The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So will they reunite families that have been separated already or is just going to be applied going forward?
So will they reunite families that have been separated already or is just going to be applied going forward?

According to an ex ICE director among many others there are hundreds of kids, if not more, lost in a system of inadequate protocols and effectively orphaned as there is nothing to connect them to their parents.

The fallout from this is going to be catastrophic and the Trump admin is purely in damage limitation mode now.
Hope all the childless parents who bought 'lost' kids kept the receipts.
According to an ex ICE director among many others there are hundreds of kids, if not more, lost in a system of inadequate protocols and effectively orphaned as there is nothing to connect them to their parents.

The fallout from this is going to be catastrophic and the Trump admin is purely in damage limitation mode now.
Jeez, it's beyond pathetic. :(
Who's head will roll?
My only guess is that he has seen days suggesting it was killing them at the polls.

But it was the Dems fault /sarc

Honestly, that's yet another scary angle of it for me - how hard they're pushing that something that half of his own people admit was instigated by them was all the other side's fault.
If you think about it, these people are Native Americans. They have real roots to these lands that go back thousands of years, if not more. Their only crime was being colonized by the wrong country.
According to an ex ICE director among many others there are hundreds of kids, if not more, lost in a system of inadequate protocols and effectively orphaned as there is nothing to connect them to their parents.

The fallout from this is going to be catastrophic and the Trump admin is purely in damage limitation mode now.

So there is actually not a system in place for the parents to be able to track down their children and vice versa? How the crap is that possible?
Can't think of how they can spin that.
Border enforcement falls squarely under DHS.
“The situation at our Southwest Border is unacceptable. Congress has failed to pass effective legislation that serves the national interest—that closes dangerous loopholes and fully funds a wall along our southern border. As a result, a crisis has erupted at our Southwest Border that necessitates an escalated effort to prosecute those who choose to illegally cross our border,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “To those who wish to challenge the Trump Administration’s commitment to public safety, national security, and the rule of law, I warn you: illegally entering this country will not be rewarded, but will instead be met with the full prosecutorial powers of the Department of Justice. To the Department’s prosecutors, I urge you: promoting and enforcing the rule of law is vital to protecting a nation, its borders, and its citizens. You play a critical part in fulfilling these goals, and I thank you for your continued efforts in seeing to it that our laws—and as a result, our nation—are respected.”

The actual tactic of family separation has the fingerprints of someone like Stephen Miller all over it but Sessions could be vulnerable if they want to hang him out to dry as being overzealous etc and given how beneficial that could be w/r/t the Russia Investigation, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
Oh God, now he's gonna role out the, 'I saved the poor children' shit isn't he?
He’ll say it’s a Dem policy that he’s fought hard to stop, and then claim that his genius mind managed to stealthily manoeuvre through all the Dem blocking tactics and blah dee blah massive hands.
agreed but at the end of the day for legal purposes its a "detention center" :rolleyes: . Its a minute difference to which even im not entirely sure what it is. Obama didnt want to separate families because he was born with an actual conscience so to get around the law since congress was doing feck all he put in place the catch and release policy.

Absolutely, for first sentence. As for if congress should cave to Trumps nationalist demands. No way. Trump wants this crazy huge imigration bill that gets rid of the lottery system, gets rid of what they call "chain migration" build his egotistic racist wall, a daca deal his base will like and get increased border agents and funding. In return he will stop being the anti christ with the kids.

Congress should not pass that shit. They should however pass laws to fund the effort at the ports of entry so they can deal with the high influx of refugees fleeing the shit going on in central america (USA should really look in fixing that mess aswell so people dont have tpo flee to begin with but thats another topic). Passing laws to prohibit child separation and help to creat fast transactions for asylum seekers will help to fix the broken system they have now.

Hes not winningon this issue with americans nor the republican party. Its just his base. But thats enough for him to hold firm. Congress should go over him and pass the laws to stop this since hes being an ass

Well, yeah. That would be the optimal, but Republican dominated congress will never pass these kind of bills and the blackmail will be there still. Grimm times
Mike Cents looks chuffing delighted.
Yet another example of the dickhead backing policies that sound great on the campaign trail but when enacted, because they effect real people and have actual bad consequences, prove that governing is actually really difficult.

fecking amateur.
For a rich man, he’s not very good at owning things is he?
That's basically it and he will be telling this story at his rally with the evil Democrats thrown in.
I hope you're right, I have my doubts though. We all thought he'd become more civilized after the campaign/inauguration, but he's become worse... Normal political rules don't apply to him.
And some didn't... We hoped tho.
So man signs Executive Order of the mess he's created and then claims empathy for the victims of his own mess?

I see this as him still passing the buck. The courts will probably strike this down due to Flores settlement that rules you cant detain children for over 3 weeks. So when that happens its back to normal and he blames the dems and who over else
I see this as him still passing the buck. The courts will probably strike this down due to Flores settlement that rules you cant detain children for over 3 weeks. So when that happens its back to normal and he blames the dems and who over else

Detail is scant as usual, but I wonder what it does to that other situation of children being denied public defenders.
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