The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't think he'll be doing that.
I can never understand the whatabout-ism like Hillary being a shady corrupt politician means that Trump is a Saint or whatever trump has done is now null and void. Send them both in jail cell to rot of they are guilty.
I'm assuming accumulation of unheeded warnings.

Fair enough. I don’t mind having the odd Trump fan in here even if they troll, ¡t doesn’t hurt to read what the other side are reading and if they’re not equipped for critical thinking it’s healthy that we do it for them.
Fair enough. I don’t mind having the odd Trump fan in here even if they troll, ¡t doesn’t hurt to read what the other side are reading and if they’re not equipped for critical thinking it’s healthy that we do it for them.

I don't think anyone is averse having a difficult viewpoint expressed, the problem is that all we see is a few people periodically popping up, posting a load of alt-right soundbites, memes and tweets about Hillary, then when they're presented with reasoned arguments they bemoan one of groupthink/echo chamber, not being arsed to reply because there's too many people or not having the time to formulate a full response.

It's a fruitless exercise and just frustrating going round in the same circles again and again.
Besides, 'sticking it to the libs' is not a position; nor is derailment.
Jeff Sessions in an interview, said details will come out in the next few days which will prove some of the accusations against the FBI are not true.
I saw that as a dig at the president.
Jeff Sessions in an interview, said details will come out in the next few days which will prove some of the accusations against the FBI are not true.
I saw that as a dig at the president.
He also quoted the Bible to defend separating kids from their parents in immigrant detention centers.

Not saying anything about what you said, mind, just showing how fecked up he is.
He also quoted the Bible to defend separating kids from their parents in immigrant detention centers.

Not saying anything about what you said, mind, just showing how fecked up he is.
Make no mistake, I detest him. Once heard his speech about how not enough people are in prison. He is evil.
Think Redcafe has been infilitrated by T_D fanatic

A Canadian .... T_D fanatic in this case...

You can understand people behind him the US, they really think he's gonna improve their life and that's mainly why they excuse the abhorrent things he says and does (i know it may not be true but i would like to think that for the majority it's that). but when you're not from the US, i can only see you defending him because you agree with his views, which are far from ones a decent human have.
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He also quoted the Bible to defend separating kids from their parents in immigrant detention centers.

Not saying anything about what you said, mind, just showing how fecked up he is.

He's one of, if not the single, most vile evil people in this whole situation.
I don't think anyone is averse having a difficult viewpoint expressed, the problem is that all we see is a few people periodically popping up, posting a load of alt-right soundbites, memes and tweets about Hillary, then when they're presented with reasoned arguments they bemoan one of groupthink/echo chamber, not being arsed to reply because there's too many people or not having the time to formulate a full response.

It's a fruitless exercise and just frustrating going round in the same circles again and again.

Exactly. No reasonable arguments, no debate, mainly shit sources for information, usually well picked pieces of news worthy of the daily_* shit, No context to a big part of the information posted and a lot of whataboutism. it's tiring at the end.
He also quoted the Bible to defend separating kids from their parents in immigrant detention centers.

Not saying anything about what you said, mind, just showing how fecked up he is.

What quote is it by chance ? the Bible is quite clear when it comes to refugees and strangers seeking asylum at Christian societies or lands.
What quote is it by chance ? the Bible is quite clear when it comes to refugees and strangers seeking asylum at Christian societies or lands.
He didn’t quote that part. He quoted a part about following the law.

I wait with baited breath for him to quote the same passage to the President.

And yeah... he’s a hypocritical cnut
Is he feck.

He's a great host for Have I Got News For You, a very funny satirical comedy/news show over here in the UK. Boris never fails to produce some great laughs when he's hosting that. However he just makes me cry whenever I hear his policy ideas or him talk about politics in general.
Yeah, he sounds good to have a drink together. Just keep him away from the politics :lol:

...but Obama said he didn’t know and wasn’t aware..

Clinton was never going to be charged. There's a difference between unethical and illegal. if any one was going to be in big trouble it would be anyone that sent her classified documents that new she was on a private server. She her self has stated that she hasn't send any classified emails and up to this point there has been no evidence that she sent or received any classified emails ( 3 were marked, 2 were marked incorrectly and 1 was not really marked at all but ended up being trivial)

What's the issue here. If I was a Democrat and seeing the next president of the United States acting like a tyrant I would also be scared and do all I could in my power to protect law and order and justice. What am I missing. These are private text between 2 feck buddies.

Wtf Amm... No lol .. The Russia investigation started in January thanks to the Australians that have information to trump. Comey deliberately said feck all about the investigation until after Trump was elected. Obama kept his mouth shut because he thought cocaine mitch was gonna call foul. Only reason Robert Mueller was appointed was because trump went and canned Comey and said he did it because of the Russia investigation. What kinda garbage tweet is that

That's pretty hilarious to be honest :lol:

I definitely believe Obama knew she had the private server. I don't view this as evidence though
So folks in the FBI didn’t want Trump as president.

Is this info supposed to make me like them less...?

personally not wanting him as president is fine. But one would hope they would go to work being fair and balanced and not agenda driven even if its against a cnut like trump. It undermines legitimate investigations being done
You really think he should still be working at the FBI after the way he has behaved?
How has he behaved? As far as I've seen all he did was hate Trump with his lover but it didn't affect his work. He was also canned from the Mueller investigation since he would have looked compromised with his private views in the open. There are plenty of people at the FBI who have probably said similar about Trump but you wouldn't know since it hasn't affected their work.
The FBI does plenty enough that he can be assigned to a department that wouldn't touch domestic politics.
A Canadian .... T_D fanatic in this case...

You can understand people behind him the US, they really think he's gonna improve their life and that's mainly why they excuse the abhorrent things he says and does (i know it may not be true but i would like to think that for the majority it's that). but when you're not from the US, i can only see you defending him because you agree with his views, which are far from ones a decent human have.

Or said person/poster is a) a sadist/troll, or b) a hack/bot. Perhaps both.
How has he behaved? As far as I've seen all he did was hate Trump with his lover but it didn't affect his work. He was also canned from the Mueller investigation since he would have looked compromised with his private views in the open. There are plenty of people at the FBI who have probably said similar about Trump but you wouldn't know since it hasn't affected their work.
The FBI does plenty enough that he can be assigned to a department that wouldn't touch domestic politics.

He behaved recklessly by sending these messages and what makes it even more stupid was that the messages were sent on government issued devices. He wasn't some level employee but a senior ranking official who should have known better.

Even the former law inforcement officials on CNN are saying the conduct of Strzuk has damaged the reputation of the FBI.
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Ron Howard sparks political debate by asking Twitter 'When was America at its greatest'

Ron Howard has one question on his mind, and it has nothing to with his latest film, “Solo: A Star Wars Story.”

“Honest question to #MAGA minders,” the 64-year-old tweeted Thursday. “When was America at its greatest? Can you tell me an era that reflects the ‘Again’ that you hope to return to?”

The Oscar-winning filmmaker and former “Happy Days” actor quickly started a conversation with users who had different opinions of President Trump’s famous slogan.

“Tell me yours Ron, we are about the same age!” one user responded. “Mine is the Ronald Reagan 8 years! Economic growth! Stability! People were happy to talk about GOD in a positive mode! The World hates Christians & GOD! Love killing, especially babies! It’s all about me generation instead of GOD!” (this is the kind of nonsense I hear from family members and other nutters)

“Any time before Obama,” chimed another.

“I would say prob after WWII” added one user.

“My dad and I have had heated conversations around this,” explained a user. “He believes it’s bringing back manufacturing because everyone has a job and you didn’t need a college degree. Which at least my kids don’t want. They want tiny houses and no debt.”

But some used the open question to criticize the current administration.

“I don’t think this is really much about politics,” tweeted one user. “It’s about a huge cohort of old people who are scared and confused about a changing world, and resentful that privileges they once took for granted seem to be disappearing. Fearmongering media drums this message,”

“I’d like to know that too Ron,” said another. “For all of us outside of America, we’ve been questioning the ‘again’ all along. When was this golden age?”

“So the era of McCarthyism, segregation, limited women’s rights, the growth of the US Military industrial complex, and the repression of the LGTBQ communities,” tweeted a user. “Exactly. Trumper’s want to return to the decade of unchecked straight, white, male power.”

Out of all the responses Howard received, he retweeted one comment that read, “I know personally I had more money under bill Clinton then any other president.”

Howard pointed out the opinion about post-WWII.

“I always assume that, too,” he explained. “A time when most other economies were in a shattered state, so our dominance was clear and there was little global market competition. Taxes were high (90% top bracket) so there was infrastructure money to work with and the war economy continued.”

This isn’t the first time Howard has spoken out about Trump. After the 2017 Golden Globes where Meryl Streep delivered a speech that condemned the president, Trump took to Twitter and characterized her as an “over-rated actress.”

Soon after Howard addressed Trump’s comment on Twitter.

“Trump was a reality tv star spouting criticisms of a president & reinforcing the Birther Lie,” he tweeted. “but now celebs should b muzzled? Trump takes the bait & calls #MerylStreep overrated?! Please Pres-Elect. Don’t make this into the WWF which is fun but not presidential. Trump used his fame to speak out on issues years before he ran 4 office. Why was he allowed & Ms Streep should keep quiet. No hypocrisy pls.”
He behaved recklessly by sending these messages and what makes it even more stupid was that the messages were sent on government issued devices. He wasn't some level employee but a senior ranking official who should have known better.

Even the former law inforcement officials on CNN are saying the conduct of Strzuk has damaged the reputation of the FBI.

Yep, using FBI phones was extremely stupid.
He behaved recklessly by sending these messages and what makes it even more stupid was that the messages were sent on government issued devices. He wasn't some level employee but a senior ranking official who should have known better.

Even the former law inforcement officials on CNN are saying the conduct of Strzuk has damaged the reputation of the FBI.

Is sending gossip to an FBI colleague violating ethics at the FBI
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