The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So what you’re saying is NK wasn’t ever a rogue nation prior to Trump becoming president?


“So what you’re saying is ...”



Hoist by your own petard.
Yea, whatever. Reason why I don’t ever pop in here anyways.

Just wanted to share my $0.02 that’s all. Bizarre how people can still somehow manage to not give credit when it’s so obvious what’s been done. Whatever, cya folks.

Now you've made me feel bad.
It’s 3AM, Hillary is fast asleep unable to respond to real time attack on Benghazi.

It’s 3AM, Trump welcomes the secure return of hostages from NK. It’s 4AM and Trump comes out to do an hour long presser about the summit which he hasn’t slept in over a day.

...sorry but the opportunity presented itself so in a way you brought this on yourself :nervous:

You know everything you just said is nonsense right? Trump even has to have a golf cart to carry him small distances on trips because he can’t or won’t walk. The guy is obese, eats like shit, and believes that the amount of energy you have is determined at birth and that exercise burns that energy up early. He actually believes that. So spare me your ‘superman’ bollocks. We’ve got eyes, and can recognize a wildly unhealthy fat bloke when we see one.
Feckin hell you'd think people would know better than to jump around celebrating any time Trump stumbles into momentarily doing something they can call a win. Give it a week and we'll be back to square one....

Nevertheless a tick on the old bingo card, close to another bingo. Keep it coming...
We're not as close to the edge of nuclear war. That's good. Trump and Kim were the ones who rushed us to the edge, though, so forgive me for not quite believing this will change a whole lot. It certainly won't change much in terms of eliminating or even limiting a brutal, murderous dictatorship. But ok, let's give Trump the Nobel Peace Prize for the photo op.
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You are truly an awfull poster. I hoped it was a Ronaldo vs Messi thread thing. Guess I was wrong.

Have fun wumming.

When I simply quote what you said moments ago and mention it in a positive light in agreement and you still get triggered.

Sigh. Not surprised you can’t cope with a different opinion other than your own in other threads either.

No, that wasn’t the joke.

You posted that shitty meme in response to someone else using the same strawman tactic you used on me.

Current Events really isn’t the forum for shitty memes (or fatuous strawmen) so might be no harm if you follow through on your threat to bugger off but I may as well respond to your previous post.

“World War Three” involving Korea only looked a vague possibility thanks to Trump’s incredibly childish posturing and the equally juvenile responses from the other bloated man child he met with today. The fact they’ve temporarily stopped their willy-waving is definitely a good thing but hardly worthy of the Nobel Peace prize nonsense you’re suggesting.
When I simply quote what you said moments ago and mention it in a positive light in agreement and you still get triggered.

Yes, because the context doesn’t matter. Reason You’re annoying is I doubt you’re as thick as you lay on. If not, I apologize, because if you are really that dumb, it’s not your fault, but I doubt it.

Also your dumb Jordan Peterson meme is the exact joke I used on you. Except I can form actual words to make an argument instead of posting a silly meme

Remember, Trump and the GOP were happy to rip up an actual deal limiting the ambitions of a burdgeoning nuclear power in a much more volatile region of the world. They said that wasn't good enough. So anything coming out of this process needs to at least have the benchmarks and timelines of the Iran deal or it's just not good enough, correct?
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Well done to both Trump and Kim.

I have heard people concerned about the optics of Trump meeting Kim, like that matters in comparison to the alternative.

Trump takes risks that no conventional politician would take and that has been proven a success today.

Hillary and Obama for all their flowery language and grandiose speeches would balk at negotiating without every little detail being examined at great length and terror about how every little detail of the meeting would be received by the media.

The fact Trump does not care about this stuff is why he gets stuff done.

Hopefully the start of a peaceful period for the Korean peninsula.

He really isn´t getting much done and just going into situations like a rhino is very rarely fruitful nor wise. This meeting have only secured a let´s do some talking in the future and that is decent enough but it isn´t more than some polite words as of yet, so this is not a success yet unless you are setting the bar extremely low. It is very stupid to not get into details as that where all the substantial information will be just like you do not buy X item before you look at the buyers contract you need to sign off first. What has he done at the home front as of yet ? no wall or the fixing the health care industry as he has promised to do but he is actively making it worse which is the opposite of what he promised to do. The only thing he´s administration are doing is dismantling regulations on banks and workers rights while he also is attacking consumers rights behind closed doors. He is de-funding Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to fund extreme tax breaks to the big corporations in an effort to lower the massive deficit he created. This is actively breaking a promise to his voters.

People are actively confusing getting things done when all he is doing is lashing out on twitter most of the time. A president being in the media spotlight a lot is not the same thing as getting things done.
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But ok, let's give Trump the Nobel Peace Prize for the photo op.
Didn’t Obama get the NPP for averaging a bomb dropped every 8 minutes throughout his presidency across the Middle East and Africa or some ridiculous number?

And laughable calling it a “photo op”.

The fact they’ve temporarily stopped their willy-waving is definitely a good thing but hardly worthy of the Nobel Peace prize nonsense you’re suggesting.

Well yea you have to start somewhere. I’m sure we’re all on the same page in hoping the agreement continues to develop positively in which case if it does, it has huge ramifications on what could have been otherwise.
I’m just impressed he managed to use “triggered” “snowflake” and a Jordan Petersen meme all within a few posts. Where’s my alt-right dickhead bingo card when I need it?

I just need freezepeach, huremails and libtard to get those steak knives.
Well done to both Trump and Kim.

I have heard people concerned about the optics of Trump meeting Kim, like that matters in comparison to the alternative.

Trump takes risks that no conventional politician would take and that has been proven a success today.

Hillary and Obama for all their flowery language and grandiose speeches would balk at negotiating without every little detail being examined at great length and terror about how every little detail of the meeting would be received by the media.

The fact Trump does not care about this stuff is why he gets stuff done.

Hopefully the start of a peaceful period for the Korean peninsula.
I do not agree completely, but the bold part is certainly true.
I just need freezepeach, huremails and libtard to get those steak knives.
In Holland the alt-right is a big fan of the word Agitprop. I see this a lot on the alt right ish website I read to get myself nice and triggered as the libtard snowflake beta amazing person I admire that I am.
I don't know what is the difference between Kim and Iran. He wants to make pace with the former, but not with the latter.
Didn’t Obama get the NPP for averaging a bomb dropped every 8 minutes throughout his presidency across the Middle East and Africa or some ridiculous number?


He got it in 2009 after doing next to feck all and was itself an embarrassing decision.

He got it in 2009 after doing next to feck all and was itself an embarrassing decision.

Can't expect right wingers to be all about them facts (even though that's their thing apparently). Even liberals laugh at Obama getting that award (probably embarrassed himself), you don't need to invent a different story for it.
I don't know what is the difference between Kim and Iran. He wants to make pace with the former, but not with the latter.
Iran is Muslim. His base sees Islam as the root of all evil, so being tough on Iran is far more popular than being tough on North Korea.

To be honest, for all the positives this meeting might bring it's also made something else clear.

If you want to be considered a serious player and want to sit at the table with the big boys, just build a nuke. Your invite will follow shortly.
Which also explains why today’s agreement is so light on details. “Will work towards...”. How very reassuring. It’s all hot air with Trump. This is just more of the same. He doesn’t do details but details matter. A lot.

He could have all the details ever about anything and everything and you'd still hate him.
He really isn´t getting much done and just going into situations like a rhino is very rarely fruitful nor wise. This meeting have only secured a lets do some talking in the future and that is decent enough but it isn´t more than some polite words as of yet, so this is not a success yet unless you are setting the bar extremely low. It is very stupid to not get into details as that where all the substantial information will be just like you do not buy X item before you look at the buyers contract you need to sign off first. What has he done at the home front as of yet ? no wall or the fixing the health care industry as he has promised to do but he is actively making it worse which is the opposite of what he promised to do. The only thing he´s administration are doing is dismantling regulations on banks and workers rights while he also is attacking consumers rights behind closed doors. He is de-funding Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to fund extreme tax breaks to the big corporations in an effort to lower the massive deficit he created. This is actively breaking a promise to his voters.

People are actively confusing getting things done when all he is doing is lashing out on twitter most of the time. A president being in the media spotlight is not the same thing as getting things done.

On the contrary:

  1. Economy is in fantastic shape.
  2. Lowest Black/Latino American unemployment in many years.
  3. Lowest general unemployment in many years.
  4. Moved embassy to Jersualem.
  5. Restricted illegal immigration by giving ICE more powers.
  6. Judicial appointments in particular Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  7. Ended Iran deal.
  8. Negotiated peace with North Korea.
  9. Tax reform.
  10. Isis destroyed.
  11. Individual mandate repealed.
  12. Deregulation.
  13. Withdrew from Paris Accord.
  14. Negotiated release of three American hostages back from North Korea.
  15. Cracked down on Sanctuary cities.
  16. Cut federal funding for Abortion.
  17. Stood up to a corrupt and biased media.
He could have all the details ever about anything and everything and you'd still hate him.
Yea obvious waste of time. No info no nothing. Something any president could be capable of and achieve right? Right. :rolleyes:
You are truly an awfull poster. I hoped it was a Ronaldo vs Messi thread thing. Guess I was wrong.

Have fun wumming.

I was convinced that he was putting on an act in the Messi vs Ronaldo thread, but apparently that's not the case. Sad!

When I simply quote what you said moments ago and mention it in a positive light in agreement and you still get triggered.

Sigh. Not surprised you can’t cope with a different opinion other than your own in other threads either.

That's absolutely hilarious coming from you. I suggest that you go and read your own responses to any negative posts about Ronaldo on here. Coping is probably the last word anyone would use to describe them.

The fact that you can't even praise Trump without throwing in negative hypotheticals about Hillary and Obama is also quite laughable.

On the contrary:

  1. Economy is in fantastic shape.
  2. Lowest Black/Latino American unemployment in many years.
  3. Lowest general unemployment in many years.
  4. Moved embassy to Jersualem.
  5. Restricted illegal immigration by giving ICE more powers.
  6. Judicial appointments in particular Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  7. Ended Iran deal.
  8. Negotiated peace with North Korea.
  9. Tax reform.
  10. Isis destroyed.
  11. Individual mandate repealed.
  12. Deregulation.
  13. Withdrew from Paris Accord.
  14. Negotiated release of three American hostages back from North Korea.
  15. Cracked down on Sanctuary cities.
  16. Cut federal funding for Abortion.
  17. Stood up to a corrupt and biased media.

Fun little fact:

> in German "die Linken" means "the leftists" - it also means "the deceitful".
> in Italian “La sinistra” means the left - it also means the sinister.

... lovely coincidence.

On the contrary:

  1. Economy is in fantastic shape.
  2. Lowest Black/Latino American unemployment in many years.
  3. Lowest general unemployment in many years.
  4. Moved embassy to Jersualem.
  5. Restricted illegal immigration by giving ICE more powers.
  6. Judicial appointments in particular Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  7. Ended Iran deal.
  8. Negotiated peace with North Korea.
  9. Tax reform.
  10. Isis destroyed.
  11. Individual mandate repealed.
  12. Deregulation.
  13. Withdrew from Paris Accord.
  14. Negotiated release of three American hostages back from North Korea.
  15. Cracked down on Sanctuary cities.
  16. Cut federal funding for Abortion.
  17. Stood up to a corrupt and biased media.

Yeah you're a free thinker all right.

I'll give you one response: you have to be really dumb to think Trump is responsible for the economy at this early stage.
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