The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely

Wow, it doesn't seem practical to you?

The richest country on the planet can easily afford to keep these families together whilst processing them. Without getting in to the debate of if they should be granted asylum or deported or whatever, the core issue at hand is the disgusting treatment of these families and the brutally unnecessary treatment of them all. At the very least they deserve to be treated fairly and have the basic human rights of being kept together as families.
I did read your post and what you are saying is correct. This issue more complex than what many on here are making it to be. I can't stand the face of Trump and half of the people who thinks he is some badass that "says it how it is" but I am starting to understand why some people dislike the left.

This situation is a mess and needs to be sorted. Do remember if I commit a crime in the U.S my children will have no one to go to either (from what I know)

Also want to point out I do not have all the information and I am just going by the limited stuff I have read so maybe I am missing something big here but I am trying my best to understand the situation than just scooping up what sells papers. If I am wrong don't attack me and guide me to the right source

Trump could still revert back to Obama policy as that was clearly better than what is happening now. Crossing the border is only a criminal act instead of a misdemeanor became trump allows it to Be.

Apparently the majority of asylum seekers were still coming back to court to plea their case. Its not perfect, it needs fixing but clearly better than what is happening now. But I guess there's always the chance that some very bad people can use the "loophole" and get through to the USA and harm Americans but I doubt that's the real issue for trumps base.

In the end they hate that white people are becoming the minority and American culture is changing and the nation is browning. Trumps base are deathly afraid of that and basically trump wants to slow the process down
it takes less effort to keep the families together than it does to separate them, how fecking dare you defend this with bullshit logistical concerns pulled out of your arsehole

Keep up that tone. Definitely helps.

Anyway I don't want to argue about this. As usual, you question one thing and people drag you into a debate and side you didn't chose to defend. All I am saying is we should try and discuss solutions rather than restating problems.
Keep up that tone. Definitely helps.

Anyway I don't want to argue about this. As usual, you question one thing and people drag you into a debate and side you didn't chose to defend. All I am saying is we should try and discuss solutions rather than restating problems.
the solution is don't separate children and toddlers from their families, this is conscious decision made recently that saw the construction of cages to keep said children in, if you were ignorant of that - you no longer have that excuse as you have been told otherwise

apologists for this policy deserve nothing but contempt
Sounds right.

Cheers, just thought maybe it had some meaning in America I was missing. That sound in portuguese cartoons normally means the character did something silly.

In the context he's using its more like sarcastic crying to make light or jest of what was said and to show That the other is weak minded
At least Sanford owned up to the affair and told the State of South Carolina that he actually loved the woman in Argentina and asked for our forgiveness.

What did he not do? Pay hush money.

Only because he didn't set up a charitable foundation. Not smart like Trump.

"Me heap big Chief...Great Father...good genes...many crowds..."
I was suspicious of it from the start, tbh. Felt it was an insulting way of effectively saying "We'll give you this little ceremony but just remember who's in charge here."
Maybe not him but plenty of people have suggested that. It's almost as if they think they have fun separating these kids from their parents. Provide an alternative solution rather than just restating the problem. So far I have seen one person on this thread do so while others are constantly restating the problem.

Here is a graph of apprehensions along the southern US border:


As you can see 2017 had the lowest number of apprehensions in the US since what looks to be 1971. The figures for the Obama years seem to indicate that whatever 'problem' there was had been largely controlled by the time Trump took office.

Taking a closer look at the data, the illegal immigration surge the DOJ cited that has led to families being split up is shown (in red) in comparison to previous years in the below chart:


The giant leap in apprehensions that has caused Sessions to take babies from their parents is from the lowest monthly figures for 50 years to slightly below the figures for 2013/14. If you look back at the first chart you'll see that those figures are still historically low. The current situation doesn't appear to merit a change to a zero tolerance posture which involves splitting up families for what is, in fact, a misdemeanor. It would seem infinitely more sage to allow congress to run its course and seek less damaging ways of controlling what after all seems to be an uptick of less than historical significance.

Given it is only a misdemeanor, given the plight many of these families crossing the southern border are in and given that the US remains the richest country on the planet it doesn't seem as though it should be beyond the realms of possibility for them to provide adequate facilities such that families may be kept together while their cases are heard.

(The source for both graphics is the Department for Homeland Security:US Customs and Border Protection)
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I didn't know they were refusing to hear asylum report. From what I read they were and those granted asylum were reunited with the children. I also heard they were reunited as soon as the asylum was rejected as well.

What would you do different Morally? You have to make a decision after all. Remember I am not saying this is ideal. This sounds like a mess but I can't think of a better solution myself.

I mean if I was a right-wing ruler with a hatred for outsiders, I could order the governments' agents to do the same without breaking up families. Put them all in the same cages (which are officially not prisons) as the kids. If I was a centrist, I could probably make some miserable temporary housing.

But I'm not, so...
1. Change in domestic drug policy: legalisation of weed and reducing sentences/types of offence for others. Use Portugal as a model, failing that, something like Denmark.

2. Obviously this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but allowing/giving technical or economic support for other countries within the US' direct sphere of influence (Central America) to do something similar. The US has historically done the opposite.

Both these actions should reduce the violence affected with drugs.

3. Bolder and less morally easy actions wrt cartels - the Mexican presidential frontrunner has proposed amnesty, after decades of "killing the kingpins" strategy backfired totally. Think of them like Kissinger - a mass murderer who will never face justice/mass murders whose deserved punishment will result in more death.

4. I know that Mexican agriculture has been hollowed out in terms of employment since NAFTA, which has partly provided fodder for the drug trade/war. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case elsewhere too. I think this, alongside the war on drugs, is one of the root causes of both the violence and immigration. Therefore, something along the lines of a (much smaller) Marshall plan to create employment in Central American countries (which should also stimulate some US manufacturing).

5. About the people who entered the US without a visa: unless they've committed violent crimes, give them a path to US citizenship. About the people at the border now - evaluate their claims quickly and leniently. While that is happening - resettlement a. with family members if they have any b. in willing homes c. temporary shelters, not cages staffed by police.

Finally, this is something I've put together from memory, 5 mins of googling, and an embarrassingly low knowledge of specifics. I'm sure there are better-written and better-researched proposals.
Keep up that tone. Definitely helps.

Anyway I don't want to argue about this. As usual, you question one thing and people drag you into a debate and side you didn't chose to defend. All I am saying is we should try and discuss solutions rather than restating problems.

You kept asking for solutions... when the solution is very easy: Do Not separate toddlers from their mothers. Everyone knows it is done out of cruelty, logistics are just a nice excuse.

The nation that champions locking up people more than any other nation on earth can surely figure out a way to lock up babies with their mother, eh!?
You kept asking for solutions... when the solution is very easy: Do Not separate toddlers from their mothers. Everyone knows it is done out of cruelty, logistics are just a nice excuse.

The nation that champions locking up people more than any other nation on earth can surely figure out a way to lock up babies with their mother, eh!?

Fabulous post. Because it really is that simple.

To start doing something is hard.
To stop doing something is easy. You just don't do it.
as has been mentioned many times on here before, you can't send kids to prison to doesn't matter what you want -- that would be a bigger mess than what it is right now.

Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely not as simple as you people are making it out to be.

The policy of zero tolerance can be stopped. You don't have to arrest and charge every single illegal, especially when your system isn't built to cope with that. Some of the more long term solutions being suggested are things like increasing the number of judges hearing asylum cases so there is less of a backlog.
US quits 'biased' UN human rights council.

The US has pulled out of the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling it a "cesspool of political bias".

The "hypocritical and self-serving" body "makes a mockery of human rights", said US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley.

Formed in 2006, the Geneva-based council has been criticised for allowing countries with questionable human rights records to be members.

But activists said the US move could hurt efforts to monitor and address human rights abuses around the world.

Ms Haley announced her country's intention to quit the council at a joint news conference with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who called the council "a poor defender of human rights".

UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in a statement released through his spokesman, responded by saying he would have "much preferred" the US to remain in the council.

The UN human rights commissioner, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, called the US withdrawal "disappointing, if not really surprising, news". Israel, meanwhile, has praised the decision.
Only right that Trump's administration would pull out of UNHRC. After all Trump did say about Kim Jong Un “I mean, I could go through a lot of nations where a lot of bad things were done.”
Keep up that tone. Definitely helps.

Anyway I don't want to argue about this. As usual, you question one thing and people drag you into a debate and side you didn't chose to defend. All I am saying is we should try and discuss solutions rather than restating problems.
Revert it back to a misdemeanor so jail isnt necesarry and they can stay in a camp with their children.

This is the solution you’re asking for and the way it was before this policy. The current set up is supposed to work as a deterrent; don’t come here, we will take your children.

There you go, without biting your head off :)
Her mannerisms are as weird as Trumps. She looks like someone that's pretending to be a human being.
She looks like she's trying to remain professional on camera but is actively upset. I'm not aware of Trump ever trying to appear professional or express any empathetic emotions through any mannerisms he has expressed ever.
She looks like she's trying to remain professional on camera but is actively upset. I'm not aware of Trump ever trying to appear professional or express any empathetic emotions through any mannerisms he has expressed ever.

I dunno, she kind of looks like she's doing some crocodile tears, she doesnt seem authentic to me and for some reason she seems like the weird alternative version of Tomi Lahren.
Her mannerisms are as weird as Trumps. She looks like someone that's pretending to be a human being.

I dunno, she kind of looks like she's doing some crocodile tears, she doesnt seem authentic to me and for some reason she seems like the weird alternative version of Tomi Lahren.

Wow, is this how far we have all sank? That people are sceptical about every single thing even to the point where someone is judged to be faking her tears while getting upset from reading a story about thousands of babies and small children being taken from their families and imprisoned?

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