The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Also Sarah...

The age of the son has been corrected to age 30. Still displays Trump as a cnut, mind.

See now this is where people start misbelieving stories about Trump, it very well may of happened but it was originally incorrectly reported that it may aswell not even been corrected & reposted, what happened to "Daddy, that's my ball" i mean did a 30yr old really say that to his Dad? Or was there abit of embellishing going on? Either way it paints the author of the piece in a bad light and Trump and followers can get away with "fake news"
See now this is where people start misbelieving stories about Trump, it very well may of happened but it was originally incorrectly reported that it may aswell not even been corrected & reposted, what happened to "Daddy, that's my ball" i mean did a 30yr old really say that to his Dad? Or was there abit of embellishing going on? Either way it paints the author of the piece in a bad light and Trump and followers can get away with "fake news"

That's a great point and exactly what happens.
I actually like that as a microcosm for how Trump is able act as he does as President. He cheats, transparently and proudly, then lies about it to your face, then just keeps going. Politics, like sport, is not designed to function with a participant that doesn't adhere to the rules. It stops being a sport at that point.

And if it was golf, people would stop watching. But it's politics, and his supporters are the types who are so sick of good golfers winning at golf that they're with any change to the status quo.
He's just full of shit, nothing but hot air comes from his mouth....
There is always the possibility that he won't actually say much negative bout trump... Afterll trump was supposedly going to go to prison as soon as Muellers report was finished
Well granted it’s finished as far as we know but no-one, apart from Trump cohorts, has seen the full Mueller report/evidence yet. There’s a reason Barr doesn’t want it seen and that can only be because it’s very damning to Trump and family/GOP. I have no doubt whatsoever that if Mueller is asked the right questions his responses will be more than interesting.
What an embarrassingly rubbish retort.
Typical Trump. He started a trade war which he thought would be over quickly, that as not happened and some are saying it could go on into 2020. Trump is now panicking ,despite his tweets ,and the people he as sworn to help will be feeling it the most. How long before he blames Obama.
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Will China start dumping US Treasuries? That'd certainly make people sit up in Washington.

Anyone that has done economics at any level knows this is bullshit.

Yeah as dumb as Trump is on many issues, this tariff thing he is so completely clueless about its hilarious (or would be if this was a movie not real life)
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