The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He behaved recklessly by sending these messages and what makes it even more stupid was that the messages were sent on government issued devices. He wasn't some level employee but a senior ranking official who should have known better.

Even the former law inforcement officials on CNN are saying the conduct of Strzuk has damaged the reputation of the FBI.
I agree there. He should be punished, possibly a demotion too. Being fired seems too much IMO.
Ahw Vancouver was banned? He was like an ironic confirmation that Trump is a moron. The fact that said irony is lost on him made it even better.

So any chance this foundation stuff might actually harm Trump? I just can’t see it impacting him in a real way at this point.
Ahw Vancouver was banned? He was like an ironic confirmation that Trump is a moron. The fact that said irony is lost on him made it even better.

So any chance this foundation stuff might actually harm Trump? I just can’t see it impacting him in a real way at this point.
It’s a temp
Ahw Vancouver was banned? He was like an ironic confirmation that Trump is a moron. The fact that said irony is lost on him made it even better.

So any chance this foundation stuff might actually harm Trump? I just can’t see it impacting him in a real way at this point.

We have a points system where automatic bans take place based on accrued infractions. He will be back soon.
Just to the last page about Page and Struz - the same people attacking them for having a viewpoint on Trump (which is definitely unprofessional) are basically saying some mid-level FBI agents should be held to a higher standard of professional conduct than the f*cking President.

That's how dumb this 'whataboutism' is from Trump supporters.

Undeniably, Hillary shouldn't have used a private server. Good job, points on the board. Trump has done worse things since Monday.

It's like someone punches your pregnant wife in the belly and says yeah but when we were in school that one time you totally punched me in the arm on April 1st. It may be true, but that doesn't change the fact you're an absolute f*ckin cretin for trying to draw a comparison.
Why did Bernie lose to her then?


1) name recognition
2) he started late
3) organized opposition from the party influencing the primary
4) people who preferred him convinced themselves that she was more electable
5) hes a cranky old jewish guy from vermont

but he currently has +25 favorabilty meanwhile she is literally less popular than donald trump (sanders: 57.0-32.9, clinton 40.3-55.3, trump 39.8-53.4). good thing the dnc had their thumb on the scales. she still would have won but jesus, these are people who are supposed to be political professionals and they fecking suck at their jobs and they all still have the same jobs and they are doing the same shit in the 2018 primaries
Trump did quite well amongst well educated people, if that’s any vague indication of IQ. He didn’t get voted in by idiots.

Insulting the intelligence of conservatives didn’t work so well last time around. It’s as though we learned nothing in the analysis of the election aftermath.

Oddly enough, he was elected president through the votes from idiots. I live in Florida and it is massively obvious that residents of lower intelligence, either innate or learned, put him in the WH, the most contributing constituency being ignorant (non college educated) white male thumpers.
We had this 5 pages back.

Trump did quite well amongst well educated people, if that’s any vague indication of IQ. He didn’t get voted in by idiots.

Insulting the intelligence of conservatives didn’t work so well last time around. It’s as though we learned nothing in the analysis of the election aftermath.

He did not.

I am not insulting the intelligence of conservatives, I am judging Trumpites by the actions and words of Trump, the man they have chosen to follow.
IQ=/=Decency or a well rounded, rational moral center. Most serial killers and successful despots were likely of above average intelligence.

College educated whites were the people that put Trump in the position where he is today.
Why do you believe that?

Breakdown of votes in 2016 US Presidential election:
High School or Less: Trump 51% > Clinton 45%
Some college (no degree): Trump 52% > Clinton 43%
College Graduate: Clinton 49% > Trump 45%
Postgraduate: Clinton 58% > Trump 37%

Trump ONLY beat Clinton among those without a college degree. Clinton beat Trump in both categories of 'higher education'.

When you break it down to just whites, the split is even more stark:
Whites without college degree: Trump 67% > Clinton 28%
Whites who graduated college: Trump 49% > Clinton 45%

I'm just curious why there's this belief that Trump won because of educated whites. It's simply not true. He won because of uneducated whites. By an absolute landslide. If you include all races, he didn't win a single category who graduated college.

Now intelligence absolutely is not measured by degrees, however I'd strongly argue that if the majority of educated votes in a country as big as the US vote one way, it's probably the more INFORMED choice.

Face it, loads and loads of Trump voters did not vote based on issues, facts, policies or anything past their 'gut' - which was almost entirely formed from watching US pravda.

A quintessential example of making up one’s own facts and remaining purposefully ignorant on actual reality.
Your last statement is simply not true. Below are a few examples that non-educated white voters were a massive thrust for Trump (in fact, those with college degrees actually moved slightly towards Clinton):
From the 538 article you quoted, and note the locales mentioned:
High-income, medium-education white counties shifted to Trump
From the Pew article:
Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.
Rich white people, who mostly would grade above average in intelligence and education if not in morality, determined this outcome.
From the 538 article you quoted, and note the locales mentioned:
From the Pew article:
Rich white people, who mostly would grade above average in intelligence and education if not in morality, determined this outcome.
No no no. It's a numbers game. Yes, in certain counties things switched. And yes, Trump carried educated white males by a small margin. But overall, if you picked an 'average' Trump voter vs. 'average' Clinton voter, Trump's are the uneducated.

I guess it's semantics. You're arguing about, say 1-2% of voters who 'swung' the election to Trump. I'm arguing about the 38% of Americans that represent his actual voting block. Who are, relatively, uneducated.
From the 538 article you quoted, and note the locales mentioned:
From the Pew article:
Rich white people, who mostly would grade above average in intelligence and education if not in morality, determined this outcome.
No no no. It's a numbers game. Yes, in certain counties things switched. And yes, Trump carried educated white males by a small margin. But overall, if you picked an 'average' Trump voter vs. 'average' Clinton voter, Trump's are the uneducated.

I guess it's semantics. You're arguing about, say 1-2% of voters who 'swung' the election to Trump. I'm arguing about the 38% of Americans that represent his actual voting block. Who are, relatively, uneducated.

The biggest drive behind Trumps win is racial resentment. His policy is split and divide. Us vs them. Etc.
2 points regards the FBI text message between the 2 people in which one claims they will stop him get elected -

1. absolute gold dust for Trump and good luck to him in his second term as POTUS (the wanker)
2. Trump and his cronies must be working 4-6 weeks ahead of actual evidence being released. important as regards timescale imo.
From the 538 article you quoted, and note the locales mentioned:
From the Pew article:
Rich white people, who mostly would grade above average in intelligence and education if not in morality, determined this outcome.

‘Middle educated’ us just that, not having a degree. ‘Middle educated’ could be a semester of junior college.

Overall, college educated voters went for Hillary with the exception of white college educated, who narrowly went for Trump. The margin was small enough that other voting trends overshadowed and outweighed it.

Your statement that well educated voters as a whole put Trump in office is incorrect. Did you not glean that from reading the articles or do you put blinders on until you stumble across something that fits your argument, even though the majority of facts are proving in the opposite direction?

As I stated earlier, in Florida, it was not the white college educated that did it for Trump, it was the ignorant, lower educated white thumper who overwhelmingly pushed him to victory in my state (plus South Florida Hispanics still clinging stubbornly to being and voting Republican).

Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how well one does in the match, the bird will just take a dump on the board and strut around like it won.
No no no. It's a numbers game. Yes, in certain counties things switched. And yes, Trump carried educated white males by a small margin. But overall, if you picked an 'average' Trump voter vs. 'average' Clinton voter, Trump's are the uneducated.

I guess it's semantics. You're arguing about, say 1-2% of voters who 'swung' the election to Trump. I'm arguing about the 38% of Americans that represent his actual voting block. Who are, relatively, uneducated.
1-2% of the electorate, mainly in the upper Midwest, did swing the election to Trump. The rest of the voting block is baked in.

It’s not semantics; it’s the crux of the issue. These people aren’t idiots.
Back in the present day with stuff about, you know, what this thread is about hint hint go to the election thread if you want to rehash that again again again.

EU to put tariffs on motorcycles, bourbon and blue jeans.

Also cranberries, orange juice, sweetcorn and peanut butter. By any chance do these target red States?
1-2% of the electorate, mainly in the upper Midwest, did swing the election to Trump. The rest of the voting block is baked in.

It’s not semantics; it’s the crux of the issue. These people aren’t idiots.
I'll try a couple more ways: some well educated white Americans voted for Trump. The majority who voted for him are relatively not well-educated.

One more way, more well-educated people voted for Clinton than Trump.
One more way, a random more well-educated American is more likely to have voted for Clinton than Trump.

Arguing about a tiny subset of swing voters is fine, but you can make that argument in any county to suit your agenda. I'll shift mine to Pennsylvania, where Trump's victory hinged largely on non well-educated voters. When you reduce it to the margins, you can find examples of anything you choose.

Overall, Clinton voters were smarter. I'd wager that gap has significantly expanded since then.

Anyway, meanwhile Trump spent $2.8m on campaign funding for himself raised in a Veterans dinner for the Trump Foundation. Just imagine, IMAGINE the speed at which Hannity's head would have exploded if I'd swapped Clinton for Trump. As of right now, it's not even on Fox News website.
Back in the present day with stuff about, you know, what this thread is about hint hint go to the election thread if you want to rehash that again again again.

EU to put tariffs on motorcycles, bourbon and blue jeans.
I love how both the EU and the Chinese know to hit back right in Trump-country. And then I cry because that makes those poor soon-to-be-unemployed Trump voters somehow MORE likely to vote for the GOP in November.
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