The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The HRC is not a big deal. The US has withdrawn before. Quite a joke that the US can claim to be a backdrop of human rights and consistently back Israel.
So how does Trump find the 10% figure as opposed to the official figure from Germany? Does he know more than the actual people running the country or is he just talking random shite once more?
He got it from a discussion on Fox.
The most outrageous thing at this point isn't Trump himself anymore imho, but the fact that he has an approval rating of 45%.
The highest since the day he took office.
So how does Trump find the 10% figure as opposed to the official figure from Germany? Does he know more than the actual people running the country or is he just talking random shite once more?

"No, they don't want to talk about it" - well maybe because it isn't true?

Note too how he said he heard Hillary had said it's not true - not Merkel.

He's a coward.
The most outrageous thing at this point isn't Trump himself anymore imho, but the fact that he has an approval rating of 45%.
The highest since the day he took office.

He will win a second term with an absolute land slide
He’s a despicable, lying, fear mongering, dimwitted cnut & yet he is loved by his base, who are equally despicable.
The most outrageous thing at this point isn't Trump himself anymore imho, but the fact that he has an approval rating of 45%.
The highest since the day he took office.

He’s a despicable, lying, fear mongering, dimwitted cnut & yet he is loved by his base, who are equally despicable.

He’s a despicable, lying, fear mongering, dimwitted cnut because he knows that is what gets him votes. He doesn't have a 45% approval rating despite of all shxt he talks, he has it because of it.
He’s a despicable, lying, fear mongering, dimwitted cnut because he knows that is what gets him votes. He doesn't have a 45% approval rating despite of all shxt he talks, he has it because of it.

I don't see how that makes it better.
I don't see how that makes it better.
It doesn't. It just means those who voted him in are capable of voting in even worse people. Trump doesn't believe half the stuff he says, but his base wish he did, and would vote for somebody who did.
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Umm... because sending aid helps the countries in such a crisis that people are fleeing them?
CNN said:
President Trump said he will soon seek authorization a measure that would cut foreign aid to countries sending waves of migrants to the US.

"When countries abuse us by sending people up — not their best — we’re not going to give any more aid to those countries," he said at a small business event in Washington. "Why should we?"
So can someone propose a solution to the issue of border crossings ?

i did

Its not as clear cut as some may think. To me congress needs to act and do their job. Trump is an asshole and is using the kids as a way to get congress to eventually act. Clearly he doent care how this looks to him or whats happening to the poor children.

Here is the deal. Crossing the border is illegal obviously. You can do one of two things when they cross the border illegally and claim asylum (this is the important part as they cant deport you since you have claimed to have a need for asylum) . Treat it as a criminal act or civil infraction. When you are traveling you have to be treated differently. Here is how.

Criminal act:

If you treat illegal border crossing as a criminal act you cant jail kids if they come over the border with guardians or parents. Court rulings made it that you cant indefinately hold children in imigration detention facilities. Obama admin got shit for this as there has been a huge influx of refugee families over the alst couple years from central America and there is basically limited funding to deal with this. There is a years worth of back log and the waiting list to even hear your case is nuts. The courts ruled in 2016 that you could only not hold the kids for more than 20 days and that doesnt just apply to unaccompanied kids but kids travelling with families. So what do you do then? only option now is to Jail the parents and put the children into government care as you would normally when a parent has comitted a crime. They place the children into detention camps, abandoned walmarts and such for the alotted time given by law and then try to find foster care for them after. Then there is the issue of reuniting the parents with the kids after one set goes to foster care and the other set goes through a procecusion process. Thats clearly a horrible thing to do which is why no president in their right mind did so, and that leads us to catch and release

Civil Infraction:

If you treat illegal border crossing as a civil infraction then you will be temporarily be taken into custody. Given a time to come back to coaurt a, probably a year from then and the governemnt will hope you will be a nice person and come back. Very few people actually came back. So what you have essentially is what slimy Steve Miller calls open borders. Come with kids claim asylum and then let free into the USA. Which even though he's the most punchable man in the world is essentially true.

But then you will say, ok why not make them go to a port of entry and have them go through that way? That is basically a dead end as the ports of entry are over run with asylum seekers which they have no abilty to process the individuals coming in. To compound that ports of entry can be more dangerous as there are hundreds of rapists and murders looking to prey on people trying to cross.

So its up to congress to act :lol: Yeah i know right what a joke. Congress can do a multitude of things to fix this issue as the rise in asylum seekers has created a monumentus back log to which the system in place just cannot manage. They need to pass laws and appropiate money to deal with back logs and family separation.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III aka keebler elf has attempted to reduce asylum claims by reducing what you can claim asylum for , like domestic abuse and gang violence. Thats clearly aslo a shitty thing to do.

The crisis in central america has created an asylum "crisis" in the USA and Trump has clearly used his evil ways to force congress to act. But then this mother cnut is gonna want his border wall and a bunch of useless shit to get his win.

Trump is a real cnut for doing this but congress also needs to do its job and stop this madness since Trump doesnt care.

Long and short congress needs to give funds and more judges to the crisis on the border and pass new laws to dictate what needs to be done. Trump has chosen to use the kids as polictical pawns to get congress to act. Its shitty in humane , but its what hes chosen so the Republicans need to actually take a look at the bill in the senate or introduce one in the house so this madness stops.
I doubt he means anything close to that.

there is absolutely no other way to go about it the way trump has if the justice department treats border crossings as criminal acts. Trump can obviously revert back to catch and release but he already said he wont. So the other co equal branch of government needs to step in to stop this inhumane madness trump has caused at the border and give the border states the funds and proper laws they need to get this crisis under management and be able tp process asylum claims fast so the families with kids arent detained for too long
Anyway, for what I have been reading, they are in a sort of prison, so why not bringing them there anyway with at least their parents
because you cant detain kids for a certain period of time in the united states. This happened in the obama administration. Its why they brought on catch and release (i know its long post but i would implore you all to read my post further up)
because you cant detain kids for a certain period of time in the united states. This happened in the obama administration. Its why they brought on catch and release (i know its long post but i would implore you all to read my post further up)

Read it,

Yes very interesting and sort of suspect it works that way and you put it in nice and plain words. But my sentence was not to be taken literally. It was more aimed to criticize the situation in what that kids are right now in a prison like compounds without freedom of movement. Basically a prison without the name on it.

I prefer to read than write in this thread as most of what I think is being said by people more articulated in English than I am, also with more knowledge as they are from US. But in your text, you are basically asking the Congress to act on a blackmailing terroristlike situation that the POTUS forced himself. Should the Congress cave in to blackmailing? Trump will still be POTUS and he will do it again and again till he gets EVERYTHING he wants. And he does this as well with the Trade war. Basically blackmailing, He is basically the most powerful terrorist on history
Read it,

Yes very interesting and sort of suspect it works that way and you put it in nice and plain words. But my sentence was not to be taken literally. It was more aimed to criticize the situation in what that kids are right now in a prison like compounds without freedom of movement. Basically a prison without the name on it.
agreed but at the end of the day for legal purposes its a "detention center" :rolleyes: . Its a minute difference to which even im not entirely sure what it is. Obama didnt want to separate families because he was born with an actual conscience so to get around the law since congress was doing feck all he put in place the catch and release policy.

But in your text, you are basically asking the Congress to act on a blackmailing terroristlike situation that the POTUS forced himself. Should the Congress cave in to blackmailing?

Absolutely, for first sentence. As for if congress should cave to Trumps nationalist demands. No way. Trump wants this crazy huge imigration bill that gets rid of the lottery system, gets rid of what they call "chain migration" build his egotistic racist wall, a daca deal his base will like and get increased border agents and funding. In return he will stop being the anti christ with the kids.

Congress should not pass that shit. They should however pass laws to fund the effort at the ports of entry so they can deal with the high influx of refugees fleeing the shit going on in central america (USA should really look in fixing that mess aswell so people dont have tpo flee to begin with but thats another topic). Passing laws to prohibit child separation and help to creat fast transactions for asylum seekers will help to fix the broken system they have now.

Hes not winningon this issue with americans nor the republican party. Its just his base. But thats enough for him to hold firm. Congress should go over him and pass the laws to stop this since hes being an ass
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Big loss for the WH. Hagin was actually competent and had a significant amount of experience working in the WH for different presidents.

Umm... because sending aid helps the countries in such a crisis that people are fleeing them?
What a wonderful idea, send aid to countries that don't need them, the countries where the citizens don't want a US passport even if you beg them to have one.
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