The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Back in the present day with stuff about, you know, what this thread is about hint hint go to the election thread if you want to rehash that again again again.

EU to put tariffs on motorcycles, bourbon and blue jeans.

Also cranberries, orange juice, sweetcorn and peanut butter. By any chance do these target red States?

Cranberries, a little; oranges, not so much; corn, definitely; peanuts, definitely.
I love how both the EU and the Chinese know to hit back right in Trump-country. And then I cry because that makes those poor soon-to-be-unemployed Trump voters somehow MORE likely to vote for the GOP in November.

On the other hand, who are the EU meant to target? The high-tech coastal states who for the most part share our values?
Bourbon - Kentucky
Corn - Iowa
Oranges - Florida
Peanuts - Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida

Georgia for peanut production as well, almost half the US.

Florida barely exports oranges, or even grows them anymore. From urban sprawl to the impossible to eradicate bacterial disease called ‘citrus greening’ to severe frost / freezes in recent winters to severe hurricanes last summer, the orange crop is as bleak as it’s been since the 1940s. California is poised to quickly become the largest domestic orange producer.
He's on a roll today....

Comey bad, me good. High fives and adulation please.

Yup me again. More adulation for the Supreme Leader. NOW!

Me, me, me, me, me, great! Dems bad. Worst ever. Thank me. NOW bitches! I need more murals of myself.

Yay I'm responsible for everything best ever! Love me!

Obligatory daily snide remarks and dig at our former leader. Woohoo! I'm pissing on his legacy. Go me.

Completely unhinged. I bet he's been sat in front of the TV for days just wanking himself silly.
The worst thing is, I’ve gotten used to the fact that the president of the US is a fecknugget clown.
That child immigrant facility is slowly sinking in. Horrific. Trying to concentrate on what it reminds me of..

The simple truth, for all the evil, incompetency, corruption that has came to light. It is very likely to be significantly outnumbered by what we don't know.
If a single child dies in one of those concentration camp, every single person responsible right up to the people who wrote that legislation needs to end up in jail on manslaughter charges. It’s beyond disgusting and the media are as good as complicit right now in my eyes as they’re neither giving it the coverage it should be getting nor are they highlighting just how abhorrent and serious the entire scenario is.
Christ, he's apparently said he wants his people to stand to attention when he speaks the same as North Koreans do for Kim.
He's now gone down to see them and is doing an interview with Fox and Friends.


The trolls have been working overtime the last couple of days, Giuliani has been making even bolder threats and they’re desperately trying to cast a shadow over Mueller and the FBI. The obstruction charges are dropping soon, I think there’s a good chance on the back of that there could be enough numbers to bring an impeachment case to the floor and if that happens it’s going to consume the midterms cycle.
Christ, he's apparently said he wants his people to stand to attention when he speaks the same as North Koreans do for Kim.


Oh but now says he was kidding.

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Y'all got a big problem over there. You have a large proportion of the population that believe (or will go along with) the president's narrative (lies), and you have a president who lies regularly and feels no way about it.
If a single child dies in one of those concentration camp, every single person responsible right up to the people who wrote that legislation needs to end up in jail on manslaughter charges. It’s beyond disgusting and the media are as good as complicit right now in my eyes as they’re neither giving it the coverage it should be getting nor are they highlighting just how abhorrent and serious the entire scenario is.

This is how Nazi America started. We can only pray and hope the allies land on the beaches of New Jersey to free the world from the fascists. Led by Germany, ironically.
If those who think Trump is joking about Americans standing are living in denial. He's a despot wannabe .
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