The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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She looks like she's trying to remain professional on camera but is actively upset. I'm not aware of Trump ever trying to appear professional or express any empathetic emotions through any mannerisms he has expressed ever.

There are many others on MSNBC that tear up all the time, Maddow is not one of them. I don’t remember seeing her have to beg off continuing to speak because she was choked up.
I dunno, she kind of looks like she's doing some crocodile tears, she doesnt seem authentic to me and for some reason she seems like the weird alternative version of Tomi Lahren.

It's great seeing America regress itself. The fact that you think someone can't have GENUINE empathy for kids being taken away from their parents shows how far gone the country is. Obama cried when some 6 year olds got killed in a school and apparently those were crocodile tears too.
From Wiki:

There is no empirical evidence that either legal or illegal immigration increases crime in the United States.[150] In fact, most studies in the U.S. have found lower crime rates among immigrants than among non-immigrants, and that higher concentrations of immigrants are associated with lower crime rates.[151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171]
Yeah but GOP politics is no longer related to facts, just optics and emotion. And immigration being the root of all problems is the oldest trick in the book.

Stephen Miller must be finding it hard to contain his utter glee at how all this is going.
I dunno, she kind of looks like she's doing some crocodile tears, she doesnt seem authentic to me and for some reason she seems like the weird alternative version of Tomi Lahren.
Good God. Equating Tomi f*cking Lahren and Rachel Maddow. I've never blocked anyone on here but..
I dunno, she kind of looks like she's doing some crocodile tears, she doesnt seem authentic to me and for some reason she seems like the weird alternative version of Tomi Lahren.

What sort of similarities do you see between Lahren and Maddow ?
I dunno, she kind of looks like she's doing some crocodile tears, she doesnt seem authentic to me and for some reason she seems like the weird alternative version of Tomi Lahren.
Shocking post. Use you're brain pal.
What sort of similarities do you see between Lahren and Maddow ?

Well i wasn't quite meaning how it sounded, i meant how exaggerated Far right Tomi is and makes a meal out of everything, hams it up and say's crap just to be a shock and heard ... Maddow whilst she does make good points, kinda exaggerates herself onto a far left side and this seems to be abit of an example of crying to the cameras, don't get me wrong and perhaps not the best explanation... Tomi is a complete moron, i'm not suggesting at all Maddow is but least some middle ground wouldn't go a miss, i think i brought up a Maddow video before and someone else mentioned something along these lines and now i kinda see it.
Well i wasn't quite meaning how it sounded, i meant how exaggerated Far right Tomi is and makes a meal out of everything, hams it up and say's crap just to be a shock and heard ... Maddow whilst she does make good points, kinda exaggerates herself onto a far left side and this seems to be abit of an example of crying to the cameras, don't get me wrong and perhaps not the best explanation... Tomi is a complete moron, i'm not suggesting at all Maddow is but least some middle ground wouldn't go a miss, i think i brought up a Maddow video before and someone else mentioned something along these lines and now i kinda see it.

Maddow is hardly far left, she's a progressive. She doesn't get caught up with conspiracy theories and things that aren't based on fact.
I have no sympathy for reasonable Republicans. They stood silently when their base was going batshit. They even welcomed it.
I don't remember a single Republican condemning the birther brigade...not a single one.
I have no sympathy for reasonable Republicans. They stood silently when their base was going batshit. They even welcomed it.
I don't remember a single Republican condemning the birther brigade...not a single one.

A good number of Republicans have spoken out (hence the "Never Trump" term), but they have been bullied into either submission or irrelevance by the Trump brigade.
A good number of Republicans have spoken out (hence the "Never Trump" term), but they have been bullied into either submission or irrelevance by the Trump brigade.
I didn't really hear popular Rebulicans come out against this kind of thinking. And I'm talking about long before the election cycle. The birther issue happened 8 years ago. People should have been speaking up then.
Or maybe I was just ignorant of American politics then.
I didn't really hear popular Rebulicans come out against this kind of thinking. And I'm talking about long before the election cycle. The birther issue happened 8 years ago. People should have been speaking up then.
Or maybe I was just ignorant of American politics then.

I was talking mainly since 2015 when Trump announced. I do agree that more Republicans should've come out to squash birtherism when Trump was pushing it years earlier.
I was talking mainly since 2015 when Trump announced. I do agree that more Republicans should've come out to squash birtherism when Trump was pushing it years earlier.
That's what I'm saying. The party base lurched way to the right long
before 2015. Trump just used that opportunity better than anyone.
I had been hearing shit about Obama not being Christian or American since around 2010. Right from the first term, any Republican that even thought about working with Obama was demonized .
Not followed American politics for long but I remember Christie getting a lot of shit for daring to hug the president. The GOP started muddying the water, they can't start complaining about the dirt.
Reached my limit with NYT articles. I'm sure it's unethical but I don't think it classified as insider trading. I'm any case, the swamp is growing.

It would be insider since he had inside knowledge the stock would be affected by a negative action that the broader general public didn't know about at the time.
Reached my limit with NYT articles. I'm sure it's unethical but I don't think it classified as insider trading. I'm any case, the swamp is growing.

It is insider trading, my uncle sold some stock in a real estate firm a couple months before the great recession in 2008 to pay for a retirement home in Florida keys. When the stocks tanked, the SEC issued him an audit and he had to prove that he did not know what was coming and planned his purchase a long time ago.

Ross will have an excuse or two as well but if investigated well, the SEC could get him.
It would be insider since he had inside knowledge the stock would be affected by a negative action that the broader general public didn't know about at the time.

It is insider trading, my uncle sold some stock in a real estate firm a couple months before the great recession in 2008 to pay for a retirement home in Florida keys. When the stocks tanked, the SEC issued him an audit and he had to prove that he did not know what was coming and planned his purchase a long time ago.

Ross will have an excuse or two as well but if investigated well, the SEC could get him.
I get your arguments, remember I've not read the article. But the company is Kremlin-linked already, why should his relationship with the company affect its shares?
Just playing devil's advocate but it sounds to me like he doesn't want links to Russia rather than trying not to lose money.
I get your arguments, remember I've not read the article. But the company is Kremlin-linked already, why should his relationship with the company affect its shares?
Just playing devil's advocate but it sounds to me like he doesn't want links to Russia rather than trying not to lose money.

His relationship with the company could've resulted in selling, which he then attempted get ahead of by shorting the stock.
His relationship with the company could've resulted in selling, which he then attempted get ahead of by shorting the stock.
Sounds reasonable. Pretty sure he's not going to resign. Look at Pruitt?
He knows he has to end this now before it spirals out of control politically.
I hope you're right, I have my doubts though. We all thought he'd become more civilized after the campaign/inauguration, but he's become worse... Normal political rules don't apply to him.
Curiously enough, some GOP bigwig called for Trump to fire Sessions only yesterday.
How embarrassing must it be to be a GOP congressperson? Trump & Co unilaterally put in this ridiculous policy, complain publicly that "only Congress can fix it!" for weeks and now that the heat is on, he runs to sign an executive order reversing his own order which will undoubtedly come with more gloating and self-congratulations while throwing them under the bus yet again.
Thread well worth reading from McCain’s old senior advisor. Renounced his Republican membership after 30 years and emplores others to do the same because of the direction they have moved in under Trump.

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