The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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They decided not to grant him a state visit when he first became President because there was so much opposition to it, so they left it a couple of years. Probably hoping that either he would improve or be impeached. He hasn’t improved and unfortunately he’s still there. Should imagine there will be very strong demonstrations when he arrives. There are no MAGAs here. He is extremely unpopular.
I don't get the Mainstream Media thingy. On one side he constantly drones on about Fox and Friends being by far the best and most watched show in the history of the known universe. How the feck are they, then, not the epitome of mainstream media? Is that not what mainstream means?

That's the most feckwitted thing about the new right. They constantly scream on all media channels that the media are trying to silence them. Constantly, on ALL media, silence them, how does this Everest of skull deforming ignorance pass them by. HOOOOOOOOOOW?!??
I don't get the Mainstream Media thingy. On one side he constantly drones on about Fox and Friends being by far the best and most watched show in the history of the known universe. How the feck are they, then, not the epitome of mainstream media? Is that not what mainstream means?

That's the most feckwitted thing about the new right. They constantly scream on all media channels that the media are trying to silence them. Constantly, on ALL media, silence them, how does this Everest of skull deforming ignorance pass them by. HOOOOOOOOOOW?!??
You assume he speaks from a place of logic. As usual, he's talking shit.
He's not spending 70% of the federal budget on the military not to use it...
The situation we have is a president who has and continues to commit crimes and Treason but also does not recognize the authority of Congressional oversight.
We are in a Constitutional crisis, which can only be solved by an impeachment trial.
The problem of course is that the Republicans in the Senate are directly complicit with the presidents crimes.
They don’t revoke agreed state visits unless something drastic happens.

Maybe if they impeached him...pleeease impeach before the beginning of June.
He'll get rinsed over here anyway... Pointless trip, but it'll keep him busy for a while. Potential for a feck up or two. Let him come...
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