The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Impressive work. Depressing as hell to read.

He lies about everything he talks about, every time he talks. He just says what his audience wants to hear, and since his audience is deluded and misinformed beyond help the truth doesn't chime with them. I'd be more impressed with someone actually counting the factually correct statements he makes. They'd probably only include things like "My son Barron" , "My daughter Ivanka".

Not their birthplaces though.

Edit: Actually I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he isn't their biological father

Impressive work. Depressing as hell to read.

4,913 false statements and almost 2 years of his presidency remaining. He really needs to go because I cannot stand the thought of 2 more years of him. Sooner the states bring in compulsory tax declarations for anyone running for a president the better. The world will be a happier place then.
Are people sure he doesn't drink? He posts like me when I've had a few too many.

He keeps repeating that he never touches alcohol because of his brothers alcoholism and what it did to him.

So he's probably pissed out of his head 90% of the time.
Regarding his may be because he’s angry and stressed. He’s feeling persecuted. This is a man who is used to doing exactly what he wants and using money and corrupt people to fix any issues in front of him. It’s always worked too, he circumvented any law that got in his way. He felt untouchable.

As President he expected, quite literally, to do exactly the same as before but with far more ease. But it’s just not working as he planned. People are continually criticising him, investigating him and some people just won’t be bought or can’t be bought because there are too many of them. Then there is the “threatening” aspect of his behaviour.. He’s always threatened anyone (via his fixers of course) who stood in his way but now people are threatening him. And he is powerless to stop them. So he becomes nasty and abusive to put them down, but some of them fight back. All of this results in twitter tirades, the worse he feels the worse his posting gets.

If we indict Don jr or Jarvanka it would probably finish him off nicely.
He keeps repeating that he never touches alcohol because of his brothers alcoholism and what it did to him.

So he's probably pissed out of his head 90% of the time.
afaik he has an amphetamine habit. Not a recreational one per se, more that he always takes them to supplement his long working hours, probably has done so for decades. It's very likely he has some brain issues from this, because he wouldn't actually need those. It seems even more apparent if you watch 80s Trump interviews, he was way more articulate.
He keeps repeating that he never touches alcohol because of his brothers alcoholism and what it did to him.

So he's probably pissed out of his head 90% of the time.
That's what I thought.

I've come to the conclusion that we cant's believe a word that comes out of his mouth, so accepting the opposite of what ever he says to be true is probably the best way to go.

"And there are Trump supporters like Sarah Vogel, who said she wanted to live in her hometown to help its revitalization efforts and opened a coffee shop downtown. “He’s doing what he can to help small businesses and rural areas,” she said. “I don’t know if I can give any specifics.” "

Feels > Reals. So many Trump supports. And my side over anyone else.
afaik he has an amphetamine habit. Not a recreational one per se, more that he always takes them to supplement his long working hours, probably has done so for decades. It's very likely he has some brain issues from this, because he wouldn't actually need those. It seems even more apparent if you watch 80s Trump interviews, he was way more articulate.
Yup. Was still full of shit tho*
afaik he has an amphetamine habit. Not a recreational one per se, more that he always takes them to supplement his long working hours, probably has done so for decades. It's very likely he has some brain issues from this, because he wouldn't actually need those. It seems even more apparent if you watch 80s Trump interviews, he was way more articulate.

Indeed. You could tell his thoughts were more measured as well. Now, it's a rambling stream of barely coherent shit.


A doctor must find that you have two or three cognitive areas in decline.

These areas include disorientation, disorganization, language impairment and memory loss. To make that diagnosis, a doctor or neurologist typically administers several mental-skill challenges.

In the Hopkins verbal learning test, for example, you try to memorize then recall a list of 12 words — and a few similar words may be thrown in to challenge you. Another test — also used to evaluate driving skills — has you draw lines to connect a series of numbers and letters in a complicated sequence.


There’s no definitive test; doctors mostly rely on observation and ruling out other possibilities.

For decades, diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease has been a guessing game based on looking at a person’s symptoms. A firm diagnosis was not possible until an autopsy was performed.

But that so-called guessing game, which is still used today in diagnosing the disease, is accurate between 85 and 90 percent of the time, Lyketsos says. The new PET scan can get you to 95 percent accuracy, but it’s usually recommended only as a way to identify Alzheimer’s in patients who have atypical symptoms.

In the Hopkins verbal learning test, for example, you try to memorize then recall a list of 12 words
Bloody hell, I'd have struggled with that even years ago!
Didn't know where to put this. Tried to murder people on his way to Bible study. Do these guys even stop to think how crazy they've become? Christianity is killing America.

High time pastors start being investigated for inciting terrorists.
Judge gives Trump officials 6 months to find every child they stole

On Thursday, a federal judge gave Trump officials
six months to identify every single immigrant child they kidnapped as part of Trump's family separation policy — which may have victimized thousands more children than the public initially knew about.

The order is a rebuke of the Trump administration, which had asked the court for up to two yearsto find all the children stolen from their families at the border. At the time, the ACLU skewered the administration for the suggested timeline.

"The government's proposed plan reflects the administration's continuing refusal to treat these separations with the urgency they deserve," Lee Gelernt, the ACLU's lead attorney, told NBC Newsin early April. "The government was able to quickly gather resources to tear these children away from their families and now they need to gather the resources to fix the damage."

The ACLU praised the new six-month timeline ordered by U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw.

"This order shows that the court continues to recognize the gravity of this situation," Gelernt said in a statement. As a part of the order, the administration will turn over the names of stolen children to the ACLU on a rolling basis so that the organization can contact their families and give parents the opportunity to reunite with their children.

The Trump administration's lackluster efforts drew the ire of Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

"A federal judge should have appointed a Special Master long ago to take this out of the government's hands," Castro told Shareblue Media. "The Trump Administration has proven it's too malicious, incompetent or indifferent to reunite families properly and timely."

The ruling is part of an ongoing legal battle between the ACLU and the Trump administration over thousands of children forcibly separated from their parents in 2017 and 2018. In January 2019, the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services warned that "thousands of children" — in addition to the 2,737 children previously identified as taken from their parents — may have been separated in 2017.

Before suggesting the two-year timeline, the Trump administration resisted the notion that they should be forced to find any of the newly-identified children at all. Lawyers arguing on behalf of Trump argued that locating the children was a "significant burden," and that the administration has already "done all things to correct the wrong."

But Judge Sabraw was having none of it. In a March 2019 ruling, he criticized the Trump administration's position, saying the "hallmark of a civilized society is measured by how it treats its people and those within its borders." He added that identifying the children so they can be reunited with their parents is both necessary and worthwhile.

Despite worldwide outrage over the unconscionable family separation policy — described by human rights organizations as an "abuse of children" — the Trump administration has steadfastly resisted court orders to reunite the kidnapped children with their families.

Rather than do the right thing on its own, the Trump administration is being forced to do it by a federal judge.
Judge gives Trump officials 6 months to find every child they stole
Because it's the Trump administration I'm already imagining that there will be a few children "missing" at the end but Trump will just accuse the families of lying about having a child in the first place.
Pence attack on Socialism

I will never understand how Americans talk about America's problems all day (including lots of invented ones) and then think they are the beacon of hope for the world :lol:

Maybe 40 years ago. Not anymore. It's not the most prosperous economy anymore, it's citizens are denied freedom at the highest rate in any major country (including some truly awful ones), it's politics are so broken that Trump became president and it's schoolchildren are more likely to be shot at than police officers in most civilized countries.
I will never understand how Americans talk about America's problems all day (including lots of invented ones) and then think they are the beacon of hope for the world :lol:

Maybe 40 years ago. Not anymore. It's not the most prosperous economy anymore, it's citizens are denied freedom at the highest rate in any major country (including some truly awful ones), it's politics are so broken that Trump became president and it's schoolchildren are more likely to be shot at than police officers in most civilized countries.
Also being sick on low income is almost a death sentence. No other "developed" country even comes close on the poverty scale. America has a warped sense of self.
Also being sick on low income is almost a death sentence. No other "developed" country even comes close on the poverty scale. America has a warped sense of self.
As usual, Aaron Sorkin says it best At about 4:45:
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