else. Looks like putin set him straight in their hour and a half phone call the other day :lol:

Support patriot John Bolton against the dastardly Putin-Trump axis. USA! USA!
Support patriot John Bolton against the dastardly Putin-Trump axis. USA! USA!
I said nothing of the sort. I just found it odd that Trump was going against his best instincts which was to sympathise with dictators and follow the Russian foreign policy model. Low and behold this leaks out few days after his putin love call.
Sesame Street's gone downhill.
Standard fare for Trump...blame everyone else, criticise everyone else and wear them down trying to defend themselves against lies. A continuous onslaught will win the battle, then the war. They need to come down hard on Trump et al in order to keep him focussed on himself and not others. That way he does less damage and he ends up worn down.
Those Garbage men want to get out of there a bit sharpish from this nut job.
17 Tweets in the last 12 hours from Trump.

Most of them about China and his stupid tarrifs he's trying to defend and justify. Still, 17 is excessive even for him. I think 14 of them have been in the last 3 hours!


feck my life. I always knew he cheated but feck me, cheating by lying to a fecking child and his caddie backing him up. Wow. That's some next level bullshit. He's insane. Absolutely fecking batshit.

feck my life. I always knew he cheated but feck me, cheating by lying to a fecking child and his caddie backing him up. Wow. That's some next level bullshit. He's insane. Absolutely fecking batshit.

Is Trump's caddie...Oddjob?
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Come on, that's funny and sad but he's sunk to far more disgusting depths before:

According to Evans’s account, the baby, William Trump—whose father, Fred Trump III, is Freddy’s son—had been diagnosed with “infantile spasms, a rare disorder that can lead to cerebral palsy or autism and a lifetime of care.” (The Times article notes that William did develop cerebral palsy.) This chronic illness required round-the-clock nursing care and frequent visits to medical specialists and emergency rooms. Twice in the first eight months of his life, William stopped breathing. At that stage, fortunately for the baby and his family, he was being covered under a medical plan paid for by a Trump family company.

The situation changed in March, 2000, after Fred III and his wife, Lisa, filed suit in Queen’s Surrogate Court, claiming that Fred, Sr., who died in June, 1999, had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and that his will had been “procured by fraud and undue influence” on the part of Donald, his brother Robert, a New York businessman, and his sister Maryanne, a federal judge in Newark, New Jersey. The will had divided most of their father’s estate, which was worth somewhere between a hundred million and three hundred million dollars, between the families of his surviving children, leaving considerably less to Freddy’s descendants than to other siblings’ children.

Trump and his siblings insisted that the will accurately reflected their father’s wishes. After the challenge, it didn’t take them long to retaliate. On March 30th, Fred III received a certified letter telling him that the medical benefits provided to his family by the Trump organization would end on May 1st. The letter prompted Fred III to return to court, this time in Nassau County, where a judge ordered the Trumps to restore the health coverage until the dispute was resolved. “I will stick to my guns,” Fred III told Evans. “I just think it was wrong. These are not warm and fuzzy people. They never even came to see William in the hospital. Our family puts the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional.” Fred III’s sister, Mary, told Evans, “William is my father’s grandson. He is as much a part of that family as anybody else. He desperately needs extra care.”

Trump, for his part, was unapologetic about his actions. “Why should we give him medical coverage?” he told Evans. When she asked him if he thought he might come across as cold-hearted, given the baby’s medical condition, he said, “I can’t help that. It’s cold when someone sues my father. Had he come to see me, things could very possibly have been much different for them.”
Aptly, Trump's words in the last paragraph remind me of Don Corleone:
"You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding..."
Come on, that's funny and sad but he's sunk to far more disgusting depths before:

Of course he has, he knows no bounds whatsoever. There is no depth to which he wouldn't sink if he felt it benefited him in some way. However, that wasn't my point really, @Rado_N and I play golf and love the sport and have long laughed and cried about his well known cheating exploits, but that was next level even for him and I only posted it because I knew Rads would appreciate it the same as I did.

Yet again though it still dumbfounds me how people can still support him and defend him. The world is fecked.
His father must've been a fecking monster. Scared him and blasted him to such a degree that he's just fecked.

Lil Don is still in there desperately trying to please him but knowing full well he'll never get it so he's become a cnut of epic proportions because he'll never get that love.

What a fecking hitjob his parents did on him.
That's true but at some point a person can also choose to strive for better even if not seeking professional help. My mom was a vindictive, evil woman and I was able to break free of those psychological handcuffs by my early 30s. Perhaps I had a desire to be a better person versus a greedy, narcissistic cnut like Trump.
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