The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He fears her.

In two years she's become a popular name as she goes after his administration but he doesn't respond. The people he fears he doesn't tweet about.
Depending how she does in the primaries he might have to think up a belittleing name and tweet none stop for 6 months about her... Probably the Bernie fanboys will destroy her before that happens though
Well no surprise to see that tweet from the orange traitor. “Mueller should not testify”......hmm. Strange one that. Surely he’d just love Mueller to re-iterate his findings of NO COLLUSION etc live on world tv wouldn’t he!

Then again he’s just had a long talk with Putin hasn’t he. Probably following instructions on what to do next...the Putin Way.
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One thing you can be absolutely sure about is that Trump has formed this opinion- that Mueller testifying is a very bad thing - through conversations that he has had with Barr.

The last thing in either of their interest is for Mueller to lay down the unadulterated facts.

His unhealthy eating creeps into his tweets...hamberders followed by covfefe and now stollen.

I once lost a spelling bee because in an early round I was given ‘stolen’ which I promptly gave the obvious answer for only to find ‘stollen’ is some sort of bread.

So for the first time, I kind of sympathize with Donald...
Yes, I know it’s empathize.
Reportedly Don Jr is thinking of running for office. So is Ivanka who wants to be president.

First of all what happened to no more family dynasties?

Secondly that guy is so dumb. He's 40 years old who trolls all the time craving daddy's attention. I'd love to see him run so he can get beaten in an almighty landslide.

A family built on nepotism trying to sell the idea of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. I hope the end of Trump brings about the death of the republican party.
Wow, he really is terrified of the Mueller testimony isn’t he. The emergency of the Caravans on the Mexico border failed as a distraction technique and now he also has to appease his masters in Russia and SA so the big guns of war are being readied. What a complete and utter fool this man is.

Only Congress may authorize War.
But I am interested to see how many traitors there in the Democratic party.
Only Congress may authorize War.
But I am interested to see how many traitors there in the Democratic party.
Trump does what he wants and ignores anyone he doesn’t want to listen to, so the fact that Congress needs input to any of his reckless decisions won’t carry any weight with him. The Senate will always back him and if the House objects he will simply ignore them. He knows that he will not be held accountable for breaching either laws or the Constitution. He has already been given the green light to do whatever he pleases.
Only Congress may authorize War.
But I am interested to see how many traitors there in the Democratic party.

Can you imagine the shit show if the Democrats don't accede and iran blows up a ship? That would effectively deliver Trump 2020.
Trump does what he wants and ignores anyone he doesn’t want to listen to, so the fact that Congress needs input to any of his reckless decisions won’t carry any weight with him. The Senate will always back him and if the House objects he will simply ignore them. He knows that he will not be held accountable for breaching either laws or the Constitution. He has already been given the green light to do whatever he pleases.

Congress holds the purse strings. If he wants his war funded he needs their approvals.

He can create executive orders to pull funding from elsewhere which will be subject to legal challenges but the funds a war would require would dwarf the funding his wall needs and he struggled to raise those funds.
Congress holds the purse strings. If he wants his war funded he needs their approvals.

He can create executive orders to pull funding from elsewhere which will be subject to legal challenges but the funds a war would require would dwarf the funding his wall needs and he struggled to raise those funds.
Well thanks, that’s some good news in amongst the bad news. Now I want to hear that Mueller will definitely testify and Mnuchin has been arrested.
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