Acosta should have had his credentials revoked for a time because he behaved like an ass.
Shouting over the President of the country and disrupting the room, refusing to let the mic go is not the agreed behaviour of all those in the room. If he picked up a 2 week ban for that I don't think anyone would care.
Having said that... I understand why he did it, and I support him doing so. Standing in that room, that often; seeing the truth twisted into lies, facts rendered fiction, it would wind me up. I'd lose my shit. I'd shout and get snarky, I'd call the buffoon a liar to his face and call him on his bullshit. I'd also expect to have my access taken away for doing so.
Actions should have consequences. If America started ensuring that their President had to experience some negative consequences to his despicable actions, we wouldn't need to talk about Acosta.