The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Tom Arnold has been banging on and ok about him and other people people having shit on Trump for nearly three years now and it's never materialised. This however is the first time I can remember him actually naming someone and outright saying they are in possession of damaging material. He went on and on about the Apprentice outtakes too and they have never showed up either.
Tom Arnold has been banging on and ok about him and other people people having shit on Trump for nearly three years now and it's never materialised. This however is the first time I can remember him actually naming someone and outright saying they are in possession of damaging material. He went on and on about the Apprentice outtakes too and they have never showed up either.

Apparently Cohen has distanced himself from Arnold's claims.
Tom Arnold has been banging on and ok about him and other people people having shit on Trump for nearly three years now and it's never materialised. This however is the first time I can remember him actually naming someone and outright saying they are in possession of damaging material. He went on and on about the Apprentice outtakes too and they have never showed up either.

Arnold does come across as a bit of a fantasise . And he also as a show to plug.
On a much lighter note. This never gets old (though it is old):

“Jon Stewart is a pussy”:lol:

This is the President tweeting, mind you. So as Stewart put it, how the feck did we get here?
'I fully endorse some guy in a car who shouted "Nice shoes!" at me recently!
Hell, I'll endorse anyone for a piece of praise...'
At some point he has to produce something.

Indeed he has, but that Tweet today is genius. You just know that will have certain people going batshit crazy worrying what he has and who gave it to him.

It will be interesting to see if Trump Tweets anything or not. I bet he won't, but you never know.

Trump has been on Twitter overload again today and yet again continually ramming home the same bullshit points and trying to discredit Mueller, his team and the whole investigation. Also, again he is slamming the Dems hard reinforcing the same shit about them only obstructing and wanting open borders etc. His tactic of lie and repeat ad nauseam does appear to be working, I'm sad to say.
Indeed he has, but that Tweet today is genius. You just know that will have certain people going batshit crazy worrying what he has and who gave it to him.

It will be interesting to see if Trump Tweets anything or not. I bet he won't, but you never know.

Trump has been on Twitter overload again today and yet again continually ramming home the same bullshit points and trying to discredit Mueller, his team and the whole investigation. Also, again he is slamming the Dems hard reinforcing the same shit about them only obstructing and wanting open borders etc. His tactic of lie and repeat ad nauseam does appear to be working, I'm sad to say.

Drumpf will be a bit nervous about Avenatti's tweet after seeing Tom Arnold on TV yesterday as well as this.


Also, this sort of thing has to drive Trump nuts.

2:25 onwards...

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