The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I wouldn't pay much attention to Tom Arnold. He's just being an attention seeker and trying to hype up his upcoming tv show called "THE HUNT FOR THE TRUMP TAPES WITH TOM ARNOLD".
I wouldn't pay much attention to Tom Arnold. He's just being an attention seeker and trying to hype up his upcoming tv show called "THE HUNT FOR THE TRUMP TAPES WITH TOM ARNOLD".

Ordinarily we all learned our lesson from his trump tapes hype of 2017, but in this case he says he has been interviewed by investigators so there's a decent chance his involvement is a bit more than just TV hype.
I say it all the while. This is why the Republicans are happily dealing with his horse shit. These are life long appointments. The whole judiciary is being over run with Conservatives and originalists. The biggest Republican trump hater still likes this .

All the more reason to get rid of Trump after one term irrespective of who the Dem candidate is. Allowing him to control judicial appointments for another 6 years will have knock on effects for at least two generations.
1) I don’t think SHS should have been kicked out of the restaurant just for being an admin employee.

2) I find it absolutely hilarious seeing how outraged conservatives are about it considering they’re totally okay with folks not being served because of who they date.
1) I don’t think SHS should have been kicked out of the restaurant just for being an admin employee.

2) I find it absolutely hilarious seeing how outraged conservatives are about it considering they’re totally okay with folks not being served because of who they date.

Any sympathy for her was instantly wiped out by her Dad's tweets earlier today.

All the more reason to get rid of Trump after one term irrespective of who the Dem candidate is. Allowing him to control judicial appointments for another 6 years will have knock on effects for at least two generations.
If Dems get the Senate (long shot) they can slow him down significantly
If Dems get the Senate (long shot) they can slow him down significantly

Yeah its a bit of a long shot. Trump is making the rounds in Nevada today which suggests he's a bit nervous about losing R Senate seats between now and Nov.
Ordinarily we all learned our lesson from his trump tapes hype of 2017, but in this case he says he has been interviewed by investigators so there's a decent chance his involvement is a bit more than just TV hype.

Has that been verified by the media? After all the stunts he's pulled, i just dont trust anything he says anymore.

Plus on another note, he doesn't seem well and you get the impression he has drug/drink issues.
Has that been verified by the media? After all the stunts he's pulled, i just dont trust anything he says anymore.

Plus on another note, he doesn't seem well and you get the impression he has drug/drink issues.

I don’t think it can be verified since Mueller’s office is air tight with leaks. If Arnold is saying it he would be absolutely nuts to be lying about it on national tv as his entire tv credibility for all his projects would evaporate overnight.
Has that been verified by the media? After all the stunts he's pulled, i just dont trust anything he says anymore.

Plus on another note, he doesn't seem well and you get the impression he has drug/drink issues.

Agreed. In that same interview he said he didn't have tapes of Trump saying the "nigger" . When previously he said he did . Seems like he's being a parody of himself at this moment

the answer is no. no quarter for fascists

She can't lie to the public every time she faces the public and not expect it to react. All the lies amount to disrespect in my opinion, disrespect towards the mental faculties of the viewer/listener/public.

She wouldn't be welcome in my house.
She can't lie to the public every time she faces the public and not expect it to react. All the lies amount to disrespect in my opinion, disrespect towards the mental faculties of the viewer/listener/public.

She wouldn't be welcome in my house.

The protests against these people are fair game imo. As you say, she lies and bends the truth on behalf of Trump on a daily basis so she can't expect the people who pay her salary to not use their voices to protest. Same applies to Pam Bondi, Kirsten Nielsen and others who have their own ethical dilemmas. I'd imagine the likes of Devos, Pruitt, and others will be in the cross hairs next.
Just saw a clip from the Trump rally where the audience were literally chanting “SPACE FORCE, SPACE FORCE, SPACE FORCE”. I know they aren’t representative of all Trump voters, but feck me. It’s Simpsons in real life.
Just saw a clip from the Trump rally where the audience were literally chanting “SPACE FORCE, SPACE FORCE, SPACE FORCE”. I know they aren’t representative of all Trump voters, but feck me. It’s Simpsons in real life.
It's so weird. They already effectively have a space force. It's called the Air force space command. The navy and the Air force do all what he could possibly want. He can't enact it anyway would be an act of Congress to re write the national security and defence act. Not going to happen
It's so weird. They already effectively have a space force. It's called the Air force space command. The navy and the Air force do all what he could possibly want. He can't enact it anyway would be an act of Congress to re write the national security and defence act. Not going to happen

It’s also evil and absolutely ridiculous that they celebrate lower taxes like they were Jesus reborn at the expense of hungry children but somehow believe they can and should find the money for a completely unneccesary “Space Force”.
I still haven’t heard anyone question Trump on what the purpose of the space force will be and what an average day for a space soldier would entail.
Trump never does detail. He won the election without explaining his policies.
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