The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm too lazy to adres this entire list, but come on man. He Tweets his love and respect for FOX news daily. You cannot honestly believe Trump stands up to corrupt and biased media. He stands up to media that is critical of him. This is just so fecking obvious to anyone with even a modicum of objectivity. Hell, my little sister can see through his obvious tactic regarding the media and she's fecking 3.

I'm lying I don't have a sister, but jesus H Christ. You can simply not be serious. You cannot. Na-ah. Nope. Feck off.

The media(Apart from Fox) is corrupt and biased against conservative thought not simply Trump.

They even treated a moderate Republican in Mitt Romney terribly.
I am not American, so don’t really care re pro-Trump vs anti-Trump (prefer to see things as they are)....but love how the world is always in ‘shock’ at outcomes like Brexit, Trump, Modi, etc.

The meltdown in here when he gets re-elected in 2020 is gonna be amazing!

Equally the silence in here from pro Trumpers when he does not win in 2020 will be underwhelming.
Alternatively, maybe no previous president met with NK as equals because they refused to give legitimacy to a murderous regime?

Meanwhile the Infinitely Wise Supreme Leader Trump is out here talking about building condos on North Korean beaches.

Obama was celebrated as a global champion to opening up Cuba. Cuba!!! Was a complete moot point yet praised when in comparison to this is peanuts.

...I’m starting to feel the reactions to the summit would be slightly different if Obama and not Trump were there.

I'm too lazy to adres this entire list, but come on man. He Tweets his love and respect for FOX news daily. You cannot honestly believe Trump stands up to corrupt and biased media. He stands up to media that is critical of him. This is just so fecking obvious to anyone with even a modicum of objectivity. Hell, my little sister can see through his obvious tactic regarding the media and she's fecking 3.

I'm lying I don't have a sister, but jesus H Christ. You can simply not be serious. You cannot. Na-ah. Nope. Feck off.

You wanted the NK summit to fail. Disgusting.

First off all I am happy there is a push for peace. That's good especially where we were a few months ago with fire and fury rhetoric.

With that said trump having a meeting with Kim to me isn't something that was hard to get. Any president could have got that as it was always a major wish for North Korea. It was tried many times but the two sides couldn't get to the table over any kind of worthy agreement. ESPECIALLY when it comes to human rights.

Trump has essentially given them legitimacy for absolutely nothing in return. Let's not forget that this chubby little man that may look so meek and mild to you is a huge human rights abuser. He starves his own people, murders family members, killed Americans like Otto Warmbier for no reason among a host of other abusive human rights violations that would make Hitler smile.

The CIA had made many assessments that North Korea have no intention of actually denukeing. This is why a meeting like this has not happened with any president before as the refused to give the Koreans any legitimacy without some huge concessions. Most prominent of which are human rights. Trump has basically circled around that issue avoiding it as much as he can.

As for now he's given up a huge concession that has blind sided South Korea in halting the war games, but has gotten very little for it in return.

If Obama had done this meeting legitimising the North Koreans with basically feck all in return the Republicans and even his Democrats would have slaughtered him as they rightly should.

Trump may get exactly what he wants in the end. He is after all a very good conman. This unconventional way may end up working. But let's be honest and realise he's honestly done nothing but raise tension and scare the South Koreans into making trump and Kim calm down and be friends without actually getting anything real out of it buts being back to a cease fire.
Obama was celebrated as a global champion to opening up Cuba. Cuba!!! Was a complete moot point yet praised when in comparison to this is peanuts.

...I’m starting to feel the reactions to the summit would be slightly different if Obama and not Trump were there.


If it were Obama then these very same posters would be having multiple orgasms.
Equally the silence in here from pro Trumpers when he does not win in 2020 will be underwhelming.
Obama is disliked because his actions never lived up to his promises.

He was all style and no substance.
Ah so the birther movement that started during his campaign before his first term is because they thought he was doing a poor job as president.

The irony that seems to pass over your head is the fact that you apparently are happy that Trump is tough on the corrupt media, yet is a very big fan of Fox, a medium that actively fed the people unsubstantiated bullshit about Obama, because he was black and his middle name is Hussein.

This is also why it's so immensely hard to agree on anything with you Trump lot. Sure, Trump has finally accomplished something somewhat tangible. Which by the way is evident through the fact that there's suddenly all sorts of Trump supporters in this thread. This doesn't however magically mean that all hate Trump has very VERY rightly received unjustified. The man is a fecking liar, a draft dodger, a fraud and a sexist cnut rapist. Having a cup of tea with a psycho dictator who shoots his employees with anti aircraft batteries does not somehow negate this or make it okay.

I'm fine with you saying that you like Trump's policies, all the power to you, but at least admit that Trump is, on some sides, an abhorrent cnut.
You wouldn't praise it anyway.
Firstly that's false. If his policies prove astute over the course of his tenure then I would theoretically welcome his re-election in 2020. But these decisions have long output parameters so I will hold my judgement.

Secondly why are you so insecure that you give a shit that some random people on an internet forum praise Trump? Because it's the easy way to not address many of the valid points raised by detractors and people genuinely offended by his odious character.
Why can’t Obama and Trump supporters alike see that there are multiple points of view - both positive and negative on either side and just be grown up about it.

All this childish Trump bashing in this thread is tedious. Even pre-election...then he won! Lol
Same on Twitter and in the streets. Some people actually agree with a lot of Trump says so if I was a real American patriot I’d want to listen and understand rather than calling him names, screaming and begging for something to happen so he has to go away.

It turns into a dangerous echo-chamber of thought and may surprise (see Brexit, Trump, Modi, etc etc).
I am not American, so don’t really care re pro-Trump vs anti-Trump (prefer to see things as they are)....but love how the world is always in ‘shock’ at outcomes like Brexit, Trump, Modi, etc.

The meltdown in here when he gets re-elected in 2020 is gonna be amazing!
Since the sky isn't falling in after these results I'm starting to view it the same way as well.
Its like the Trump picture from last week. One side praises it as Trump showing the world that America won't be pushed around while his detractors argues it shows world leaders talking down to Trump like a child.
People see what they want to see and it's fascinating to watch.

On the contrary:

  1. Economy is in fantastic shape.
  2. Lowest Black/Latino American unemployment in many years.
  3. Lowest general unemployment in many years.
  4. Moved embassy to Jersualem.
  5. Restricted illegal immigration by giving ICE more powers.
  6. Judicial appointments in particular Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  7. Ended Iran deal.
  8. Negotiated peace with North Korea.
  9. Tax reform.
  10. Isis destroyed.
  11. Individual mandate repealed.
  12. Deregulation.
  13. Withdrew from Paris Accord.
  14. Negotiated release of three American hostages back from North Korea.
  15. Cracked down on Sanctuary cities.
  16. Cut federal funding for Abortion.
  17. Stood up to a corrupt and biased media.

Are you pointing out all these as positives?
Since the sky isn't falling in after these results I'm starting to view it the same way as well.
Its like the Trump picture from last week. One side praises it as Trump showing the world that America won't be pushed around while his detractors argues it shows world leaders talking down to Trump like a child.
People see what they want to see and it's fascinating to watch.
Thank you - valid observation IMO
Seems legit.
Err I’m pointing out a fact that is critical to my point (ie if he had been destroyed in the election then perhaps there’s a school of thought that his support is simply fanatical etc etc)

*sigh* forget it, I have no energy:

Let’s just stick to calling him a man-child, clown and drumpf and laugh along shall we....
It’s interesting how the whole “imagine if Obama did this” argument about hypocrisy swings both ways, i.e. Trump critics pointing out how Obama would have been savaged by conservative media for doing something like this (and he was for the Cuba rapprochement), while Trump’s fans complain that liberals refuse to give their man credit for something they would have deified Obama for. While there’s a lot of truth in both cases, it’s ultimately just pointless finger-pointing which obscures how Obama and Trump are actually similar in some ways - it should actually provide a basis for a degree of agreement on certain issues.
I’d stop doing it if I was you.

On a serious note, surely you’re more grown up than simply throwing insults at a politician you don’t agree with? Some things Obama did very well, and now Trump is making moves. Same for Corbyn, May, even David Cameron - why is it so hard to be a non-child when it comes to politics?

Ok, I'll give this a little more respect than the usual wind up I encounter.

I have no problem giving credit where it is due, at the same time I'm blessed with enough intelligence to know that you don't get concessions out of someone without making concessions yourself. So I'll wait until I know what has been conceded before I deliver my pleasure/displeasure with regards to the NK summit.

I personally don't like negotiating with dictators, at best you are legitimizing gross human rights violations and at worst you come across as conceited and two faced to bomb the shit out of Syria for chemical weapon attacks on civilians while rolling out a red carpet to Kim Jong Un.

You mention that Trump is making moves, sure if your investments or conscience allow you to benefit from deregulating the speculative investment strategies of financial institutions which led to a recession, weakening the EPA at a time when the world is waking up to the threat of global warming, causing irreparable damage to the US education system by appointing a grossly incompetent buffoon as secretary of education to push predatory voucher programs or destabilizing the healthcare system by revoking individual mandates which in turn make care for people with pre-existing health conditions unattainable etc, more power to you and Trump.
A change from endless posts of coming up with memes, names and 4 pages of :lol: ‘s I guess....

What a load of absolute bollocks. I think you’re confusing this thread with The_Don
Why can’t Obama and Trump supporters alike see that there are multiple points of view - both positive and negative on either side and just be grown up about it.

All this childish Trump bashing in this thread is tedious. Even pre-election...then he won! Lol
Same on Twitter and in the streets. Some people actually agree with a lot of Trump says so if I was a real American patriot I’d want to listen and understand rather than calling him names, screaming and begging for something to happen so he has to go away.

It turns into a dangerous echo-chamber of thought and may surprise (see Brexit, Trump, Modi, etc etc).
You see the problem is, that Trump is constantly calling half the population of the United states (Democrats) names. "Dem's love MS-13", "Dem's hate our flag", "Dems want to see America burn". Trump is disliked over the way he acts, it's not the other way around. He is the president of all Americans, not just conservatives, that's the principle of democracy, you govern from a majority perspective without completely neglecting the wishes of the minority. Can you really fault people for disliking a president who reminds them of his dislike for them on a daily basis?

People don't dislike Trump out of some unsubstantiated hatred. Trump works very hard to be this hated.
It turns into a dangerous echo-chamber of thought and may surprise (see Brexit, Trump, Modi, etc etc).

Off topic, but Modi was not a surprise. It was the most predictable election result in my lifetime. Don't know why you keep including it alongside Brexit and Trump.
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