The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Page 1723 was a shit show and it looks like this one won't be any better.

The whole point is that Trump referring to De Niro's low IQ, as he perceives it, is just more pointless shit from Trump. Instead of just referencing De Niro he now has people like us all over the world debating his choice of description and its validity rather than the content. It's what Trump does about everything and it pisses me off.

Don't get me started on that post suggesting a correlation between intelligence and property.

The political media have spent so long trying to dredge nuggets of information out of tight lipped politicians, that they're now just in complete bewilderment at the avalache that hits them every day. Before they'd spend a month trying to decide whether some carefully worded political speech might actually mean a gaff had been made. Now they have POTUS basically calling his enemies cnuts on live TV. They just don't know how to deal with their world being utterly turned on its head.
Historically speaking, if someone is millions of votes ahead of the opponent, that person is likely to get the Presidency. Just because an anomaly happens doesn’t make it stupid. But I understand that you live in a fantasy world so it’s no use to iterate this point further to you.
It’s like saying the folks who bet on Justified to win the Belmont made a “stupid” bet had he lost.
All this 'if his rating dips below 30%' can be put to bed for sure. Sanford lost because he was anti Trump. To get through republican primaries, you need to be a Trump backer even if they lose in general elections. This party is Trump party now and no matter how bad it gets, Republicans will vote Republican candidates and Democrats will clash over purity of the most left candidate. We may as well as give it to the Sanders wing and hope they don't disenfranchise the centrists. It hasn't been tried yet, so why not?

Do it, just present a unified front. If independents and centrists vote Republican, then put this ideology debate to bed and put a centrist in the next election.
And here lies an issue with many liberals. They think that because you don't agree with them you are stupid. Deplorable even :lol:

How could people possibly vote for trump they must be dumb dumbs
I mean, he IS a wildly unqualified, openly racist/misogynistic/xenophobic, loudmouth asshole reality TV star.

Why shouldn't it be fair game to question the mental capacity of anyone who thinks he's fit to be the leader of the free world?

Were liberals saying, "hey, the people supporting Mitt Romney sure are dumb"? Trump represents something much different from your previous, typical GOP leader and I think it's completely reasonable to judge the people who actively support him and what he stands for.
What a load of arse bollox.

Even if were remotely plausible why is somebody as intelligent as you living in a shit house?

.....and somebody as thick as Trump living in a white house?
So Trump is more intelligent than everyone who’s not living in a house as nice as the white house?

Or do you mean to say he’s more intelligent than everyone in a position of less power?

And even then, do a lot of Trump’s supporters, since that’s whom I was talking about, live in there with him?

You equate money and/or power to intelligence. That’s a rather big part of the world’s problem. So thank you for backing up my point.
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And here lies an issue with many liberals. They think that because you don't agree with them you are stupid. Deplorable even :lol:

How could people possibly vote for trump they must be dumb dumbs
Not at all. Liberals (in America) underestimated how many dumb people fell for Trumps thing. The average person is dumb and a dumb guy’s vote counts for exactly as many as a smart guy’s.

Also, I’m not saying all Trump voter are dumb. I’m saying most dumb people that voted, voted for Trump.

Hell, they even pride themselves for standing up against “the elite”. Using deplorables as a battlecry, as if being a bigot, selfish, ignorant cnut is something to be proud of.

The liberals underestimated Trumps power to sway the mob and even the Roman Emperors knew that to rule the world you need to rule the mob.
I mean, he IS a wildly unqualified, openly racist/misogynistic/xenophobic, loudmouth asshole reality TV star.

Why shouldn't it be fair game to question the mental capacity of anyone who thinks he's fit to be the leader of the free world?

Were liberals saying, "hey, the people supporting Mitt Romney sure are dumb"? Trump represents something much different from your previous, typical GOP leader and I think it's completely reasonable to judge the people who actively support him and what he stands for.

Because my friend the people that voted him in do not care about that in this point in time.and clearly care about other factors that affect their daily lives. Does that make them stupid? I don't agree with the reasons they voted him in but I'm not American, I don't have to pay an individual mandate, I don't really care about who is the supreme Court justice. I don't agree with Conservative style economics, Immigration into the USA doesn't affect me in any way shape or form. There are many reasons why when given the choice between Hillary and her platform voters went with Trump. Him being racist and an asshole doesn't matter to them as he campaigns on things that affect them. Does that make them stupid rednecks no. And yes many liberals were saying the same thing about Romney supporters. The faster dems start actually realising why trump actually won and why he's rising in the polls the better. As an international I will always prefer a dem in the oval office. I really was hoping for Hillary but hey I don't got a vote. Those that vote have other issues .
And here lies an issue with many liberals. They think that because you don't agree with them you are stupid. Deplorable even :lol:

How could people possibly vote for trump they must be dumb dumbs

Are you actually denying that a very large portion of Trump supporters are dumb dumbs? Sure, there are intelligent, loathsome people who knowingly voted for the guy. However, there are also a lot of hateful, dumb people, who have been manipulated by Trump and his team. There are dumb dumbs on the left too, but as of yet, they haven't been bamboozled into electing a cretin.

The best part is, he lies, constantly. He doesn't even try to hide it, he just calls the people proving his lies to be lies, liars. You know what the dumb dumbs do when confronted with Trumps lies?

Because my friend the people that voted him in do not care about that in this point in time.and clearly care about other factors that affect their daily lives. Does that make them stupid?

Yes, and yes, voting in someone completely unqualified who can't hold a thought for the entirety of 2 sentences and only sold them empty meaningless promises does make them stupid. You can choose to do stupid things, but you can't choose how the rest of the world will judge you on your choices. Even if all their grievances were real (and many of them are just manufactured by Fox & Friends) voting for Trump would have been stupid.

Take my grandma for example, she voted for Trump because he is "a good christian". I mean feck...
And here lies an issue with many liberals. They think that because you don't agree with them you are stupid. Deplorable even :lol:

How could people possibly vote for trump they must be dumb dumbs

They are for the most part.
Because my friend the people that voted him in do not care about that in this point in time.and clearly care about other factors that affect their daily lives. Does that make them stupid? I don't agree with the reasons they voted him in but I'm not American, I don't have to pay an individual mandate, I don't really care about who is the supreme Court justice. I don't agree with Conservative style economics, Immigration into the USA doesn't affect me in any way shape or form. There are many reasons why when given the choice between Hillary and her platform voters went with Trump. Him being racist and an asshole doesn't matter to them as he campaigns on things that affect them. Does that make them stupid rednecks no. And yes many liberals were saying the same thing about Romney supporters. The faster dems start actually realising why trump actually won and why he's rising in the polls the better. As an international I will always prefer a dem in the oval office. I really was hoping for Hillary but hey I don't got a vote. Those that vote have other issues .

Overall, the model demonstrates that besides partisanship, fears about immigrants and cultural displacement were more powerful factors than economic concerns in predicting support for Trump among white working-class voters. Moreover, the effects of economic concerns were complex—with economic fatalism predicting support for Trump, but economic hardship predicting support for Clinton.

I don't doubt that everyone voted for specific reasons, but on the whole, the most predictive characteristic for Trump/not Trump voters were their feelings on immigration and cultural fears. It comes down to what you see as acceptable. I and many others - Democrats and Republicans - saw his behavior and ideas as disqualifying. Someone like that should not be an elected leader and if they are, I hope they only represent a fringe group of lunatics. I don't care what his tax policy is when his words and actions reveal that he was preying on and playing up cultural anxiety by stoking racism and Islamaphobia to win support. For some of his supporters, they may not have agreed with all his bluster but they were able to look past that because it didn't affect them directly much. That is a terrible attitude and yes, stupid. Personally, I'm most offended by those people compared to the The Base - that group who strongly agree with his belief that Mexicans are rapists, Muslims are trying to invade America, and that those black sons of bitches need to stop kneeling and get back to entertaining. At least those people are consistent in their awfulness. It's an attitude I'll gladly call out to the end of my days. If the majority of the US is moving away from that idea, that these ideas are repulsive and should be attacked, then we are fecked.
Historically speaking, if someone is millions of votes ahead of the opponent, that person is likely to get the Presidency. Just because an anomaly happens doesn’t make it stupid. But I understand that you live in a fantasy world so it’s no use to iterate this point further to you.

What's interesting is how Michael Moore, who spends a lot of time talking to a lot of working class, average people had a very different take on the election than the "pollsters"

The Democrats need to listen to real people like Michael Moore and George Lakoff and stop listening to "pollsters" "political ITKs"

Michael Moore said:
Midwest Math, or Welcome to Our Rust Belt Brexit. I believe Trump is going to focus much of his attention on the four blue states in the rustbelt of the upper Great Lakes – Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Four traditionally Democratic states – but each of them have elected a Republican governor since 2010 (only Pennsylvania has now finally elected a Democrat). In the Michigan primary in March, more Michiganders came out to vote for the Republicans (1.32 million) that the Democrats (1.19 million). Trump is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio. Tied? How can the race be this close after everything Trump has said and done? Well maybe it’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs who’ll write them nice big check before leaving the room.

The Hillary Problem. Let’s face it: Our biggest problem here isn’t Trump – it’s Hillary. She is hugely unpopular — nearly 70% of all voters think she is untrustworthy and dishonest. She represents the old way of politics, not really believing in anything other than what can get you elected. That’s why she fights against gays getting married one moment, and the next she’s officiating a gay marriage. Young women are among her biggest detractors, which has to hurt considering it’s the sacrifices and the battles that Hillary and other women of her generation endured so that this younger generation would never have to be told by the Barbara Bushes of the world that they should just shut up and go bake some cookies. But the kids don’t like her, and not a day goes by that a millennial doesn’t tell me they aren’t voting for her.

The Depressed Sanders Vote. Stop fretting about Bernie’s supporters not voting for Clinton – we’re voting for Clinton! The polls already show that more Sanders voters will vote for Hillary this year than the number of Hillary primary voters in ’08 who then voted for Obama. This is not the problem. The fire alarm that should be going off is that while the average Bernie backer will drag him/herself to the polls that day to somewhat reluctantly vote for Hillary, it will be what’s called a “depressed vote” – meaning the voter doesn’t bring five people to vote with her. He doesn’t volunteer 10 hours in the month leading up to the election. She never talks in an excited voice when asked why she’s voting for Hillary. A depressed voter. Because, when you’re young, you have zero tolerance for phonies and BS. Returning to the Clinton/Bush era for them is like suddenly having to pay for music, or using MySpace or carrying around one of those big-ass portable phones. They’re not going to vote for Trump; some will vote third party, but many will just stay home. Hillary Clinton is going to have to do something to give them a reason to support her — and picking a moderate, bland-o, middle of the road old white guy as her running mate is not the kind of edgy move that tells millenials that their vote is important to Hillary. Having two women on the ticket – that was an exciting idea. But then Hillary got scared and has decided to play it safe. This is just one example of how she is killing the youth vote.
If anything I think that if you’d research it the average Trump critic has a significantly higher IQ than the average Trump supporter.

I’d put money on it. All of it. And my house too.(it’s a shit house)(but not in a shit hole country)
You would lose your money and your house.
Seriously you people? Trump cannot say anything coherently, messes numbers up every time he uses them, invents problems, acts as if problems are fixed the moment they come to his attention and he has mentioned them, has no knowledge of basic science and cannot handle the grammar of the one language he just about "speaks".

But we're supposed to stand in awe of the intellect of the people who voted him in :lol: :wenger:
Virginia Republicans just nominated an alt-right hero to run for Senate
Corey Stewart’s Confederate leanings and “Unite the Right” support, explained.

Also belongs in the Charlottesville thread:
When Corey Stewart beat Nick Freitas in Virginia’s Republican Senate primary on Tuesday, he got a congratulatory tweet from President Trump, who said, “Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning!”

Among the people who retweeted Trump’s accolades: Jason Kessler, a self-described “pro-white” activist who organized last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, during which a young woman was murdered by an alt-right rallygoer — and a friend and associate of Stewart’s.
In 2017, [Stewart] attended the “Old South Ball” in Danville, Virginia, and gave a speech saying Virginia was the state of “Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson,” adding that the Confederate flag “is our heritage, it’s what makes us Virginia, and if you take that away, we lose our identity.”
Defending Confederate memorials was still a part of [Stewart's] 2018 Senate platform.
Months before the Unite the Right rally in August 2017, Stewart was gallivanting with Jason Kessler, appearing with him at an event supporting the ousting of a black Charlottesville City Council member who called for the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a city park (Stewart has described Lee as “brave and honorable”). At the event, Stewart praised the attendees — members of a group called “Unity & Security for America” — for their stand against “real racism,” while Kessler argued that the statue of Lee held “ethnic significance to Southern white people.” (Kessler also thinks the term “Nazi” should be viewed by members of the alt-right as a “term of endearment.”)

And Kessler continued to vocally support Stewart, tweeting that “if you live in Virginia you have to vote for Corey Stewart” on the eve of Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial primary in June 2017. (Stewart lost.)
For his part, Kessler reacted to Heyer’s death by tweeting, “Heather Heyer was a fat, disgusting Communist. Communists have killed 94 million. Looks like it was payback time.” He later blamed the tweet on “stress.”
And then there’s Stewart’s relationship with anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, too-racist-for-Twitter Wisconsin Republican House candidate Paul Nehlen, whom Stewart described in 2017 as a “hero” for challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan; he also paid Nehlen’s campaign for use of his email list during his 2018 campaign, and Stewart’s spokesperson was a consultant for Nehlen.

Video of Stewart’s endorsement of Nehlen (which took place before Nehlen made an “enemies list” of verified Twitter users in which he guessed at each’s religious affiliation, and before Nehlen was banned from Twitter for posting racist images of Meghan Markle) was uncovered by the conservative website the Daily Wire, run by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. Nehlen’s campaign responded by calling Shapiro “anti-White” and a “Bolshevik neo-Con.”

Stewart’s initial response to the video? In a statement to the Weekly Standard, Stewart’s campaign said, “Sadly it’s unsurprising to see the establishment Republicans continue to play the race card against President Trump’s most vocal supporters.”
What’s also a bit odd is that a lot Trump’s supporters pride themselves, and Trump, for not being politically correct. He calls em how he sees em, they respect this. “A lot of Mexicans are rapists” hell’s yeah he’s right!!! “Democrats hate the USA” woooohooop MAGA MAGA!!!! “I grab em by the pussy” feck yeaaah!!!

Yet when I claim most dumb people voted for Trump, which by the way does NOT mean all people that voted for Trump are dumb, his supporters get angry for this supposedly offensive statement? You claim, after all your man’s said that THIS offends you? Are you fecking kidding me?!

Dumb people are as much a part of the human race as smart people and the MAGA, feck the rest of the world, praise our flag rethoric appeals to them. It doesnt mean that people spouting this rhetoric are dumb, it means they’re cnuts who know how to appeal to the underbelly of the ignorant masses and turn that into a profit. I hate equating people to the guy, but it’s the same rethoric Hitler used in the 30s.
Are you actually denying that a very large portion of Trump supporters are dumb dumbs?

not at all. im just saying that because someone voted for trump doesnt mean they are stupid. i wouldnt have voted for him. but i can understand when a man in the ohio that has seen his entire world turn upside down economically and the only candidate that is giving him any kind of hope is donald trump votes for him over hillary. reluctantly i would imagine, because his rhetoric and racism is disgusting and unbecoming of an elected official. but tell that to someone who doesnt give a feck about anything but their bottom dollar. [/QUOTE]

Are you actually denying that a very large portion of Trump supporters are dumb dumbs?
Sure, there are intelligent, loathsome people who knowingly voted for the guy. However, there are also a lot of hateful, dumb people, who have been manipulated by Trump and his team. There are dumb dumbs on the left too, but as of yet, they haven't been bamboozled into electing a cretin.[/QUOTE]

i agree with you completly and i never said these were nice people that are voting for him. i just said they arent stupid. the faster dems learn that the better they will do in the midterms and get this president under some control .

The best part is, he lies, constantly. He doesn't even try to hide it, he just calls the people proving his lies to be lies, liars. You know what the dumb dumbs do when confronted with Trumps lies?

there are many that realise he lies and does disgusting things but guess what they dont care. they got their tax cuts or their mini antonin scalia justice or whatever thing that only trump was going to give him/her that hillary wasnt. not everyone cares if your a racist crazy man when your a racist crazy man that will get you wat you want.
Trump is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio. Tied? How can the race be this close after everything Trump has said and done? Well maybe it’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs who’ll write them nice big check before leaving the room.

Yeah, how's all that working out? Trump conned them. Yes, they were vulnerable and I don't doubt that they have legitimate gripes with the likes of Hillary. But to think that the solution to such complex and deep problems is Donald Trump, fecking hell.
Yes, and yes, voting in someone completely unqualified who can't hold a thought for the entirety of 2 sentences and only sold them empty meaningless promises does make them stupid.

again this is the wrong thinking. they dont fecking care if he's fecking nuts. that young charming justice that is going took over the supreme court that will be there for probably another 40 years was worth more to them than all the racist crap that trump is putting out. for them hillary doesnt get it. she probably still doesnt get it. a lot of the voters that dems may be able to swing dont like trump as a person but agree with many of his policies. that doesnt make them stupid its actually a calculated response for them. again not what i would do, but just because i disagree doesnt mean they are dumb

You can choose to do stupid things, but you can't choose how the rest of the world will judge you on your choices. Even if all their grievances were real (and many of them are just manufactured by Fox & Friends) voting for Trump would have been stupid.

again my friend i agree that many people voted and were conned and continue to be stupid in not trying to learn the facts about what they speak of . im only reffering to those that have voted for the man knowing hes a horrible human but dont think that dems have the answer for them

Take my grandma for example, she voted for Trump because he is "a good christian". I mean feck...

well your grandma was conned :lol: clearly. if she still thinks that then well "God" bless her
What's interesting is how Michael Moore, who spends a lot of time talking to a lot of working class, average people had a very different take on the election than the "pollsters"

The Democrats need to listen to real people like Michael Moore and George Lakoff and stop listening to "pollsters" "political ITKs"

he hit the nail on the head here. Journos keep thinkig that because trump says and does fecked up things that it matters to those that vote for him. they care about their bottom line. and calling them dumb doesnt help anyone
Seriously you people? Trump cannot say anything coherently, messes numbers up every time he uses them, invents problems, acts as if problems are fixed the moment they come to his attention and he has mentioned them, has no knowledge of basic science and cannot handle the grammar of the one language he just about "speaks".

But we're supposed to stand in awe of the intellect of the people who voted him in :lol: :wenger:
Trump did quite well amongst well educated people, if that’s any vague indication of IQ. He didn’t get voted in by idiots.

Insulting the intelligence of conservatives didn’t work so well last time around. It’s as though we learned nothing in the analysis of the election aftermath.
Well no :lol: but I agree it was just a stupid leftist echo chamber act that helps nobody

But Trump didn't say that. He said the man was brain damaged so who are you agreeing with? Yourself?

Maybe de Niro is just like the so very many of us who, despite enormous initial reservations, gave the idiot the benefit of the doubt but have now, out of pure frustration, reached that point of simply saying feck HIM. I know I have and de Niro is perfectly entitled to think it and to say it. It probably helps him and I personally like to see it and hear it. In fact I'd love it if the likes of a Macron, Trudeau, Merkel et al suddenly turned around in a press conference and dropped the diplomatic platitudes and simply said " I can't do it anymore...feck TRUMP" It won't happen of course but you can bet they're saying it in private. Stupid and leftist? BS. The more people in positions of any sort of influence stop fecking around humouring the orange cnut, or ignoring him, or apologising for him, or remaining respectful and keeping polite about the fact we have a Russian compromised, sexually predatory, mentally unbalanced narcisistic manchild striding around the globe putting the entire fecking world in danger the better.
again this is the wrong thinking. they dont fecking care if he's fecking nuts. that young charming justice that is going took over the supreme court that will be there for probably another 40 years was worth more to them than all the racist crap that trump is putting out. for them hillary doesnt get it. she probably still doesnt get it.
They would have gotten that conservative judge from any republican president. I don't buy this whole "he got elected because of Hillary" shtick. The republicans could have voted for someone else in their primaries... the US has some 300 million adults eligible for the presidency, it wasn't a choice between Hillary and Trump until the very last moment. No, republicans own this president, they voted for him twice, no excuses.
a lot of the voters that dems may be able to swing dont like trump as a person but agree with many of his policies. that doesnt make them stupid its actually a calculated response for them. again not what i would do, but just because i disagree doesnt mean they are dumb
Yes, in the absence of policy voting for someones policy does make them stupid. There is no Trump policy beyond "Trumps the greatest human this world has ever seen" (ok he hasn't said that, but he has literally said that he's the best at pretty much anything he ever spoke about). There is no Trump policy that fixes the rust belt, killing nafta won't magically bring back Bethlehem steel nor the river rouge plant. I've listened to the man extensively (hoping to understand him or his plans at some point) since the republican primaries. He has no policy other than complaining and dreaming.
again my friend i agree that many people voted and were conned and continue to be stupid in not trying to learn the facts about what they speak of . im only reffering to those that have voted for the man knowing hes a horrible human but dont think that dems have the answer for them

well your grandma was conned :lol: clearly. if she still thinks that then well "God" bless her

She wouldn't consume any news that would change her mind I don't think. Mind, she is over 90 and I reserve myself the right to not change my mind after turning 90 should I be so lucky to become that old :D

I don't doubt that everyone voted for specific reasons, but on the whole, the most predictive characteristic for Trump/not Trump voters were their feelings on immigration and cultural fears. It comes down to what you see as acceptable. I and many others - Democrats and Republicans - saw his behavior and ideas as disqualifying. Someone like that should not be an elected leader and if they are, I hope they only represent a fringe group of lunatics. I don't care what his tax policy is when his words and actions reveal that he was preying on and playing up cultural anxiety by stoking racism and Islamaphobia to win support. For some of his supporters, they may not have agreed with all his bluster but they were able to look past that because it didn't affect them directly much. That is a terrible attitude and yes, stupid. Personally, I'm most offended by those people compared to the The Base - that group who strongly agree with his belief that Mexicans are rapists, Muslims are trying to invade America, and that those black sons of bitches need to stop kneeling and get back to entertaining. At least those people are consistent in their awfulness. It's an attitude I'll gladly call out to the end of my days. If the majority of the US is moving away from that idea, that these ideas are repulsive and should be attacked, then we are fecked.

im going to be honest i couldnt understand how he was going to be elected. im just a regular dude from jamaica that goes to Miami once or twice a year and everything looks fecking great. ive never been to the midwest or any deep red states. so when im seeing trump saying crazy shit on tv i am thinking well yeh hes defo gonna be losing big. and then he doesnt. so im like wait a minute whats happening. even if he has a core 30 percent of lunatics voting for him how did he get any of the independants why dont they care that he's grabbing pussy , or making fun of mentally ill etc. Then i started to understand that the obama years werent all peaches for everyone. And hillary never really sold them on anything new as it was going tpo be more of the same . so they tolerate his bullshit so they can get what they want. yes alot are tricked but alot are even now seeing their conservative wet dreams come true. are they stupid? nah. they just care about what affects and doesnt affect them. would i vote for trump hell fecking no. are there some stupid ppl on the left and the right that vote daftly? hell yes. doesnt mean they all are stupid
he hit the nail on the head here. Journos keep thinkig that because trump says and does fecked up things that it matters to those that vote for him. they care about their bottom line. and calling them dumb doesnt help anyone

Some of them not only mind that he says and does dumb and horrible things but actively like him for it. They see it as a symbol of his honesty.

I don't particularly agree, but if you're an average worker, then you could argue that if someone's enacting a policy which fecks you over there's not really all that much of a difference to you if that politician is openly dumb and lacking in substance, compared to if they're a lot more eloquent and present themselves effectively on the international stage. Ted Cruz, for all his mental views, as an example, would've clearly been a more presentable President than Trump. But his actual policies would've been the same for the most part, albeit with some slight divergences.
Trump did quite well amongst well educated people, if that’s any vague indication of IQ. He didn’t get voted in by idiots.

Insulting the intelligence of conservatives didn’t work so well last time around. It’s as though we learned nothing in the analysis of the election aftermath.

He did not.

I am not insulting the intelligence of conservatives, I am judging Trumpites by the actions and words of Trump, the man they have chosen to follow.
Trump did quite well amongst well educated people, if that’s any vague indication of IQ. He didn’t get voted in by idiots.

Insulting the intelligence of conservatives didn’t work so well last time around. It’s as though we learned nothing in the analysis of the election aftermath.
Since my post started this. I did not say every Trump voter is dumb. I said most dumb voters voted Trump.

Trump doesnt appeal to rational thought, he appeals to emotion. He uses empty buzzwords and catch phrases. Most of what he says means absolutely nothing, he’s extremely incoherent and prone to switch stances on thing completely by the hour. Dumb people don’t care, they hear MAGA and see someone who says most of them damn Mexicans are rapists.

Insulting the inteligence of conservatives has nothing to do with Trump winning. Underestimating the amount low iq individuals (to use one of his buzzwords) who Trump compelled to vote for the first time ever got him in office. That and the democrats managing to nominate a candidate so immensely unlikable she couldnt beat this moron.
He did not.

I am not insulting the intelligence of conservatives, I am judging Trumpites by the actions and words of Trump, the man they have chosen to follow.

This is education though not intelligence.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Paul Allen are no-degree college drop outs while Donald Trump himself is a degreed graduate of Wharton, a respected business school at a respected University. You see my point?

Either way its just not a good topic to go down. It just comes off as condescending no matter how you nuance it. Let's stop debating over who is "dumb and dumber". I knew a lot of dumb Hilary supporters. I'd guess dumb people split roughly even.
Trump did quite well amongst well educated people, if that’s any vague indication of IQ. He didn’t get voted in by idiots.

Insulting the intelligence of conservatives didn’t work so well last time around. It’s as though we learned nothing in the analysis of the election aftermath.

If anything you can suspect that he has been propelled into the WH by smart people who wanted a certain level of deregulation.
But Trump didn't say that. He said the man was brain damaged so who are you agreeing with? Yourself?

maybe im completely miss understanding his meaning. but it seemed to me that he was imlpying that de niro is delirious and stupid based on his "feck trump" comment. And that i agree with. If you are saying that his tweet means that de niro is brain damaged then no i dont agree with that. Im not american so maybe the phrasing is lost with me. I just thought he meant that robery de niro is deluded or something to that effect. and as i have stated above if the dems and liberals think that jacking off them selfs saying feck trump infront of your peers to a standing ovation is sending a message or something well he's for sure Robert Delirious in my book
They would have gotten that conservative judge from any republican president. I don't buy this whole "he got elected because of Hillary" shtick. The republicans could have voted for someone else in their primaries... the US has some 300 million adults eligible for the presidency, it wasn't a choice between Hillary and Trump until the very last moment. No, republicans own this president, they voted for him twice, no excuses.

Yes, in the absence of policy voting for someones policy does make them stupid. There is no Trump policy beyond "Trumps the greatest human this world has ever seen" (ok he hasn't said that, but he has literally said that he's the best at pretty much anything he ever spoke about). There is no Trump policy that fixes the rust belt, killing nafta won't magically bring back Bethlehem steel nor the river rouge plant. I've listened to the man extensively (hoping to understand him or his plans at some point) since the republican primaries. He has no policy other than complaining and dreaming.

She wouldn't consume any news that would change her mind I don't think. Mind, she is over 90 and I reserve myself the right to not change my mind after turning 90 should I be so lucky to become that old :D

i was more speaking about the others that had no choice in the end not the ones that voted for him in the primaries. the ones that had the choice of Trump hillary or stay home. If was a republican i would have voted for kasich in the primary.
This is education though not intelligence.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Paul Allen are no-degree college drop outs while Donald Trump himself is a degreed graduate of Wharton, a respected business school at a respected University. You see my point?

Either way its just not a good topic to go down. It just comes off as condescending no matter how you nuance it. Let's stop debating over who is "dumb and dumber". I knew a lot of dumb Hilary supporters. I'd guess dumb people split roughly even.
The post I answered said "Trump did quite well amongst well educated people", so I posted a link to refute that point because it is factually wrong. You are obviously right that education and intelligence aren't the same thing, no arguing that.

I really don't care if I come across as condescending to Trump voters, or people sympathetic with them. Listen to what their man says, on a daily basis. You can have the freedom to be a moron, follow a moron, cheer a moron, but you don't have the freedom not to be judged for it.
Donald Trump himself is a degreed graduate of Wharton, a respected business school at a respected University.


Although I completely agree with not being condescending or throwing insults around as they don't get you anywhere. With regards to the quoted part above I highly urge you to go and research that, because not one of his classmates or teachers have anything kind or positive to say about his time at Wharton. It's more like daddy paid for his degree rather than him earning it through merit.
The post I answered said "Trump did quite well amongst well educated people", so I posted a link to refute that point because it is factually wrong. You are obviously right that education and intelligence aren't the same thing, no arguing that.

I really don't care if I come across as condescending to Trump voters, or people sympathetic with them. Listen to what their man says, on a daily basis. You can have the freedom to be a moron, follow a moron, cheer a moron, but you don't have the freedom not to be judged for it.

I should have clarified.

That's fine if you feel that way as a private citizen. But if the Democrat candidate for president just gets up there and calls people deplorable or "all the dumb people vote for Trump (but not all Trump voters are dumb" its just counter-productive and doesn't advance to the overall goal. It just alienates a section moderate swing-voters. its why Michael Moore was right and the DNC pollsters were not.
If anything you can suspect that he has been propelled into the WH by smart people who wanted a certain level of deregulation.

There's definitely a strong element of that, I'd imagine. Especially among his more affluent supporters who benefit from tax cuts.
I should have clarified.

That's fine if you feel that way as a private citizen. But if the Democrat candidate for president just gets up there and calls people deplorable or "all the dumb people vote for Trump (but not all Trump voters are dumb" its just counter-productive and doesn't advance to the overall goal. It just alienates a section moderate swing-voters. its why Michael Moore was right and the DNC pollsters were not.

Oh yeah sure, I hope the next democratic candidate (whoever it may be) gets these people to vote for him, and addressing them directly in the fashion that I talk about them probably won't help with that.
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