The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He seems very worried about this.

No wonder he's worried about his followings . He sounds like a stuck record.
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Never thought it would ever happen..........but I think I've gotten tired of the Trump thread. Where to now?
American xians (Christians), especially and most specifically evangelical nutters, have a moral superiority over everyone else.
Christ, do they ever. Their born again bullshit allows them to distance themselves from their previous lives with them not accounting for much. It’s the ultimate fecking life mulligan
Thing is... those people would probably look at you and say that you're not a Christian. It's not like your Christianity is particularly close to the Christianity of the 2nd century, for example. Or the 10th century, or the 16th century, etc. It evolves, like any other thing, and in the end everyone thinks someone else interprets the word of God wrong.

Or a very early Alexandrian sect of Christianity indulging in gluttonous feasts and orgies, and the Carpocratians sect believing Jesus indulged in bisexual affairs and was flamboyantly gay.
Will post to the Fox News thread as well, mods remove as applicable.
“Executives Are Very Worried Fox & Friends Will Be Next”: After Taking Over Fox, Lachlan Murdoch Is in a Trump Trap
When advertisers rebelled at outrage anchors like Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson, Trump called Lachlan’s daddy, Rupert Murdoch, to keep them on the air. Inside the battle for the future of the network.
It's quite a simple matter really, Christians can quite easily identify someone who is not a Christian yet professes to be one although there's not a club of sects you join or get kicked out of, there's no badge handing over or de-frocking as such because you can always return to being a Christian. It's a simple easy test that goes something like asking yourself whether that person or bunch of persons love their fellow man? Do they wander far from any basic tenet of Christianity etc. etc. Such as in this case Blasphemy, I would think. I mean obviously either someone very silly wrote this or if this is a serious item then we've got problems eh?

I've not seen this in the media myself. If it were something serious that someone believed that Trump really was the second coming and that Trump really believed it well, we've all got a whole new range of issues.

Let's keep an eye on it. Let's call it the Keeping an eye on Trump Coming sort of watch.
I think loving the basic values Christianity is supposed to teach you, like love your fellow man etc are all good life lessons, but with that in mind, were, for instance, the Popes of the medieval world not really Christians? Or all those people who left home and hearth to go on a crusade to Jerusalem after being indoctrinated their entire peasant lives that it's what God wants?

Being a true Christian is nothing more than conforming to the Christian powers that be at a certain time no?

to me, everyone who reads the Bible, believes in God and calls himself a Christian, is actually a Christian. There's differences in interpretation, but in the end it stems from the same book. My strictly reformed strongly condemns homosexuality for instance, and can cite Bible verses to back up these claims. More moderate Christians may tell him that misinterpretation God's message, but both of them are equally Christian to me.

Ah well, it just made me wonder.
I think loving the basic values Christianity is supposed to teach you, like love your fellow man etc are all good life lessons, but with that in mind, were, for instance, the Popes of the medieval world not really Christians? Or all those people who left home and hearth to go on a crusade to Jerusalem after being indoctrinated their entire peasant lives that it's what God wants?

Being a true Christian is nothing more than conforming to the Christian powers that be at a certain time no?

to me, everyone who reads the Bible, believes in God and calls himself a Christian, is actually a Christian. There's differences in interpretation, but in the end it stems from the same book. My strictly reformed strongly condemns homosexuality for instance, and can cite Bible verses to back up these claims. More moderate Christians may tell him that misinterpretation God's message, but both of them are equally Christian to me.

Ah well, it just made me wonder.
Seriously I don't think people really want this thread infected with talk of Religion, or maybe Christianity so I'll post your question elsewhere.

For the sake of discussion about this leaflet/flyer can we just say that if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, even tastes like a duck, it probably is one and this leaflet/flyer don't look, smell or taste like one.

It looks pretty smelly to all Christians and non-Christians or Non-Religious people alike. It's just silliness.
Nah, not the same

Capital one? Is that the same one that had been sending me mail trying to get me to take on a credit card from them for the last 2 decades?

Should tell you all you need to know about their lending oversight.

Not a slight on you, just that they mass mail credit card applications because they don't care who they lend to. They'll even take deadbeats like the President and his loser family
Should tell you all you need to know about their lending oversight.

Not a slight on you, just that they mass mail credit card applications because they don't care who they lend to. They'll even take deadbeats like the President and his loser family
Definitely. The trumps are closer to payday lenders then they are to reputable lenders, if there is such a thing.
Definitely. The trumps are closer to payday lenders then they are to reputable lenders, if there is such a thing.

Pretty well. Reputable lenders won't give Trump the time of day because they know he has zero creditworthiness, mostly from his demonstrated past history of not paying his debts.
Should tell you all you need to know about their lending oversight.

Not a slight on you, just that they mass mail credit card applications because they don't care who they lend to. They'll even take deadbeats like the President and his loser family
That was my thinking. Not surprised at all...
Pretty well. Reputable lenders won't give Trump the time of day because they know he has zero creditworthiness, mostly from his demonstrated past history of not paying his debts.
I'm still left wondering why Deutsche Bank still did business with him. Did he get into that position where they needed him to survive rather than topple? Or is it just another case of the Germans being bad at banking? (They're great at many other things, but don't seem to have it down when it comes to banking).
Or is it just another case of the Germans being shady about banking?
Fixed it for ya. Deutsche has a long history of assisting the less than savory. Don't forget this is a country that threatened its press to protect the manufacturers in the emission scandal so not much has come of it in Europe, and has a history of fudging things like it's unemployment numbers through flex time work etc. Also read up on some of the bribery that goes on by companies like Siemens etc. I think Germany as a whole is a pretty great country but they re no saints by any stretch.
I'm still left wondering why Deutsche Bank still did business with him. Did he get into that position where they needed him to survive rather than topple? Or is it just another case of the Germans being bad at banking? (They're great at many other things, but don't seem to have it down when it comes to banking).

Banks like to keep their high value clients happy. In DBs case, they are on record as being involved in massive money laundering for Russian clients. There's little doubt in my mind that Trump has helped facilitate this and the loans are DBs way of saying thanks and washing more dirty money.
He does or did, its $200k but donated it to Charity which was only a play for his followers "The President doesnt take a salary!!" Forgetting the fact he's violated the emoluments clause a thousand times over.

POTUS base salary is $400,000 py
He does or did, its $200k but donated it to Charity which was only a play for his followers "The President doesnt take a salary!!" Forgetting the fact he's violated the emoluments clause a thousand times over.

There's been no proof he donated it to charity has there?
Not sure if it has been confirmed. I don't think one can not accept a DFAS or Treasury disbursement, or have a system transaction made to send full pay elsewhere, but perhaps POTUS/Congressional payments have its own set of rules.

Normal civil service employees can establish an allotment to deduct pay for a charity or whatnot (or multiple options, up to 6-7 total allotments). Otherwise, it would surely fall back on the individual to make donations thereafter.
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