The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yet his approval rating keeps rising and certainly not falling. Worse, his approval amongst Republicans is at an all time high.

All that is happening is he is polarising the country even more and more recently has been trying the exact same with many foreign countries and their leaders too.

Negative comments on Twitter aren't exactly filling me with hope that anything will change for the better anytime soon.

I don't think its rising or falling. Its been stuck in the same 7 point range its been in for the past 15 months. It wont go higher because he has lost significant independent support since the election and it wont go lower because Fox undergirding it with a 24/7 propaganda campaign.
I don't think its rising or falling. Its been stuck in the same 7 point range its been in for the past 15 months. It wont go higher because he has lost significant independent support since the election and it wont go lower because Fox undergirding it with a 24/7 propaganda campaign.

Trump is going to get support from anybody who hates immigration. They could be Union Democrats who always will vote for Dems but have now switched over to Trump because they believe immigration is a threat. Republicans have a core issue, that is immigration. Democrats need their core issue and it shouldn't be 'We are not republicans'. I don't think you can woo independents with Open borders, they need their win whether it is Universal healthcare or Gun control. They need it fast.

We can forget about the polling and the support, that 35% of solid Republican support will never ditch Trump
I don't think its rising or falling. Its been stuck in the same 7 point range its been in for the past 15 months. It wont go higher because he has lost significant independent support since the election and it wont go lower because Fox undergirding it with a 24/7 propaganda campaign.

So yet again we get back to the same issue. HOW are Fox allowed to continue spreading outright lies and HOW and WHY is the President of the USA allowed to get away with the same?

Surely there is a massive flaw if all this is allowed to happen? Even if Mueller can halt it or Trump and his cronies all end up behind bars for life, it's still insane to think it could have got this far and taken this long to stop. If they all get away unscathed or relatively unscathed then that leaves even more questions and doubt about your system.
Trump is going to get support from anybody who hates immigration. They could be Union Democrats who always will vote for Dems but have now switched over to Trump because they believe immigration is a threat. Republicans have a core issue, that is immigration. Democrats need their core issue and it shouldn't be 'We are not republicans'. I don't think you can woo independents with Open borders, they need their win whether it is Universal healthcare or Gun control. They need it fast.

We can forget about the polling and the support, that 35% of solid Republican support will never ditch Trump

Any support he has on immigration is primarily base related. Independents and Dems are either against his policies or sufficiently negative on them to where they either don't care or will be slightly influenced by the travel ban or kids being separated from their parents at the border. This is a winning position for Trump among his base, but a losing one among everyone else (which is a majority of the country).
So yet again we get back to the same issue. HOW are Fox allowed to continue spreading outright lies and HOW and WHY is the President of the USA allowed to get away with the same?

Surely there is a massive flaw if all this is allowed to happen? Even if Mueller can halt it or Trump and his cronies all end up behind bars for life, it's still insane to think it could have got this far and taken this long to stop. If they all get away unscathed or relatively unscathed then that leaves even more questions and doubt about your system.

They've been doing a much milder version of this for 15 years. It has gotten especially bad after 2016 since Trump has somehow managed to co-opt the entire network. The only way out of this would be for one of Murdoch's sons to take charge and lower the temperature.
Any support he has on immigration is primarily base related. Independents and Dems are either against his policies or sufficiently negative on them to where they either don't care or will be slightly influenced by the travel ban or kids being separated from their parents at the border. This is a winning position for Trump among his base, but a losing one among everyone else (which is a majority of the country).

You will be surprised by the number of hardcore Union people who are fine with what is happening in the border as long as there is no influx of cheap labor. Immigration is a winning issue, unfortunately.
Trump has gone insane on Twitter again today. Fml controlling the narrative. He's starting to look like he's juggling with too many balls up in the air.

The typos everywhere :lol:

Next time he mentions NATO spending and lies about the US paying for Germany's defense Merkel should just reply that that is fair enough given that he's also the main protagonist attacking it.
You will be surprised by the number of hardcore Union people who are fine with what is happening in the border as long as there is no influx of cheap labor. Immigration is a winning issue, unfortunately.

I'll believe that when I see the data. So far everything I've seen suggests its strictly a base galvanizing issue on the hard right.
Trump has gone insane on Twitter again today. Fml controlling the narrative. He's starting to look like he's juggling with too many balls up in the air.

The typos everywhere :lol:

Attacking Merkel and Germany again...


He gets pissed at the 10'000 unaccompanied children crossing the border yet fails to realise they're coming due to the uncontrolled gang violence in their own countries which was created by the US deporting hardened gangsters back to Central America and allowing them to get armed using smuggled US weapons.

If he truely wants to ease the flow of brown people then perhaps he should come down hard on cross border arms smuggling.
I'll believe that when I see the data. So far everything I've seen suggests its strictly a base galvanizing issue on the hard right.
Might take another week or two for this to get priced in in full on polling data. The CPB pictures and leaked audio just got released and I'd imagine more will come. The more of that that comes out makes it harder for the usual Trump apologists to defend and I can't imagine the public supporting that.
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Might take another week or two for this to get priced in in full on polling data. The CPB pictures and leaked audio just got released and I'd imagine more will come. The more of that that comes out makes it harder for the usual Trump apologists to defender and I can't imagine the public supporting that.

So far the initial numbers are fairly negative and I suspect that will only get worse as the saga grinds on.
So far the initial numbers are fairly negative and I suspect that will only get worse as the saga grinds on.
A growing number of the usual craven Trump sycophants are coming out against it, which should say plenty about how people feel towards it. I think it was Nate Silver yesterday who was making the point that, overall, Trump is *very* popular with Republicans still but even they are only 55% in support of this. It certainly is looking like a big loss for him at the moment.

I'm sure they'll inevitably cave, pass a bill that someone like Ted Cruz authors and try to sell it like Trump the Savior has helped the poor children while the Democrats only obstructed.
Hey I am just asking. What is the solution? Send the children to jail too? Not supporting or opposing this just need more info
Its not as clear cut as some may think. To me congress needs to act and do their job. Trump is an asshole and is using the kids as a way to get congress to eventually act. Clearly he doent care how this looks to him or whats happening to the poor children.

Here is the deal. Crossing the border is illegal obviously. You can do one of two things when they cross the border illegally and claim asylum (this is the important part as they cant deport you since you have claimed to have a need for asylum) . Treat it as a criminal act or civil infraction. When you are traveling you have to be treated differently. Here is how.

Criminal act:

If you treat illegal border crossing as a criminal act you cant jail kids if they come over the border with guardians or parents. Court rulings made it that you cant indefinately hold children in imigration detention facilities. Obama admin got shit for this as there has been a huge influx of refugee families over the alst couple years from central America and there is basically limited funding to deal with this. There is a years worth of back log and the waiting list to even hear your case is nuts. The courts ruled in 2016 that you could only not hold the kids for more than 20 days and that doesnt just apply to unaccompanied kids but kids travelling with families. So what do you do then? only option now is to Jail the parents and put the children into government care as you would normally when a parent has comitted a crime. They place the children into detention camps, abandoned walmarts and such for the alotted time given by law and then try to find foster care for them after. Then there is the issue of reuniting the parents with the kids after one set goes to foster care and the other set goes through a procecusion process. Thats clearly a horrible thing to do which is why no president in their right mind did so, and that leads us to catch and release

Civil Infraction:

If you treat illegal border crossing as a civil infraction then you will be temporarily be taken into custody. Given a time to come back to coaurt a, probably a year from then and the governemnt will hope you will be a nice person and come back. Very few people actually came back. So what you have essentially is what slimy Steve Miller calls open borders. Come with kids claim asylum and then let free into the USA. Which even though he's the most punchable man in the world is essentially true.

But then you will say, ok why not make them go to a port of entry and have them go through that way? That is basically a dead end as the ports of entry are over run with asylum seekers which they have no abilty to process the individuals coming in. To compound that ports of entry can be more dangerous as there are hundreds of rapists and murders looking to prey on people trying to cross.

So its up to congress to act :lol: Yeah i know right what a joke. Congress can do a multitude of things to fix this issue as the rise in asylum seekers has created a monumentus back log to which the system in place just cannot manage. They need to pass laws and appropiate money to deal with back logs and family separation.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III aka keebler elf has attempted to reduce asylum claims by reducing what you can claim asylum for , like domestic abuse and gang violence. Thats clearly aslo a shitty thing to do.

The crisis in central america has created an asylum "crisis" in the USA and Trump has clearly used his evil ways to force congress to act. But then this mother cnut is gonna want his border wall and a bunch of useless shit to get his win.

Trump is a real cnut for doing this but congress also needs to do its job and stop this madness since Trump doesnt care.
Breaking: Anthony Scaramucci has been deported.
That's about as much as you're going to get out of the Mooch. He knows he can't criticize Trump himself, otherwise he would be excommunicated from Trump world.

Agreed. "Trump isnt being advised properly" is his way of saying POTUS is fecking up big time
Ok, de terrance...'
That Washington Post article is correct, it will take decades to clean up after Trump has left office.
Surely withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council has got to do something with the human rights violations caused by the US immigration policy. Although I do remember there being some noise about this earlier too.
I really really hate those who refused to vote Hillary because... :wenger:
Surely withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council has got to do something with the human rights violations caused by the US immigration policy. Although I do remember there being some noise about this earlier too.

Its probably Israel/Palestine related.
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