The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Good God seriously? He just passed a bill that will increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion dollars. And for that cost, what did America get? Better schools? Nope. Better housing? Nope. Better, fairer banking? Nope. It got a nice bump in the stock market, and the top 0.1% are further able to consolidate the wealth inequality which will very inevitably lead to armed conflict within his country's borders.

He has ruined decades of American diplomacy by both gutting the state department while also failing to uphold promises of previous administrations, and being incapable of grasping complex problems for long to even form an opinion past his 'gut'.

He has made a mockery of America in the eyes of all of its major allies, and has transformed the outside perception into a state in decline, at a time when China is very much in the ascendancy.

For his own political gain he has thrown to the flames the very immigrants that build the country he claims to govern. He has made policies and comments which are fanning flames of xenophobia, racism, facism and hate.

And that's before we get onto his attempts to replace the judicial branch with unqualified republican idiots (see his approved nomination of a in California who has not only never presided over a single case, he has never even been involved in one). His laughing violation of the emoluments clause. Putting Betsy Devos in charge of education.

Finally, and most worrying and terrifying for me, he has made it absolutely fine for ignorance to be a badge of honor. Why strive for knowledge and truth when the President himself so clearly doesn't have to? How do you fight that ignorance?

Anyone saying Trump (and this ridiculous bunch of idiots posing as congress) haven't done anything to harm everyday Americans is very much akin to someone on the 3rd floor of a burning building saying the arsonist running away doesn't seem so bad.
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The mural in a detention centre for detained child migrants.

I'm running out of words.....
Close to the prototype...

I should have clarified.

That's fine if you feel that way as a private citizen. But if the Democrat candidate for president just gets up there and calls people deplorable or "all the dumb people vote for Trump (but not all Trump voters are dumb" its just counter-productive and doesn't advance to the overall goal. It just alienates a section moderate swing-voters. its why Michael Moore was right and the DNC pollsters were not.
You are correct. That the people standing for the midterms shouldn’t be calling anybody stupid. They shouldn’t be bringing up Russia. They should be fighting their seats on local issues. The leaders of the DNC should also work on a coherent agenda that resonates with the electorate.

That doesn’t mean that someone who has nothing to do with the DNC can’t say feck Trump. So RdN is entitled to his opinion and people should not mix that up with the view of the DNC.
Oh, small highlight today - just did an interview saying how when he was on the campaign, parents of Korean war vets came and asked him to do what he could to bring their children's bodies back.

Given they'd need to all be around 110 years old, that seems as likely as him knowing when the Korean war was. Which you know, given he just got out of a summit with North Korea, feels like something even his sad self could have been bothered to Google.
Oh, small highlight today - just did an interview saying how when he was on the campaign, parents of Korean war vets came and asked him to do what he could to bring their children's bodies back.

Given they'd need to all be around 110 years old, that seems as likely as him knowing when the Korean war was. Which you know, given he just got out of a summit with North Korea, feels like something even his sad self could have been bothered to Google.

And the point isn't that he's bad with history. It's that he is President, doing an interview, and to make himself look better, made up a story about parents of veterans. Think if any other President or even political figure had done that, how long it would be before their resignation letter arrived. For Trump, it's unlikely that'll be the worst thing he does this afternoon. That's the standard Fox news has set. Behold, the willfully ignorant.
And the point isn't that he's bad with history. It's that he is President, doing an interview, and to make himself look better, made up a story about parents of veterans. Think if any other President or even political figure had done that, how long it would be before their resignation letter arrived. For Trump, it's unlikely that'll be the worst thing he does this afternoon. That's the standard Fox news has set. Behold, the willfully ignorant.
And yet, I'm condescending for questioning the intelligence of his supporters.

I'm willing to change it slightly though. Trump supporters aren't stupid, some of 'em are just cnuts who don't give a feck about anything other than having low taxes and a big mansion.

To be fair, that's even more condescending. Thing is, I really don't care :)
That's a really naive and self centered question. if it doesn't affect you personally, it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect other people.

The dreamers ? the people working in the steel industry ? the green-card holding people ? minorities ? do you think that they have the same life that before ? that's just a small set of examples.

If your question is just:

Then i agree, nothing.

it wasn't supposed to come across that way. I just don't know enough about it and was genuinely interested in how it effects everyone, not just the people I read about in the papers.
Oh, small highlight today - just did an interview saying how when he was on the campaign, parents of Korean war vets came and asked him to do what he could to bring their children's bodies back.

Given they'd need to all be around 110 years old, that seems as likely as him knowing when the Korean war was. Which you know, given he just got out of a summit with North Korea, feels like something even his sad self could have been bothered to Google.

I think he's confusing Vietnam and Korea basically because they all look the same to him. Also easy to do if you dodged your responsibility when the Vietnam draft came and never actually been there.

Plus he's probably lying about anyone coming to him and asking him any such thing.
Although Boris has done and said some very tactless and stupid things, he's actually an extremely clever and well-educated man. I'd back him over Trump.
Apart from his stand points I actually kind of like Bo Jo to be perfectly honest :nervous:

Seriously though, which prominent western leader would do worse than Trump? I have no clue to be honest.
Apart from his stand points I actually kind of like Bo Jo to be perfectly honest :nervous:

Seriously though, which prominent western leader would do worse than Trump? I have no clue to be honest.


Honestly, that lad thinks he's House Of Cards Kevin Spacey, but he can't help but combine it with a huge swathe of fecking moron.

Look on this clown. Even taking away the awkward confusion of shake salute handshake, the president of the United States saluting a North Korea General is fecking mind boggling. He doesn't even salute his own generals, because he's the fecking president. And of course the North Korean propaganda machine are lapping this up.
Apart from his stand points I actually kind of like Bo Jo to be perfectly honest :nervous:

Seriously though, which prominent western leader would do worse than Trump? I have no clue to be honest.

None and even people like Erdogan in Turkey and Orban in Hungary would possibly be better than Trump.
None and even people like Erdogan in Turkey and Orban in Hungary would possibly be better than Trump.
Now there's someone I doubt would be better. Turkey is a bit of a different animal though. It's western, but it's not.

Look on this clown. Even taking away the awkward confusion of shake salute handshake, the president of the United States saluting a North Korea General is fecking mind boggling. He doesn't even salute his own generals, because he's the fecking president. And of course the North Korean propaganda machine are lapping this up.


Look on this clown. Even taking away the awkward confusion of shake salute handshake, the president of the United States saluting a North Korea General is fecking mind boggling. He doesn't even salute his own generals, because he's the fecking president. And of course the North Korean propaganda machine are lapping this up.

it wasn't supposed to come across that way. I just don't know enough about it and was genuinely interested in how it effects everyone, not just the people I read about in the papers.

My bad then.

I read an askReddit about the negative impacts Trump being president had on people, it was a serious question and there's more than 28k comments till now, of people relating how his decisions impacted their lives.

Here you go:
It's always "if" and "what about". No context, reasoning or critical thinking. It's what makes them vote for a pedophile instead of a Democrat.
This is perhaps the biggest problem in American politics. The country is polarized beyond believe. You either vote democrat or republican. No matter who shite the candidate from your party is, 9 times out of 10 they vote along their colour.

Trump is of course making things much worse by giving the "dems" flak for everything on a daily basis. He doesn't seem to realize he's the president of both the democrats and republicans.

Look on this clown. Even taking away the awkward confusion of shake salute handshake, the president of the United States saluting a North Korea General is fecking mind boggling. He doesn't even salute his own generals, because he's the fecking president. And of course the North Korean propaganda machine are lapping this up.

Do none of these twats have access to decent tailors? (or hairdressers for that matter?)
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