I'm a little loathe with the one accusation - not that it's not necessarily true, but that the timing is really odd. But if there's more than great, let's get it out now.
...although... what would happen if he was confirmed, took his seat then in 2 years the dems unleash evidence against him? Assuming a new president of course
I think the attitude of 'the timing is a bit suspect' needs some serious looking at because it's used to completely dismiss out of hand any accusation that pops up. Not having a go at you specifically, just the idea of it. It plays into the 'politics is a tribal, team game' ideology and just makes people more cynical and less likely to believe those that have been abused and in turn less likely for them to talk about what they've been through.
First of all, the accused is currently in the news, plastered everywhere far and wide so the accuser won't be able to escape it.
Secondly trauma does horrible things to a person's mind and how they handle it is completely and utterly different to everybody else on the planet. Some people are open straight away, some people bottle it up forever, some people hide it until it gets too much and eventually talk. Some people don't even recognise they've been abused and deny it in their own heads until eventually they're forced to confront it and pick it apart and realise that what happened was seriously not okay. Things might've been accepted in the past whereas they're definitely not now and people have to adapt to that change, abusers, accusers and everyone else. Imagine spending decades thinking something awful that had happened to you wasn't anything out of the ordinary and then you suddenly come to that realisation? The brain is a mental thing to try and understand.
Thirdly if they're struggling to talk, the thought of their abuser getting such a prominent upgrade in their life is powerful motivation to finally speak out about something that might've happened.
Fourthly we don't know what powers are at play in terms of how and why she hasn't spoken up before now. Who has something on her to stop her or doesn't, what Kavanaugh did after he did it.
I entirely understand the cynicism and sometimes things are set up to make people look bad but I'm much more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to the accuser in cases like this and let her give a full account so the powers in charge have the full information available to them before they make a decision on something as powerful as a Supreme Court nominee. They should be as clean as a whistle even though human nature dictates that's not possible. It's the gold standard.