The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The irony will be when Trump inevitably Tweets about this on his unsecured i-phone that he really shouldn't be using especially not in the way he does.

We expect this idiotic behaviour from Trump. It becomes more concerning when this reckless behaviour was being done by high ranking officials who are supposed to be smart and intelligent.
So far we had an investigation of Hillary’s emails by the FBI, and an investigation by the IG of the FBI’s investigation. All good and necessary.

Next: we will hear calls for investigating the IG’s investigation...

So Trump was right. Again.

FBI agent says he would make sure Trump was never president. US Law enforcement was a political tool for the Obama White House. And they still managed to lose with such a huge and unfair advantage.

The US criminals in the Justice Department effected the election, yet Mueller & his corrupt cartel are “ investigating ” Russian collusion :lol::lol:
He's back!
The guy with different opinions than yours? Jeez, didn’t know that was so offensive.

But it’s fine you can turn a blind eye to the report and pretend nothing ever happened. Ignorance truly is bliss :)
The guy with different opinions than yours? Jeez, didn’t know that was so offensive.

But it’s fine you can turn a blind eye to the report and pretend nothing ever happened. Ignorance truly is bliss :)
I didn't turn a blind eye. The report said some of Comey's actions were improper but still did not have influence on the investigation.
The report also noted that the agents who sent those texts were too low level to make any decisions.
The Muller investigation continues.
This is quite a heated press briefing. Karem also issuing a plea to Sanders to have some empathy over parents being separated from their kids.

This is quite a heated press briefing. Karem also issuing a plea to Sanders to have some empathy over the kids being separated from their mothers.

Im watching. That question really got to her. "I know you want your tv time".
So the FBI is run like a secret police force with political/personal agendas which we weren’t supposed to find out about.

It doesn't feel right reading about serious news from someone who has "chainsaw bayonet enthusiast" in their twitter bio.

...but Obama said he didn’t know and wasn’t aware..

You do realize your man had a "Trump University" which sold "university degrees" without any education ? (might you have attended?).

Trump is never right. You know why? Because he never says anything coherent. He just rambles incoherent thoughts for minutes on end. Rarely is one utterance logically linked to the next or the previous. Sometimes one of those utterances can be connected to reality in a way that lets uneducated ignorant folk proclaim he is right. Additional no one gives single feck about Clintons emails, or Clinton, anymore. Not when the president of the United States is using phrases coined by North Korean propaganda to describe US military exercises. Just let that sink in.
Predictable in many ways. Some revealing details in there that are unexpected but having worked in DC and on the hill I can pretty much say with certainty almost all of them there use personal email or other personal communication methods for material they shouldn't be discussing via those mediums. Hell - people do it all the time in any other organizations which is why the use of personal email is really the least bad thing about all of this. They all fecking do it, hypocrites on both side.

People say dumb things. Too bad most of it can't be FOIAd or would take too long to get off the backlog. The real crimes remain the actual actions of people, not what they might have stupidly said in what they thought was private shooting the shit.
Nah mate, Abiz said “no one gives a single feck about the Clinton emails” so it must be true.


1. This is the Trump presidency thread, not the Hillary Clinton thread, if you want to talk shit about her go do it in the right place, you'll get plenty of people agreeing with you.

2. Her actions have nothing to do with Trump, and do not excuse his actions.

3. This is the CE forum not a teenagers chat room, stop posting dumb memes/GIFs
@VancouverUtdFan Mentioning people without tagging them is your style?

Clinton emails are a historical footnote that only Trumpboys go circlejerk over, no one else in this world cares.

Also keep your shite memes on reddit please.

Think Redcafe has been infilitrated by T_D fanatic
1. This is the Trump presidency thread, not the Hillary Clinton thread, if you want to talk shit about her go do it in the right place, you'll get plenty of people agreeing with you.

2. Her actions have nothing to do with Trump, and do not excuse his actions.

3. This is the CE forum not a teenagers chat room, stop posting dumb memes/GIFs

Hope that’s a perma-ban.
I was going to ask why Vancouver was banned then and then and then I saw he had posted a Bill Mitchell tweet. Fair enough.

Seriously though why was he banned?
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