The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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50% of Americans support and will continue to support this clown...incredible!
Caftards the report had absolutely nothing to do with him. This man is a psychopath.
anyone see the piece on Trump regards his claim that thousands and thousands of parents came up to him looking the remains of their fallen sons & daughters brought home from North Korea.

Basically saying this was BS as the parents of korea war veterans would be 105 - 120 years old.

then looked into his allegation of knowing 100's who died in the twin towers. seemingly it's on record he knew no one and went to no funeral
anyone see the piece on Trump regards his claim that thousands and thousands of parents came up to him looking the remains of their fallen sons & daughters brought home from North Korea.

Basically saying this was BS as the parents of korea war veterans would be 105 - 120 years old.

then looked into his allegation of knowing 100's who died in the twin towers. seemingly it's on record he knew no one and went to no funeral

I believe (could be wrong, mind) that when they interviewed him in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 he started bragging about the height of Trump Tower, or something to that effect. Man's a proper sociopath.
Is anyone really surprised about his actions and behaviour?

Feck, we spent nearly 18 months predicting all this shit, just obviously nobody could predict it would be continuously happening every single day.
I believe (could be wrong, mind) that when they interviewed him in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 he started bragging about the height of Trump Tower, or something to that effect. Man's a proper sociopath.

You are 100% correct. Despicable cnut. And yes, he's a true sociopath.
He's on a roll today....

Comey bad, me good. High fives and adulation please.

Yup me again. More adulation for the Supreme Leader. NOW!

Me, me, me, me, me, great! Dems bad. Worst ever. Thank me. NOW bitches! I need more murals of myself.

Yay I'm responsible for everything best ever! Love me!

Obligatory daily snide remarks and dig at our former leader. Woohoo! I'm pissing on his legacy. Go me.

Completely unhinged. I bet he's been sat in front of the TV for days just wanking himself silly.

Would like to know how many hours he spends on Twitter compared to the time he spends trying to govern the country.
If a single child dies in one of those concentration camp, every single person responsible right up to the people who wrote that legislation needs to end up in jail on manslaughter charges. It’s beyond disgusting and the media are as good as complicit right now in my eyes as they’re neither giving it the coverage it should be getting nor are they highlighting just how abhorrent and serious the entire scenario is.

I have gone passed the stage of being annoyed with Trump. He is great craic

I am now at stage of being annoyed with every single living American for putting up with this imbecile
Lindsey trying to be edgy

what are the conditions of the places that the children are being held. I see alot of what seems to be hyperbole about concentration camps and making it sound like the children are in some kind of hostile living area. I dont know whats happening in the places that the are being held thats why i ask. Is it as bad as it is being made sound?
I’m guessing Donald found out (‘most people don’t know this’) that the Korean War is called the ‘Forgotten War’ and assumed he could run his mouth to accentuate his recent venture.

Fits the timeline, at least...
I read too many books. I keep wondering if 45 and Kim somehow worked this out between them prior to the 2016 election...crank up the tension, then have an amazing summit which makes Donald look a hero, and gives Kim the world stage.
Georgia for peanut production as well, almost half the US.

Florida barely exports oranges, or even grows them anymore. From urban sprawl to the impossible to eradicate bacterial disease called ‘citrus greening’ to severe frost / freezes in recent winters to severe hurricanes last summer, the orange crop is as bleak as it’s been since the 1940s. California is poised to quickly become the largest domestic orange producer.

Side note: Georgia is, apparently, the leading producer of blueberries these days.
I read too many books. I keep wondering if 45 and Kim somehow worked this out between them prior to the 2016 election...crank up the tension, then have an amazing summit which makes Donald look a hero, and gives Kim the world stage.

The crazy thing is that, as far fetched as it seems, I wouldn't be surprised if sometimes in the future we hear that it really happened like that.
Although I would have gone differently with the line of questioning, this is a good interview from Cuomo:

MSNBC reporting Cohen is ready to flip

goodnight. hopefully Trump gets jail
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