The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Christ, Mattis is actually decent, not that it’s saying much vs. the other cabinet members.

He is one of the better ones although its hard to expect any cabinet member to stick around more than a year or two with Trump. He gets tired of them or vice versa, or they refuse to enact some idiotic policy of his (such as Shulkin and VA privatization). I can't imagine any of his original cabinet members actually sticking around for the entire 4 years.
He is one of the better ones although its hard to expect any cabinet member to stick around more than a year or two with Trump. He gets tired of them or vice versa, or they refuse to enact some idiotic policy of his (such as Shulkin and VA privatization). I can't imagine any of his original cabinet members actually sticking around for the entire 4 years.

Hell, no.

I think I know the type of SecDef Trump would want to appoint, I would like to think that person would not make it through the confirmation process.

Too little too late imho. They only did this because of the optics and reports it will cripple their election chances in November.

It will be interesting to see how Trump responds though.

Wow! This cnut is on a fecking roll at the moment. It's either desperation because he knows he's done, or more likely it's like he feels empowered now after walking out the G7, insulting May and Trudeau, arguing with China and holding a meeting with Kim and saving the world.

The power mad cnut who was already the most narcissistic cnut on the planet now thinks he is even more powerful and is untouchable and above the laws of not only his own country, but the entire world too. Pulling out the Paris agreement, the Iran nuclear treaty, walking out the G7 meeting and now leaving the UN human rights council.

The way he has been spreading propaganda about Italy the UK, Canada and Germany etc is disgusting and so dangerous. He really needs to be fecking stopped! Now! Before he really does something we all can't undo.
i did

Long and short congress needs to give funds and more judges to the crisis on the border and pass new laws to dictate what needs to be done. Trump has chosen to use the kids as polictical pawns to get congress to act. Its shitty in humane , but its what hes chosen so the Republicans need to actually take a look at the bill in the senate or introduce one in the house so this madness stops.

I did read your post and what you are saying is correct. This issue more complex than what many on here are making it to be. I can't stand the face of Trump and half of the people who thinks he is some badass that "says it how it is" but I am starting to understand why some people dislike the left.

This situation is a mess and needs to be sorted. Do remember if I commit a crime in the U.S my children will have no one to go to either (from what I know)

Also want to point out I do not have all the information and I am just going by the limited stuff I have read so maybe I am missing something big here but I am trying my best to understand the situation than just scooping up what sells papers. If I am wrong don't attack me and guide me to the right source
I doubt he means anything close to that.

Maybe not him but plenty of people have suggested that. It's almost as if they think they have fun separating these kids from their parents. Provide an alternative solution rather than just restating the problem. So far I have seen one person on this thread do so while others are constantly restating the problem.
I did read your post and what you are saying is correct. This issue more complex than what many on here are making it to be. I can't stand the face of Trump and half of the people who thinks he is some badass that "says it how it is" but I am starting to understand why some people dislike the left.

This situation is a mess and needs to be sorted. Do remember if I commit a crime in the U.S my children will have no one to go to either (from what I know)

Also want to point out I do not have all the information and I am just going by the limited stuff I have read so maybe I am missing something big here but I am trying my best to understand the situation than just scooping up what sells papers. If I am wrong don't attack me and guide me to the right source

Arguing on the legal side (which I think is the weakest one), appearing at the border and requesting asylum isn't a crime.
Until the asylum is being processed what should they do? (they illegally cross the border for that don't they?)

Again, it is not a crime to request asylum. They are refusing to hear the asylum request (which is against the law itself) and charging them with a misdemeanour. A misdemeanour puts this in the same class as public intoxication. They are then separating the children from the parents and locking them in different cages with no contact for this misdemeanor.
If you want the legal argument, I'm sure the ACLU has one.
I don't care I think the moral argument is the only relevant one here. If this was required by law, then the law is bad.

Again, it is not a crime to request asylum. They are refusing to hear the asylum request (which is against the law itself) and charging them with a misdemeanour. A misdemeanour puts this in the same class as public intoxication. They are then separating the children from the parents and locking them in different cages with no contact for this misdemeanor.
If you want the legal argument, I'm sure the ACLU has one.
I don't care I think the moral argument is the only relevant one here. If this was required by law, then the law is bad.

I didn't know they were refusing to hear asylum report. From what I read they were and those granted asylum were reunited with the children. I also heard they were reunited as soon as the asylum was rejected as well.

What would you do different Morally? You have to make a decision after all. Remember I am not saying this is ideal. This sounds like a mess but I can't think of a better solution myself.
Until the asylum is being processed what should they do? (they illegally cross the border for that don't they?)
If they cross illegally to claim asylum (which the vast majority of the worlds asylum seekers do) then they should be put in camps/accommodation where the family unit can be together. Once all details have been verified the asylum seekers can either be allowed to stay or get deported back to the last port of entry.

If I was a child again I can assure you that I would rather sleep on a rat infested pile of shit with my parents by my side than stay in a cushy room away from them while not knowing if they are alive or dead.
If they cross illegally to claim asylum (which the vast majority of the worlds asylum seekers do) then they should be put in camps/accommodation where the family unit can be together. Once all details have been verified the asylum seekers can either be allowed to stay or get deported back to the last port of entry.

If I was a child again I can assure you that I would rather sleep on a rat infested pile of shit with my parents by my side than stay in a cushy room away from them while not knowing if they are alive or dead.

as has been mentioned many times on here before, you can't send kids to prison to doesn't matter what you want -- that would be a bigger mess than what it is right now.

Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely not as simple as you people are making it out to be.

Its all about him. Never mind the poor kids in cages and the heartbroken parents who don't know where they are. Poor Trumpy Wumpy is worried the press is making it all up just to make him look bad and hurt his feelings.

as has been mentioned many times on here before, you can't send kids to prison to doesn't matter what you want -- that would be a bigger mess than what it is right now.

Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely not as simple as you people are making it out to be.

What do you mean, "you people"?
as has been mentioned many times on here before, you can't send kids to prison to doesn't matter what you want -- that would be a bigger mess than what it is right now.

Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely not as simple as you people are making it out to be.

Countries with vastly less resources have managed to accommodate asylum refugees (entire families and clans), places such as Goma in the DRC, Cox Bazar in Bangladesh, Jalozai in Pakistan and Zaatari In Jordan. The conditions in these camps are far from ideal but the refugees (asylum seekers) are happy that they're not in the situation they had to run away from and most importantly they live with their families.
as has been mentioned many times on here before, you can't send kids to prison to doesn't matter what you want -- that would be a bigger mess than what it is right now.

Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely not as simple as you people are making it out to be.
it takes less effort to keep the families together than it does to separate them, how fecking dare you defend this with bullshit logistical concerns pulled out of your arsehole
as has been mentioned many times on here before, you can't send kids to prison to doesn't matter what you want -- that would be a bigger mess than what it is right now.

Your solution of providing every illegal immigrant accommodation until their asylums gets processed does not seem practical to me. Again I don't think this child separating thing is good. There has to be a better way but it's definitely not as simple as you people are making it out to be.

Trump can end the separations by picking up the phone, which would buy time for a more longer term fix in Congress.
Granted you could do this with just about any blonde woman in the administration.

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