The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So there is actually not a system in place for the parents to be able to track down their children and vice versa? How the crap is that possible?

According to some, including ex ICE director Sandweg and others who work in it, protocols are inadequate and ridiculously difficult to navigate.
Trump clearly has contempt for repubs and their silence on this tweet shows why. They have no spines and care only about power.

I can’t believe I am still shocked when he utters a bald faced lie like this. Multiple Republican congressmen tweeted yesterday that they were upset at his Sanford remark and that the line went over like a lead balloon, quieting the room immediately and eliciting some booing.

Unfortunately, no Republican will call him out for this tweet, even the tweets critical of his Sanford remark were somewhat oblique. That party has completely been Trump-ified. I agree with the post a couple of pages back that stated no sympathy for moderate Republicans. They are as complicit as the rabid dogs of Trump.
Yup, like an unfunny Frank Drebin.
Well he is in the room with two pussies and without "mother". That's why he looks like that. Mrs Pence is going to pour scalding holy water on his balls for sneaking a peak.
I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if that's the kind of thing he gets off on.
Detail is scant as usual, but I wonder what it does to that other situation of children being denied public defenders.

As i suspected. This is just him passing the buck to make it seem like he did something.

All this is doing is delaying the separation for 20 days as the law already states you cant detain kids for more than 3 weeks. He essentially hasnt done anything but at least for the moment no more kids will be separated for a bout 20 days unless congress acts. He will just pass blame to them and say he tried and the dems are this and that .

The actual tactic of family separation has the fingerprints of someone like Stephen Miller all over it but Sessions could be vulnerable if they want to hang him out to dry as being overzealous etc and given how beneficial that could be w/r/t the Russia Investigation, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Makes one wonder what kinda of hell it must have been for Miller in his childhood through now. I imagine he's never been socially adaptive, probably shunned by just about any female interest, likely bullied/ignored by peers and family most of his life. It would not surprise me if he was one action away from taking the path of a serial killer but probably chose not to act out on that thought of murdering a kitten at age 10.
Out of curiosity, how many Executive Orders did Obama or even Bush do? Seems like every policy or thing Trump does has to be that kid with a fancy powerpoint presentation but evidently has no substance in what he's trying to convey rather just looking fancy with graphics whilst doing it...

Seems also reading that Dot Warner guy, Sessions/Trump or whoever is trying to pull a fast one and about to make the situation entirely worse but playing it off as looking like the saviour... don't they know this isnt a boardroom game in one of his bankrupt companies? He's or rather it is going to get found out eventually when you know.. you start detaining people for an indefinite amount of time, baffling that they do the same strategy over and over expecting it at least once to not be noticed by the public.
Out of curiosity, how many Executive Orders did Obama or even Bush do? Seems like every policy or thing Trump does has to be that kid with a fancy powerpoint presentation but evidently has no substance in what he's trying to convey rather just looking fancy with graphics whilst doing it...

Seems also reading that Dot Warner guy, Sessions/Trump or whoever is trying to pull a fast one and about to make the situation entirely worse but playing it off as looking like the saviour... don't they know this isnt a boardroom game in one of his bankrupt companies? He's or rather it is going to get found out eventually when you know.. you start detaining people for an indefinite amount of time, baffling that they do the same strategy over and over expecting it at least once to not be noticed by the public.

alot but trump is still more

Here is even more context:


CNN said:
Why does it matter? Because Trump was a vociferous critic of then-President Barack Obama's use of executive orders -- casting them as a purposeful end-run of the legislative branch.
"Obama goes around signing executive orders," Trump said in February 2016. "He can't even get along with the Democrats. He goes around signing all these executive orders. It's a basic disaster. You can't do it."
Trump said that same sort of thing regularly on the 2016 campaign trail. It was a perfect way to make the case that Obama was an out-of-control executive, trying to push his liberal agenda on the country via fiat.
Which makes the fact that Obama had signed roughly half of the executive orders at this point in 2009 as Trump has signed so far in 2017 rich with irony.

Also for total Executive Orders across 2 terms:
Bill Clinton 364
George W Bush 291
Obama 276
alot but trump is still more


Which is bizarre since his party control both houses of Congress. He could work with both of them to advance big ticket policy for his side. The fact that he has had to fall back on executive orders speaks to his inability to get anything done within his own party (despite dominantly controlling it).
Which is bizarre since his party control both houses of Congress. He could work with both of them to advance big ticket policy for his side. The fact that he has had to fall back on executive orders speaks to his inability to get anything done within his own party (despite dominantly controlling it).

and despite him being a self proclaimed "King of deal making"
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