The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What’s Pompeo up to in Iraq?

And what are the B52s for? Is any of this the result of the long convo with Putin?

US hostility to Iran has existed long before Putin. There are ways of seeing the world beyond "Russia".
What’s Pompeo up to in Iraq?

And what are the B52s for? Is any of this the result of the long convo with Putin?

Greasing the skids with the Iraqi leadership in case the US strikes Iran if Tehran try anything against US troops in the region.

Its obvious the reason Trump has refused to release his tax return is because he is hiding something. The question is why is he being secretive.

Maybe he's worried that the release of recent tax returns would expose him as a fraud (Pretending to be a billionaire) or that he owes large sums of money to foreign banks and companies with shady backgrounds.
Its obvious the reason Trump has refused to release his tax return is because he is hiding something. The question is why is he being secretive.

Maybe he's worried that the release of recent tax returns would expose him as a fraud (Pretending to be a billionaire) or that he owes large sums of money to foreign banks and companies with shady backgrounds.

He gave two separate interviews to reporters in the early 2000s with contrasting numbers on his net worth (3 and 5 billion :lol:). The man is a fraud
I'm not sure where this should go but Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are truly a great match. One doesn't stop constantly brining up his win and the other doesn't stop cribbing about the win that was 'stolen' from her.

The Neocons want another war and Trump is willing to give em one to distract from all his other shit. Just waiting for Cheney to replace Pence as vice.

No Neocons needed here, that's an operation with 2020 in mind. A nation at war is far less likely to agree on a change in management, Trump knows that well enough.
No Neocons needed here, that's an operation with 2020 in mind. A nation at war is far less likely to agree on a change in management, Trump knows that well enough.
A little land war in southwest Asia, let the economy and stock markets get a little overheated, maybe dabble in regime change in Latin America again...what could go wrong, eh?
Trump inflated his worth when he wanted to get on the Forbes list and deflated his worth when reducing his real estate taxes.His whole life as been a sham ,aided by the very media that now despise him.
Trump inflated his worth when he wanted to get on the Forbes list and deflated his worth when reducing his real estate taxes.His whole life as been a sham ,aided by the very media that now despise him.

Yup and the guys from Forbes have been saying this for years, and so has Vanity Fair, but nobody seems to listen, or care.

So he's admitting to defrauding the government to avoid paying taxes and gloating about getting grants and benefits from the government at the same time.

Damn he's fecking stupid but by Christ does he have a set of balls on him. He literally is above the law and his supporters love him for it. The world is fecked.
Tweets probably written by his lawyer or accountant. Not his language, he'd have tried to get in "failing ny times" at least once.

So he's admitting to defrauding the government to avoid paying taxes and gloating about getting grants and benefits from the government at the same time.

Damn he's fecking stupid but by Christ does he have a set of balls on him. He literally is above the law and his supporters love him for it. The world is fecked.

He can admit it cause he knows it doesn't matter. His followers would jump into a river with him.
So he's admitting to defrauding the government to avoid paying taxes and gloating about getting grants and benefits from the government at the same time.

Damn he's fecking stupid but by Christ does he have a set of balls on him. He literally is above the law and his supporters love him for it. The world is fecked.
He’s trying to say him being in debt was intentional and good business practice as opposed to being in debt because he was useless. In other words all good businessmen show a massive loss. Usual lies to cover his bad business management.
House Judiciary Committee about to vote on holding Barr in contempt of Congress.

Meanwhile someone called Steve Chabot (HOR - Ohio) is telling us that Barr is a man of “outstanding character”.

Once again it is thoroughly embarrassing listening to the arguments from the GOP against issuing a contempt notice against Barr. I have had to stop watching this live feed of the proceedings.
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He’s trying to say him being in debt was intentional and good business practice as opposed to being in debt because he was useless. In other words all good businessmen show a massive loss. Usual lies to cover his bad business management.

I know what he was trying to say, but reading between the lines he's saying it's perfectly ok to defraud the tax system and pay as little as possible, but it's also ok to obtain grants and benefits by screwing the system too.

But yeah, the people wanting to contribute taxes to free healthcare and education are the ones in the wrong and ruining the USA?

fecking insanity.
So basically, he's a benefits scrounging welfare cheat.

We've known that since the 80s though when all his big apartment purchases were only possible because tons of city guarantees.

Of course it takes two to tango and the NYC city government that enabled Trump are not getting nearly enough stick since they are the ones that made the orange cnut possible
So basically, he's a benefits scrounging welfare cheat.

Yup, just on a fecking different level to anyone else. Just like the money he got for the fictitious damage to Trump Tower after 9/11.

But yeah, MAGA because he shouts loud and swears and pretends to care and represents how the USA used to be. I despair.
I know what he was trying to say, but reading between the lines he's saying it's perfectly ok to defraud the tax system and pay as little as possible, but it's also ok to obtain grants and benefits by screwing the system too.

But yeah, the people wanting to contribute taxes to free healthcare and education are the ones in the wrong and ruining the USA?

fecking insanity.
He long ago lost any understanding of the law and how to abide by it. He prides himself on being clever enough to defraud the tax system and cheat his way to benefits and grants. That to him is the measure of a good businessman and a smart operative. He doesn’t realise these things are actual crimes because he is a winner who never gets caught. Should imagine he’ll let more illegal acts slip into his tweets. He’s proud of them.
Yup, just on a fecking different level to anyone else. Just like the money he got for the fictitious damage to Trump Tower after 9/11.

But yeah, MAGA because he shouts loud and swears and pretends to care and represents how the USA used to be. I despair.

He's really not though. Some Europeans seem to have this misconception that Trump is some wild departure from the norm. He's not mate, he is the norm among the old money wealth in Manhattan for the last 150 years.

Trump is simply the current epitome of what NYC has ALWAYS been - from Tammany Hall to the Gilded Age financiers like JP Morgan Trump is merely a product of the corruption and greedy selfish values that have always dominated Manhattan since it became a trade and finance center in the New World. Trump is not on any different level bro, he is simply much more public to the rest of the world. Trump is 100% correct that property developers in NYC are all just as shady and immoral as he is.

Debbie Lesko R Arizona thinks we should move to more important things for the country, after all Mueller report says no collusion but NOW Dems want to go on about obstruction. They have never come to terms with Trump winning. Sigh, nothing getting done and now Dems want Barr to break the law....break the law by releasing GJ information!
Let’s stop this political theatre!
He's really not though. Some Europeans seem to have this misconception that Trump is some wild departure from the norm. He's not mate, he is the norm among the old money wealth in Manhattan for the last 150 years.

Trump is simply the current epitome of what NYC has ALWAYS been - from Tammany Hall to the Gilded Age financiers like JP Morgan Trump is merely a product of the corruption and greedy selfish values that have always dominated Manhattan since it became a trade and finance center in the New World. Trump is not on any different level bro, he is simply much more public to the rest of the world. Trump is 100% correct that property developers in NYC are all just as shady and immoral as he is.

I meant as on a completely different level to the guy claiming benefits while working on the side. Or the single mum not declaring tips she pocketed on the sly etc...

I wasn't for a second saying Trump was the only billionaire conman out there. Although, that just makes the whole thing worse really as if everyone contributed fairly then without a doubt UHC and free education would be more than affordable in the USA.
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