The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He lost by 4%. Trump's late tweet (a couple of hours before the polls closed) may have been a crucial factor in why he lost.
Definitely could have been.

Still though, it cannot be repeated enough... the man is a twat.

I’ll never forget when “hiking the Appalachian Trail” became equated with “fecking my mistress in Argentina”
I should have clarified.

That's fine if you feel that way as a private citizen. But if the Democrat candidate for president just gets up there and calls people deplorable or "all the dumb people vote for Trump (but not all Trump voters are dumb" its just counter-productive and doesn't advance to the overall goal. It just alienates a section moderate swing-voters. its why Michael Moore was right and the DNC pollsters were not.
And this is what I have been trying to get across in here. It's that simple. And it's why I agree with Trump when he said Robert De Niro is a fool. As he clearly doesn't get it
Oh yeah sure, I hope the next democratic candidate (whoever it may be) gets these people to vote for him or her , and addressing them directly in the fashion that I talk about them probably won't help with that.

Fixed for truth :D
Some of them not only mind that he says and does dumb and horrible things but actively like him for it. They see it as a symbol of his honesty.

I don't particularly agree, but if you're an average worker, then you could argue that if someone's enacting a policy which fecks you over there's not really all that much of a difference to you if that politician is openly dumb and lacking in substance, compared to if they're a lot more eloquent and present themselves effectively on the international stage. Ted Cruz, for all his mental views, as an example, would've clearly been a more presentable President than Trump. But his actual policies would've been the same for the most part, albeit with some slight divergences.

agreed with all you have said.

About the posts before - I guess there were a lot of 100+ year guys on his campaign.

1953 - 18 years = born in 1933 - parents must be born 1915 or before...
He must really need to shift those summit coins...
Christ almighty. This is the president.

What a fecking joke.

The video about the age, when he claims that thousand and thousand 100+ year olds asked for the remains of their sons on his campaign - that is pure comedy. The one where he was asked for the executions and then tells, that he is a tough guy - and that it is admirable that he took over the country with 27 and managed - and that they understand each other - makes you throw up...
He does love dictators, doesn't he?

Well if you don't give a feck for the democratic process (or truth even for that matter) and care not for the wellbeing of your people then dictators tick a lot of boxes.

He's a cnut who will see many things to admire in other cnuts.
Not one of you could do a better job than trump has done.
The guy think's global warming's a hoax after a cold day in summer. There's probably at least half a million Americans who could do a better job.

The world's loss is that Hillary wasn't one of them.

Ok, I think she would probably not be this shite, but how the democrats thought, yes let's go with the villain of 101 dalmations, is beyond me.

The mural in a detention centre for detained child migrants.

I'm running out of words.....
Well if you don't give a feck for the democratic process (or truth even for that matter) and care not for the wellbeing of your people then dictators tick a lot of boxes.

He's a cnut who will see many things to admire in other cnuts.
He would love to be a dictator so no one would break him the balls.
I'd struggle to name a western world politician who would do a worse job than Trump honestly.

Maybe Boris Johnson?
In terms of affecting an everyday life in America I.e. wake up, go to work/school/uni, come home, eat, socialize, sleep... what has been the worst thing trump has done?
In terms of affecting an everyday life in America I.e. wake up, go to work/school/uni, come home, eat, socialize, sleep... what has been the worst thing trump has done?
-Made border crossings such a hassle that my (US) American aunt who lives in Windsor flies to Toronto instead of Detroit because it's easier to get to Windsor
-Is in the process of making affordable housing unaffordable (
-Is making steel and aluminium artificially more expensive, which will be felt very soon ( plus an unknown amount of other goods)
-The list of things that will be felt in the medium term is endless. If the EPA remains under environmentally ignorant leadership for long some might truly be catastrophic.

Edit: That's just of the top of my head. But basically defunding a huge amount of beneficial programs will be the one that will have an direct effect the soonest.
In terms of affecting an everyday life in America I.e. wake up, go to work/school/uni, come home, eat, socialize, sleep... what has been the worst thing trump has done?

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is working in the background to dismantle Law that protects the LGBT community from discrimination or harassment at schools. This will allow schools with bigoted teachers and a bigoted social environment to more easily make life hard for this social group as it will be easier to pick on them without repercussion from the law. They are going after anti-discrimination law and that is going to be causing a lot of disruption for the LGBT community and other minority groups that the extreme right wing evangelicals have a strong dislike against.

When Donald Trump is undermining the Affordable Care Act and make Health care more expensive it will have serious consequences for 40% of the American population that are al ready so poor that affording the current private insurance and pharmaceutical drugs a lot harder. This can have devastating effects on the Elderly, disabled and vulnerable Americans every day life as people need to ration their drugs like pain reducing medicine or drugs that make you functional by keeper various symptoms in check. People losing their drugs might not be able to live a tolerable existence without much pain or be forced to stay in bed a lot and won´t be able to live a life outside their home as they suffer from the consequences of not being able to afford the al ready extremely expensive drugs. People that suffer with this are often not visible in their community as they stay home nearly all the time and people do not see their suffering because of that.

They are going after all Immigrants in America with ICE and a lot of people that are settled and have families in their Community are being deported even though they are law abiding and have started businesses that are doing good etc. This is breaking up American families even though one of a married couple are a American citizen.

This is just three ways the current administration will impact ordinary people´s lifes.
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In terms of affecting an everyday life in America I.e. wake up, go to work/school/uni, come home, eat, socialize, sleep... what has been the worst thing trump has done?

That's a really naive and self centered question. if it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect other people.

The dreamers ? the people working in the steel industry ? the green-card holding people ? minorities ? do you think that they have the same life that before ? that's just a small set of examples.

If your question is just:

In terms of affecting my everyday life in America I.e. wake up, go to work/school/uni, come home, eat, socialize, sleep... what has been the worst thing trump has done?

Then i agree, nothing.
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