I see Sarah Sanders has not resigned yet. Her next press conference could be entertaining.
Because she has been outed as a nasty liar. No credibility and fair game for the press every time she opens her mouth.Why would she quit? The only other job she can get is bussing tables at iHop.
Because she has been outed as a nasty liar. No credibility and fair game for the press every time she opens her mouth.
True. Seems to be a requirement for American political staff nowadays. Sad way to be imo.Since when has that mattered?
Lied about his wealth. That makes him not so rich. It's also a crime. Bank fraud I think?I'll bet he paid taxes! That makes him not so smart!
Lied about his wealth. That makes him not so rich. It's also a crime. Bank fraud I think?
He did it in his attempt to purchase the Buffalo Bills. I don't know if that is bank fraud but it is some type of fraud.It's bank fraud if you lie about it to obtain loans. Lying about your wealth (i.e. inflating it) on your tax return would just be idiotic and only a tiny bit illegal (filing a false return).
That Easter Bunny has a look of Barr about it.
The Easter bunny is all of us when Trump speaks
Will he be up for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board...........The Easter bunny is all of us when Trump speaks
Guardian said:The US is threatening to veto a United Nations resolution on combatting the use of rape as a weapon of war, the Guardian’s Julian Borger reports.
The US is objecting to language that says survivors of sexual violence should have access to comprehensive health services, including sexual and reproductive health. It’s part of a hard line taken by the Trump administration in recent months, refusing to agree to any UN documents that refer to sexual or reproductive health, on grounds that such language implies support for abortions.
Gotta love that Evangelical Right influence.Christ, can this lot sink any lower?:
Omg that is quite appalling,Christ, can this lot sink any lower?:
Why would she quit? The only other job she can get is bussing tables at iHop.
About one year after the United States decided to leave the Iran nuclear deal, the State Department is set to announce that all countries will have to completely end their imports of Iranian oil or be subject to U.S. sanctions. This is an escalation of the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign, which seeks to force Tehran to end its illicit behavior around the world.
On Iran, America has delivered for Saudi Arabia. Yet, unlike last year, Riyadh will take a trust-but-verify approach on how strictly Washington enforces sanctions once waivers expire on May 2. We are looking at a tight oil market this summer and a volatile mix of contradictory forces building as we head toward 2020 — an election year, in case you didn’t know.
I'll never understand how this man is being allowed to run the White House. You'll never see Melania doing Carpool Karaoke, doing a cameo on Parks & Recreation, shopping with Oprah or having a dance off with Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Fallon.
Donnie boy is now trying to come good for his Saudi buddies.
Well, it took an hour to write. I thought it would take an hour to readIt took him over an hour to produce those tweets.
Busy day.