The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Labeling Trump supporters deplorables must have been one of the most stupid strategies in the history of political campaigning.

What do you expect from people who follow a leader who wishes them to behave like North Koreans. They're just mindless parrots at this point.

He's a proud know nothing. Obviously he'd have no clue what the elite is after 70 years of sucking up to them and trying to be liked by them in NYC.
Labeling Trump supporters deplorables must have been one of the most stupid strategies in the history of political campaigning.
Possibly. It certainly was the most accurate claim ever made at a political event though.
Labeling Trump supporters deplorables must have been one of the most stupid strategies in the history of political campaigning.

She was right, She said half of Trump supporters were deplorable .They twisted it to include all Trump supporters.
She was right, She said half of Trump supporters were deplorable .They twisted it to include all Trump supporters.

Being right or wrong has nothing to do with it. You don't call 1/4th (leaving another 1/4th to guess whether they are included) of the population deplorables.
Labeling Trump supporters deplorables must have been one of the most stupid strategies in the history of political campaigning.

HRC couldn’t have used a more perfect word to describe the vermin that make up the Trump base, but, you are correct, she couldn’t have done much worse than when she made that statement.
I always imagined that going to a Trump rally must be akin to my experience attending a WWE event one time. Interesting... crowd.
Probably the same crowd. They get to hold up placards and chant their favourite catch phrases.
If we’re lucky, this administration will do to the Hispanic vote what the Goldwater candidacy did to the African American vote.

I believe there's a surprising number of second or third generation Hispanics who're actually quite fond of the GOP because they've mostly become fully Americanised and view themselves as fully different to illegal immigrants trying to get over the border, but you'd hope this gives them second thoughts when backing someone like Trump. Although considering what he's said about Mexicans in the past, might be a more resilient vote than you'd expect.
Being right or wrong has nothing to do with it. You don't call 1/4th (leaving another 1/4th to guess whether they are included) of the population deplorables.
Being right and wrong has everything to do with it. Hillary was castigated for that true statement but how many statements has trump made that was false, misleading and just fecking wrong on all accounts. All this bullshit of we have to listen to these voters. feck them, they are dumb as shit but the "intelligent" ones worry me more. Why vote for a guy like this unless he plays to you're irrational fear and plays on conspiracies. Muppets, the lot of them and in my opinion everyone of them are fecking deplorable and reckless in their civil duty.
I believe there's a surprising number of second or third generation Hispanics who're actually quite fond of the GOP because they've mostly become fully Americanised and view themselves as fully different to illegal immigrants trying to get over the border, but you'd hope this gives them second thoughts when backing someone like Trump. Although considering what he's said about Mexicans in the past, might be a more resilient vote than you'd expect.
The GOP ended slavery. Then it nominated a guy who voted against the Civil Rights Act to run for President 100 years later.
Being right and wrong has everything to do with it. Hillary was castigated for that true statement but how many statements has trump made that was false, misleading and just fecking wrong on all accounts. All this bullshit of we have to listen to these voters. feck them, they are dumb as shit but the "intelligent" ones worry me more. Why vote for a guy like this unless he plays to you're irrational fear and plays on conspiracies. Muppets, the lot of them and in my opinion everyone of them are fecking deplorable and reckless in their civil duty.

Because statements like that gift wrapped him voters.
Because statements like that gift wrapped him voters.
I think a lot of that has to do with it coming from her rather than the statement itself. She was already unlikeable for most people so it really hurt her when she said it.
I think a lot of that has to do with it coming from her rather than the statement itself. She was already unlikeable for most people so it really hurt her when she said it.

I'm loath to talk about election topics here but...

I've grown similarly skeptical that the Deplorables thing had as much of an effect as some people say. I reckon the people it offended were already voting against her.
I believe there's a surprising number of second or third generation Hispanics who're actually quite fond of the GOP because they've mostly become fully Americanised and view themselves as fully different to illegal immigrants trying to get over the border, but you'd hope this gives them second thoughts when backing someone like Trump. Although considering what he's said about Mexicans in the past, might be a more resilient vote than you'd expect.
You are correct.

While I expect the sentiment to be true (to some degree) it would really be helpful if these 'White House sources' would put their money where their mouth is and reveal themselves instead of hiding in anonymity. I mean think about it, he's saying a key figure is 'Waffen SS', but doesn't want his name printed because he may still want to work for him/them.
Because statements like that gift wrapped him voters.
no it didn't and stop saying that. Trump voters have said far worse things about progressives and Democrats. They treat it like a sport and even a centrist Republican will consider a pedophile or white supremacist over a democratic candidate. feck trump supporters, I've been around them enough to know they are full of fecking shit and treat this reservoir of puss like reality TV, pack of star feckers. Trump won the electoral college on the back of 70000 idiotic voters with 49 million eligible voters sitting it out so feck them. He will be slaughtered in the 2020 by a large margin so none of this knicker twisting about him getting reelected. None of these 08/12 Obama voters or Bernie voters did their due diligence on Trump/Stein/Johnson. That will not happen again.
I know you will come back with something stupid again like this is how we got here but feck it. Everyone I know that didn't come out in 16 said they will be there in November and 2020 with a vengeance and there is more then enough who have seen this shit show go to far and want to put a stop to it.
no it didn't and stop saying that. Trump voters have said far worse things about progressives and Democrats. They treat it like a sport and even a centrist Republican will consider a pedophile or white supremacist over a democratic candidate. feck trump supporters, I've been around them enough to know they are full of fecking shit and treat this reservoir of puss like reality TV, pack of star feckers. Trump won the electoral college on the back of 70000 idiotic voters with 49 million eligible voters sitting it out so feck them. He will be slaughtered in the 2020 by a large margin so none of this knicker twisting about him getting reelected. None of these 08/12 Obama voters or Bernie voters did their due diligence on Trump/Stein/Johnson. That will not happen again.
I know you will come back with something stupid again like this is how we got here but feck it. Everyone I know that didn't come out in 16 said they will be there in November and 2020 with a vengeance and there is more then enough who have seen this shit show go to far and want to put a stop to it.

I sure hope you're right, because somehow these last 18 months have made me very concerned about the world we're handing off to our children. I mean, if America reelects that bigoted cnut, it will set a dangerous precedent not only over there but also in the rest of the world.
They'll only bring her back to the White House.
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