The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That “that” is incredibly annoying
They preach about their moral code and how God can only judge you. Meanwhile they lie through their teeth and think nothing of it.

She is a witch!
A lot of Christians don't really believe in God or that there is a God.
Drump apparently played a round of golf with Rush Limbaugh this afternoon. They're probably cooking up the latest diversion.
What is up with him? Doesn’t sound at all like a man who has been declared squeaky clean by Barr. Sounds as agitated as he was when the Mueller Investigation was in full flow.

Also sounds as if he is intending to turn more vindictive than usual. Some firings I imagine to start with, followed by abuse of some, followed by “investigations” into others. Diversions and discrediting will be in the offing. Next 2 or 3 months should be stressful for all of us. Something is sure bothering him. Maybe ongoing investigations, including his taxes, are the source of his angst.
What is up with him? Doesn’t sound at all like a man who has been declared squeaky clean by Barr. Sounds as agitated as he was when the Mueller Investigation was in full flow.

Also sounds as if he is intending to turn more vindictive than usual. Some firings I imagine to start with, followed by abuse of some, followed by “investigations” into others. Diversions and discrediting will be in the offing. Next 2 or 3 months should be stressful for all of us. Something is sure bothering him. Maybe ongoing investigations, including his taxes, are the source of his angst.
It's because the world knows the truth now. He can shout no collusion, no obstruction, fake news all he wants but it's clear the only reason he's escaped so far are legal technicalities. He was always aware of the guilt of his actions but it was hidden from the public. He must be raging at seeing quotes like "my presidency is over, I'm fecked," which reveal his weakness.
It's because the world knows the truth now. He can shout no collusion, no obstruction, fake news all he wants but it's clear the only reason he's escaped so far are legal technicalities. He was always aware of the guilt of his actions but it was hidden from the public. He must be raging at seeing quotes like "my presidency is over, I'm fecked," which reveal his weakness.
Yes, I’d completely forgotten about that quote. :lol:
Embarrassment turns to anger.
So he's been praising General Khalifa Haftar calling him a good man, this is the General that is currently undertaking a military offensive against the NATO and US backed government in Libya.

That whole situation is enough to make some peoples' heads explode.
They believe this stuff, it's how cult-mentality works. My grandmother truly believes Obama was a Muslim terrorist socialist communist and at one point was fully convinced he'd anoint himself king and eliminate the presidential term limit.

Other family members believe Trump has been unjustly accused because he tried aiding Christians and thus persecuted for. It's the persecution complex all xians are indoctrinated within.
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