As usual, Aaron Sorkin says it best At about 4:45:
I always thought that scene was bullshit. Everything he says about today's America is true, but he frames it in "we used to be #1". It's a different take on Make America Great Again.
As usual, Aaron Sorkin says it best At about 4:45:
Pence attack on Socialism
*Cheif"Chief hostage negotiator"
I didn't see That.2017.
Agree. It is disingenuous, at best, for well to do people to talk about choice of medical care. Most people don't have the luxury of choice.Did he just say that that it was freedom that gave us the cleanest environment
Apart from that, as a resident of a socialist country, it really is weird seeing the VP speaking of socialism like it’s the most evil ideology on the planet. I mean, some of the richest countries with the highest quality of life in the world are socialist.
And in general this rhetoric about medicare for all being an attack on their unique and amazing freedom is fecking insane. What is it even? Freedom to go bankrupt if you’re in a low paying job and get sick? Freedom to be much more likely to get shot while attending school than anywhere else?
Pence attack on Socialism
But fitting. Husband and family nowhere to be seen.
This is what really fecking pisses me off and truly saddens me about Trumps divisive bullshit and the moronic Brexit vote. We should be looking at the world as a whole and moving forward to global unity on almost every level, yet so many are so scared of change, diversity or afraid of someone getting something or themselves losing out in some way. It's holding us back as a species and helping cause untold pain and destruction around the world.
I despair, I really do. The USA and all first world countries could do so much more to help everyone else but corruption, greed, fear and racism stops any progress.
If I say anything like that in my pub I'd be classed a loopy lefty socialist/communist who doesn't understand how the world works. That's probably why I use this forum to vent at times.
I'm crying inside.
You have to have a mind to loseChristians in America have lost their mind.
Christians in America have lost their mind.
Indeed it is.Blasphemous, that’s what that is. God’s wrath will rain down on them. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
They are not Christians.
Umm, fairly certain that passage is trumpet of god. So they have changed the supposed infallible word of their god.
At least aliens will get to directly address people in power.Aliens will probably be treated better than black folk on Earth.
That's fake newsUmm, fairly certain that passage is trumpet of god. So they have changed the supposed infallible word of their god.
How many hours before Little Hands starts insulting the Pope?
Do not misunderestimate religious conservative America.That has to be parody as otherwise it would be heresy
I always wonder who decides who are and aren't real Christians / Muslims / whatever religion.
Seems to be the go-to defense for quite a few people.
It's quite a simple matter really, Christians can quite easily identify someone who is not a Christian yet professes to be one although there's not a club of sects you join or get kicked out of, there's no badge handing over or de-frocking as such because you can always return to being a Christian. It's a simple easy test that goes something like asking yourself whether that person or bunch of persons love their fellow man? Do they wander far from any basic tenet of Christianity etc. etc. Such as in this case Blasphemy, I would think. I mean obviously either someone very silly wrote this or if this is a serious item then we've got problems eh?I always wonder who decides who are and aren't real Christians / Muslims / whatever religion.
Seems to be the go-to defense for quite a few people.