The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Snopes said:
On 18 June 2018, the front page of the Drudge Report news aggregator blog put up a link to a story accompanied by a photograph of a group of children, two of which appeared to be holding guns, and the headline “Border Battle: USA Taking in 250 Kids Per Day”.

Even though the Drudge Report linked to a 2018 article about how the Trump administration “could be holding 30,000 border kids by August” published by the Washington Examiner, the featured photograph was not taken in 2018, was not taken anywhere near either Mexico or the United States, and it has nothing at all to do with immigration. The guns were toys.
This guy loves a dictator, right? Days after the death of the human rights activist Liu Xiaobo in the hands of the regime he was calling the chinese emperor Winnie the Pooh "a terrific guy".
Yes I saw that episode of last week tonight as well.
I'm no expert but that graph tells me GOP won't do to bad in November and this guy is getting reelected.

This is what's truly mind blowing. A sociopathic gangster and wannabe dictator, seen by the entire world as wholly unfit for any political office yet alone POTUS, could realistically be reelected to a second term. You can almost forgive the fact that he was allowed to bullshit his way into power initially but if he gets in again it will be a damning indictment of the USA.
The Dems could easily win the next election if their #1 flagship policy is to roll out Universal Healthcare or something along those lines, they won't of course - Unless Bernie win's the leadership i guess.

Ann Coulter is just one of those morons who says stuff to "shock"

but this was funny, truly a horrible human being.

The Jimmy Carr one is fantastic. I love him.
Just don't find Anne Coulter entertaining at all. Her and Katie Hopkins are making a good living on the backs of Racism and Xenophobia .
Just don't find Anne Coulter entertaining at all. Her and Katie Hopkins are making a good living on the backs of Racism and Xenophobia .
Think it's disgraceful that they can even show up on TV. Up until recently, that witch had a radio show ffs.
With all the talk about Space Force One going around -


I think this one is more apt actually -


Bat shit crazy

I don't understand why the Dems haven't started turning this narrative around on them. Point out the homes and incomes guys like Hannity and Carlson have, the incomes of the DeVos and Trumps over the backs of the working class etc. The amount of immigrants they use in their businesses etc. But no they just roll over.

If the Dems biggest weakness is being too "virtuous" then certainly by all accounts the Repubs are too hypocritical.
Guys am I missing something here? They only separate the children from parents for a week or two when they are illegally crossing the border? I hate trump but don’t understand this one here
Guys am I missing something here? They only separate the children from parents for a week or two when they are illegally crossing the border? I hate trump but don’t understand this one here
Yeah. They should just kill them... problem solved.
Guys am I missing something here? They only separate the children from parents for a week or two when they are illegally crossing the border? I hate trump but don’t understand this one here

Only? Really?
Guys am I missing something here? They only separate the children from parents for a week or two when they are illegally crossing the border? I hate trump but don’t understand this one here
There are also reports of people applying for asylum legally having their kids taken away.
Guys am I missing something here? They only separate the children from parents for a week or two when they are illegally crossing the border? I hate trump but don’t understand this one here

Clearly not a parent and clearly not understanding the trauma this could cause children AND parents. Can you not even see the human rights issues here too?
Guys am I missing something here? They only separate the children from parents for a week or two when they are illegally crossing the border? I hate trump but don’t understand this one here
Why separate kids, including babies and toddlers, from their parents? What is the necessity of punishing innocent children? Most of the parents are being charged with misdemeanor illegal entry, a relatively minor infraction, and then losing their kids into a mess of a system. Some qualify as asylum seekers, yet they still have lost their children. What do you think is the mental effect on a child to be torn from your parents and locked up in a cage for "a week or two?"

None of this is necessary - it's completely within the administration's ability to stop the practice and allow families to remain together during the process. But they want to add an extra twist of Trump-brand cruelty because of their well-documented disdain for black and brown people. This is the same group who barely blinked at the destruction in Puerto Rico, who tried to install a Muslim travel ban, who sided with actual Nazis in Charlottesville, and so much more. There's a reason the one group that hasn't wavered in their support of Trump are the white supremacists.
Clearly not a parent and clearly not understanding the trauma this could cause children AND parents. Can you not even see the human rights issues here too?

Hey I am just asking. What is the solution? Send the children to jail too? Not supporting or opposing this just need more info
Hey I am just asking. What is the solution? Send the children to jail too? Not supporting or opposing this just need more info

That's fair enough but you saying you don't get what the objection, disgust and fuss is over implied you either hadn't thought about it properly OR you lack the empathy, compassion and understanding to feel anything was wrong.

I personally didn't think it was the latter but wasn't 100% certain.
There are also reports of people applying for asylum legally having their kids taken away.


As well as reports that parents having been sent back to their native country while the children still remain detained in the US.
Trump has gone insane on Twitter again today. Fml controlling the narrative. He's starting to look like he's juggling with too many balls up in the air.

The typos everywhere :lol:

Attacking Merkel and Germany again...


There are also reports of people applying for asylum legally having their kids taken away.

This is the important point, though their counter argument to that would be the ones being separated aren't applying legally. The legal cross over point is often overcrowded and send people back, so the asylum seekers cross over illegally and then try to apply. Technically they had no visa allowing them to cross over, but common sense and human decency should prevail.

This will also in no way act as a deterrent either, as people fleeing violence and life threatening situations are desperate enough to put up with the temporary separation.
Trump has gone insane on Twitter again today. Fml controlling the narrative. He's starting to look like he's juggling with too many balls up in the air.

The typos everywhere :lol:

Attacking Merkel and Germany again...


The comments on his tweets are more negative these days, whereas there was more of a positive/negative mix a year ago. This suggests his tweets are mainly for the consumption of Fox, talk radio, and right leaning online publications to draw their narratives from to keep his base in line.
The comments on his tweets are more negative these days, whereas there was more of a positive/negative mix a year ago. This suggests his tweets are mainly for the consumption of Fox, talk radio, and right leaning online publications to draw their narratives from to keep his base in line.

Yet his approval rating keeps rising and certainly not falling. Worse, his approval amongst Republicans is at an all time high.

All that is happening is he is polarising the country even more and more recently has been trying the exact same with many foreign countries and their leaders too.

Negative comments on Twitter aren't exactly filling me with hope that anything will change for the better anytime soon.
Only big-headed bullies and Hollywood Nazis say tedious shit like "Not on my watch."
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