The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sean Hannity has demanded that Mueller come on to his show and show him evidence if he has any to be shown
Jesus, what a bloody amateur.
This presidency is like a Simpsons episode.
You know, I show my kids a biography video of Kitty Hart-Moxon, a Holocaust survivor who lives in England...

She was arrested on charges of illegal immigration into Germany (they were fleeing the Gestapo in Poland). She was sent to Auschwitz, where she saw parents separated from their kids. They were told the kids were going to take a shower.

Granted, we’ve not started gassing kids who crossed the border, but it’s fecking disgusting how similar that sounds.
So we’re kicking off a trade war with China.

Can’t wait to hear what the rednecks say when the shit at Walmart doubles in price.
Will be a while. Trump's tariffs on Chinese products have had more to do with industrial goods. It's American exporters that will start feeling the pinch now, like farmers and auto makers. Consumers will feel it long term.
Will be a while. Trump's tariffs on Chinese products have had more to do with industrial goods. It's American exporters that will start feeling the pinch now, like farmers and auto makers. Consumers will feel it long term.
Pork is gonna go up, I’d imagine.

Couple that with the lack of farm workers that’s gonna eventually become evident and it’ll be interesting how farmers respond at the ballot box.
The crazy thing is that, as far fetched as it seems, I wouldn't be surprised if sometimes in the future we hear that it really happened like that.

umm, not between them, but it isn't far fetched to presume this has all been orchestrated by Trumps overlords. NK shares a border with Russia and is a natural ally (communist dictatorship, enemy to USA), of course they have some influence over Kim.
The state of The States :wenger:
I'm having real trouble accepting this is our new reality...makes me sick.
Pork is gonna go up, I’d imagine.
Couple that with the lack of farm workers that’s gonna eventually become evident and it’ll be interesting how farmers respond at the ballot box.
The Chinese are the ones importing the pork, so American consumers won't won't feel it .It's the farmers that will.
They've also out tariffs on peanuts, which will hurt.
Trump is threatening to increase the tariffs to $150bn worth of goods. If he does that, all hell breaks loose.
If Cohen flips, Trump and GOP will go Nuclear and end the investigation.
they can stop the mueller investigation but cohen is under souther district of new york attourney office and new york state attourney also is being kept in the loop. Cohen aint going anywhere
they can stop the mueller investigation but cohen is under souther district of new york attourney office and new york state attourney also is being kept in the loop. Cohen aint going anywhere

What’s the point in flipping him if there’s no deal to be cut?
Pork is gonna go up, I’d imagine.

Couple that with the lack of farm workers that’s gonna eventually become evident and it’ll be interesting how farmers respond at the ballot box.
The largest producer of pork in the world is a Chinese owned US company, interestingly. Smithfield Foods. But they should be ok, it'll definitely be the smaller farmers feeling the pain
The largest producer of pork in the world is a Chinese owned US company, interestingly. Smithfield Foods. But they should be ok, it'll definitely be the smaller farmers feeling the pain
Yeah, I know. That’s what I’m saying about the average Trump voting farmer feeling the pinch.
I was just told this on Facebook...
Look goofball I live in California my mother works for the department of social services illegal immigrants cannot be denied funds because of their status in fact social workers are not allowed to ask if your legal or not .. I don’t know what kind of immigration problem you have South Carolina but here in California there’s over 2.5 million illegal immigrants . They all have drivers licenses and they all have the ability to vote if you believe anything other than what I’ve written that’s on you to prove it wrong with actual statistics and an actual source not a contradictory statement saying the opposite of mine

When I told him the burden of proof is on him for making the claim he said I was lying.
Apparently in the Age of Trump you are not only entitled to your own opinions but now also entitled to your own facts.
I can’t wait to see that version of burden of proof attempted in court.

“Your honor, he shot my client and if you don’t believe it, it’s completely on you to prove me wrong!”
So we’re kicking off a trade war with China.

Can’t wait to hear what the rednecks say when the shit at Walmart doubles in price.

If the EU and China join forces in the trade war, which is not very unlikely after Great Britains exit and Trumps provocation. He's going to do way more harm than good to the American economy.
If the EU and China join forces in the trade war, which is not very unlikely after Great Britains exit and Trumps provocation. He's going to do way more harm than good to the American economy.
For the record... history is rhyming
The Tariff Act of 1930 (codified at 19 U.S.C. ch. 4), commonly known as the Smoot–Hawley Tariff or Hawley–Smoot Tariff,[1] was an act implementing protectionist trade policies sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley and was signed into law on June 17, 1930. The act raised U.S.tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods.[2]
That tariff made the Great Depression get even worse than it already was.
I was just told this on Facebook...


When I told him the burden of proof is on him for making the claim he said I was lying.

Just by looking at the DMV, some of the pieces that you need provide make his statement unlikely, they apparently check your identity and you need to provide either a birth certificate, passport, proof of California residency and/or social security number.
Just by looking at the DMV, some of the pieces that you need provide make his statement unlikely, they apparently check your identity and you need to provide either a birth certificate, passport, proof of California residency and/or social security number.
I’m not worried about it. He made the claim, now he needs to prove it.
At this stage he doesn't appear capable of telling the truth about anything whatsoever. He has been completely emboldened to do and say what he wants.
At this stage he doesn't appear capable of telling the truth about anything whatsoever. He has been completely emboldened to do and say what he wants.
Indeed. All of his cronies too.... Along with a large percentage of the population too.

You have people lying because they can, because they know they can get away with it. Lying but not knowing because they can't be bothered to do a bit of fact checking, or suspecting that they may be lying but not giving a feck because they want it to be true and think they'll get away with it.

At this stage he doesn't appear capable of telling the truth about anything whatsoever. He has been completely emboldened to do and say what he wants.

Why has no one within the Republican party can not say enough is enough with his lies. also corporate America need to reel this charlatan in
Why has no one within the Republican party can not say enough is enough with his lies. also corporate America need to reel this charlatan in
I think a big problem in politics is career politicians who are mostly aiming to have a successful career. Speaking out against the chief is not a wise career choice.

Basically, most politicians just want success, they could care less about the little people.
I think a big problem in politics is career politicians who are mostly aiming to have a successful career. Speaking out against the chief is not a wise career choice.

Basically, most politicians just want success, they could care less about the little people.

Corporate organisations in America need to pull in their advertising from the media which broadcast his lies and stand over them.
Corporate organisations in America need to pull in their advertising from the media which broadcast his lies and stand over them.
Something needs to happen.... It's escalating as far as I can see.
At this stage he doesn't appear capable of telling the truth about anything whatsoever. He has been completely emboldened to do and say what he wants.

I think it's fascinating personally. He's a living embodiment of the rejection of objective truth. The media portray it as him tearing down that pillar of modern society, but I think it's much more a case of him exposing the erosion of it in wider society. He himself rejects it but he also clearly recognises huge portions of the population do too. Exposing that is ultimately good for society I think. It hasn't quite led to a constructive discussion but I think it will.


At some point I'm going to just believe that this is all an elaborate practical joke and at the end of his term Trump will reveal he's actually not this dimwitted looney and was playing an act all along to see how far he could go with this shite without getting found out.

It's unreal.

Countries history

I'm against posting stupid memes, but a bashing head on keyboard one would be more than apt. Aside from the grammatical error it just means nothing. What is he talking about? What numbers? Fecking shambles of a man.

If I were an American I would be so embarrassed for having my country not only elect this moron, but have a good part of the country actually support him through his reign of moronic terror.
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Perhaps is similar to a tactic e-mail scammers used, they intentionally use spelling mistakes and other errors as a way of filtering out the people that notice that sort of thing, so the only responses they get are more likely to be from the more vulnerable clueless sort.
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