The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Off topic, but Modi was not a surprise. It was the most predictable election result in my lifetime. Don't know why you keep including it alongside Brexit and Trump.
Because he’s right of center and there’s a huge number of people that put him and his tenure in the same bracket. They think he’s also very authoritarian - the doom and nervousness when he won was also at hysterical levels.
Yea obvious waste of time. No info no nothing. Something any president could be capable of and achieve right? Right. :rolleyes:

Fun little fact:

> in German "die Linken" means "the leftists" - it also means "the deceitful".
> in Italian “La sinistra” means the left - it also means the sinister.

... lovely coincidence.

Why have you been crying so much that Trump did something positive? Literally have been just lashing out in anger this entire time. It’s quite hilarious actually.

Obama was celebrated as a global champion to opening up Cuba. Cuba!!! Was a complete moot point yet praised when in comparison to this is peanuts.

...I’m starting to feel the reactions to the summit would be slightly different if Obama and not Trump were there.


@the unknown one.

Destroyed ISIS, definitely a negative :nono:

If only Trump’s campaign slogan was “CHANGE”, he’d have a Nobel Prize right now

This is the substance and intellect that Paz thinks this thread has been missing.
Because he’s right of center and there’s a huge number of people that put him and his tenure in the same bracket. They think he’s also very authoritarian - the doom and nervousness when he won was also at hysterical levels.

Okay but you mentioned an echo chamber that would lead to surprise. I don't think that happened at all. Everyone knew he was going to win and the reasons why; there was no echo chamber or suprise. Very different to what happened with Trump.
Obama was celebrated as a global champion to opening up Cuba. Cuba!!! Was a complete moot point yet praised when in comparison to this is peanuts.

...I’m starting to feel the reactions to the summit would be slightly different if Obama and not Trump were there.


Yes, I clearly remember everyone celebrating public handshakes

The reason the world would have reacted differently if it was Obama would probably have more to do with the fact that he actually already helped negotiate and implement a nuclear deal with a hostile country. Meanwhile, Trump's experience in that department includes refusing to honor that deal and making the very nuclear war threats on Twitter that endangered the world in the first place. Perhaps that's why this is likely being met with more skepticism than if it were Obama? Why should we always lower the bar for Trump? The photo op needs to be a first step, don't you agree on that?
This is the substance and intellect that Paz thinks this thread has been missing.

Getting a kick out of people lashing out/anger/disbelief at denuclearization of NK by Trump is rather amusing I must say
It’s interesting how the whole “imagine if Obama did this” argument about hypocrisy swings both ways, i.e. Trump critics pointing out how Obama would have been savaged by conservative media for doing something like this (and he was for the Cuba rapprochement), while Trump’s fans complain that liberals refuse to give their man credit for something they would have deified Obama for. While there’s a lot of truth in both cases, it’s ultimately just pointless finger-pointing which obscures how Obama and Trump are actually similar in some ways - it should actually provide a basis for a degree of agreement on certain issues.

Except there’s a reason Obama didn’t meet Kim. He entered office and was shown that it would be a fecking stupid idea to agree to hand a propaganda win to a bloody dictator without any pre-conditions.
On the contrary:

  1. Economy is in fantastic shape.
  2. Lowest Black/Latino American unemployment in many years.
  3. Lowest general unemployment in many years.
  4. Moved embassy to Jersualem.
  5. Restricted illegal immigration by giving ICE more powers.
  6. Judicial appointments in particular Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  7. Ended Iran deal.
  8. Negotiated peace with North Korea.
  9. Tax reform.
  10. Isis destroyed.
  11. Individual mandate repealed.
  12. Deregulation.
  13. Withdrew from Paris Accord.
  14. Negotiated release of three American hostages back from North Korea.
  15. Cracked down on Sanctuary cities.
  16. Cut federal funding for Abortion.
  17. Stood up to a corrupt and biased media.

This is a list with some massive lies.

1. This is down to Barack Obamas policies as Trumps policies so far have done nothing to warrant credit for it apart from creating a massive increased deficit.

2. Donald Trump has done nothing in terms of policy that can be accredited those numbers and as such it is Obama that deserves credit for it.

3. When you have done nothing of substantial that you can use as legit reasons to those numbers then it´s deceiving to take credit for them again. Enjoying the fruit of Obama´s policies and take credit for them is dishonest and that is straight out lying.

4. This is blatant stupid move that serves to do nothing but aggravate the situation between the Jews and Palestinians and will only make things worse for no reason. He is making things worse rather than better.

5. Separating children from their parents and using them as weapons against their families is both vile and goes against both Christian but also family values that the right so often like to say they care about.

6. This is Mitch McConnell´s work and not Donald Trump that only made the nomination and this requires little work.

7. This is blatant stupid move that serves to create more conflict and potentially a new war with little to no point to it as it will only serve the interests of the Saudis and Israel and not the region it self. The Military complex will like the additional funding though but at a huge cost that will only inflate the national debt and deficit.

8. This is a lie as no peace with North Korea has been negotiated as of yet. The talks are only the very early beginning of some form of negotiations nothing more yet.

9. Tax reform is have been done yet but it will be at the cost of the programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. This goes against the whole improving health by making it cheaper and better for all that he promised during he´s run for presidential election. The tax cuts are also temporary for those that belong in the bottom 60% while also being pitiful amounts of tax benefits. Those in the bottom 60% will also pay more in the future after 4-5 years ish and the tax cuts are permanent for top the rest and that includes the big corporations. It is a lie to say these are tax cuts for working and middle class Americans as those will end up paying more in the long run.

10. ISIS are not fully destroyed yet and many other groups deserve credit for ISIS losing like the Kurds and Iran as they have done a lot of battles against them. This is far from a sole American victory and Donald Trump trying to take credit for destroying ISIS is seriously insulting.

11. This is active throwing people of Health care and people will end up dying with no treatment as a result as many poor people will make a very poor decision to not get health care through the ACA. This is hardly something to brag about.

12. Allowing restaurant owners to take the tips that servers gets as part of their much needed wage is not really helping the workers at restaurants. Also making it harder for employees to do class action lawsuits against their employers is very bad for workers and as such it is blatant attack on workers through deregulation. This is to help corporations screw over their employees in case they have done something seriously wrong.

13. This is stupid as the climate change will affected every country and person in the world and it is verified by the scientific community. This is only adding to damaging the planet that we all live on and no the Americans do not get a bad deal.

14. This was a nice bonus i agree.

15. I thought the Republicans wanted states to have more independent ability to govern as they want to ? They seem all to happy to force their will on the states when it benefits them like their war on drugs and Cannabis.

16. Republicans likes to say they are pro-life but yet they attack programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security that helps people staying alive. Republicans calling them selves defenders of life through the pro-life movement is nothing short of blatant hypocrisy. They have alo bailed out on Puerto Rich and 4600 ish American citizens there have died in the aftermath of hurricane Maria due to inadequate funds for aid and reconstruction efforts.

17. When Donald Trump is one of most immoral person you can find in America as he lies and deceives everyone for personal monetary gain like not paying contractors. He is a mayor part of the corruption in U.S.A. He has not done anything but scream FAKE NEWS on twitter as like that has done anything of substance in the fight against corruption. In fact Donald Trump lies and deceives all the time so in fact it is him and the Republican party that do not stand up to him that is the part of the corruption in America. Him screaming fake news on Media all time does not change this as he does it even when what he whines about is easily proven true. All media is biased and the Republican TV channels like Fox news is the least reliable TV net works of the major channels in U.S.A. He is adding corruption to the political society rather than doing something about it like him not distancing him self from his own businesses while he is president. He is also making money from all the trips to his own golf clubs even though that is against the constitution and as such adding to the corruption in U.S.A. The Republicans are letting it happen and that makes them complicit as they just stand by and do nothing. Donald Trump and the Republicans are amongst the most main corrupt media sources you can find in America and that is incredible as there is where you can find Alex Jones info-wars fake news channel as well.

You won´t get away with posting your propaganda talking points here that depend on the uninformed to work.
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It's alarming how easily some people are whipped up into a frenzy. We really are living in a post truth world.

Not enough people pricked up their ears when the likes of Michael Gove was uttering dangerous sentences like 'I think we've had enough of experts'.
Well yea, usually how one finds out if someone is lying or not is over a period of time.

Not rocket science, and not surprised you can’t see Trumps banter in those remarks either.

You mean like how we've all seen Trump lying non stop for years? Yet you wonder why people aren't queuing up to trust him.
The first step to denuclearization of NK.

Hope that satisfies you.

What makes it different to the previous times such promises have been made?

Not enough people pricked up their ears when the likes of Michael Gove was uttering dangerous sentences like 'I think we've had enough of experts'.

Yes, instead people like Paz and VancouverUtdFan agreed with the notion.

On the contrary:

  1. Economy is in fantastic shape.
  2. Lowest Black/Latino American unemployment in many years.
  3. Lowest general unemployment in many years.
  4. Moved embassy to Jersualem.
  5. Restricted illegal immigration by giving ICE more powers.
  6. Judicial appointments in particular Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  7. Ended Iran deal.
  8. Negotiated peace with North Korea.
  9. Tax reform.
  10. Isis destroyed.
  11. Individual mandate repealed.
  12. Deregulation.
  13. Withdrew from Paris Accord.
  14. Negotiated release of three American hostages back from North Korea.
  15. Cracked down on Sanctuary cities.
  16. Cut federal funding for Abortion.
  17. Stood up to a corrupt and biased media.

1) it was already in fantastic shape. They just didn't admit it. As Sean Spicer famously said the figures were phony before but they are very real now.

2) that's a very misleading stat. Yes it's at its lowest it is at now but that's because it was always going down with the rest of employment as it was under Obama. Yes its at its lowest now but its still much higher than the national average. There are absolutely no policies trump enacted to boost unemployment.

3) yes again he inherited a great economy even though he said it was shit. Then comes in and says its fantastic like he flipped a switch over night. He gets some credit for continuing the trend.

4) poor decision that would need an epistle to explain why.

5) arrest at the border are significantly down under Obama years and also deportations are also massively down. One can say its been trumps "rhetoric" that's has "scared immigrants from coming in. If you want to believe that then fine .

6) never understood how this is an accomplishment. If anything this is an accomplishment of the senate republicans like Graham that refused to fill the seat till a new president was voted in. All trump had to do is name the most Conservative judge he could find. As for the others he's just naming people out of a hat and sending them to the senate. Let's nit forget the time he nominated someone that never even knew basic functions of trial law.

7) disaster. There has been no replacement and has achieved nothing so far.

8) what peace has he negotiated exactly

9) there has been no tax reform. That's also a myth. What he's actually done is some short term tax cuts for the majority of Americans and done some long term tax cuts for huge corporations that have basically used the money to buy back their own stock.

10) yes he finished up what was already basically being wrapped up.

11) yes he has definitely done that. If that's an achievement, I'm not sure about that as for the system to work it needs everyone insured. You need to "force" healthy people to buy insurance so it offsets those with pre existing conditions and those that genuinely need help. Repealing that will shoot up premiums sky high.

12) yes wall street is wild wild west again. What could go wrong.

13) yes he withdrew from a climate control initiative at the expense of the world we live in. I guess that's an achievement if you ignore that climate instability is a real thing

14) yes very good achievement

15) he's tried and failed to do so at the moment.

16) he's tried to. Don't remember if he's actually achieved this yet. I will take your word on it

17) wait was this a piss take the whole time :lol:
Except there’s a reason Obama didn’t meet Kim. He entered office and was shown that it would be a fecking stupid idea to agree to hand a propaganda win to a bloody dictator without any pre-conditions.

How does it fly over some people's heads that this summit is a historical win for North Korea? Why does the leader of the free world grand this maniac a seat at his table. Why does he state his hope that this is the beginning of an amazing bond? Kim Jung Un is fecking scum. He makes The Emperor from Star Wars seem like a benevolent ruler.

If Kim truly gives up all his nukes because of Trump I will tattoo his name on my chest and name my first child Orange Thundercnut in honour of him, but untill then I will remain unconvinced and unmoved in my belief that Trump is a moron. NK has been shunned by the world throughout history, but now after making a nuke they're suddenly considered a legitimate player, how is this a signal that will make them think, ah yes, let's give up the thing that finally gave us what we've wanted for 60 years. Aside from that almost everyone in this thread that's trying to argue Trump's case is just making me feel more right with every letter of verbal diarrhea they vomit out of their keyboards. Sad!
Except there’s a reason Obama didn’t meet Kim. He entered office and was shown that it would be a fecking stupid idea to agree to hand a propaganda win to a bloody dictator without any pre-conditions.

The broad principle of a demonstrated willingness to talk to one’s enemies is the point. Obviously there are major differences in how Obama and Trump apply that principle.

But in any case my main point was the similarity in the Obama and Trump cults, and their lack of self-awareness - they don’t seem to realize how similar they sound.
The broad principle of a demonstrated willingness to talk to one’s enemies is the point. Obviously there are major differences in how Obama and Trump apply that principle.

But in any case my main point was the similarity in the Obama and Trump cults, and their lack of self-awareness - they don’t seem to realize how similar they sound.

There's only one actual cult here.

Liberals/progressives/universally adored legend/whatever criticised Obama and still do for certain aspects of his presidency. Trump's lot literally think the man can do no wrong.

How does it fly over some people's heads that this summit is a historical win for North Korea? Why does the leader of the free world grand this maniac a seat at his table. Why does he state his hope that this is the beginning of an amazing bond? Kim Jung Un is fecking scum. He makes The Emperor from Star Wars seem like a benevolent ruler.

What are your thoughts on the Iran deal?
People should remember Kim hasn't given any timeframe to his denuclearization pledge. It could be in the next forty years.
The whole thing was a photo op.
People should remember Kim hasn't given any timeframe to his denuclearization pledge. It could be in the next forty years.
The whole thing was a photo op.
Obvi. 2 dictators have a great and mutually beneficial photo-op. Kim can tell his subjects whatever he wants, Trump can claim a victory without providing proof that it occurs.

I sincerely hope I am proven wrong.
This is a list with some massive lies.

1. This is down to Barack Obamas policies as Trumps policies so far have done nothing to warrant credit for it apart from creating a massive increased deficit.

2. Donald Trump has done nothing in terms of policy that can be accredited those numbers and as such it is Obama that deserves credit for it.

3. When you have done nothing of substantial that you can use as legit reasons to those numbers then it´s deceiving to take credit for them again. Enjoying the fruit of Obama´s policies and take credit for them is dishonest and straight out of lying.

4. This is blatant stupid move that serves to do nothing but aggravate the situation between the Jews and Palestinians and will only make things worse for no reason. He is making things worse rather than better.

5. Separating children from their parents and using them as weapons against their families is both vile and goes against both Christian but also family values that the right so often like to say they care about.

6. This is Mitch McConnell´s work and not Donald Trump that only made the nomination and this requires little work.

7. This is blatant stupid move that serves to create more conflict and potentially a new war with little to no point to it as it will only serve the interests of the Saudis and Israel and not the region it self. The Military complex will like the additional funding though but at a huge cost that will only inflate the national debt and deficit.

8. This is a lie as no peace with North Korea has been negotiated as of yet. The talks are only the very early beginning of some form of negotiations nothing more yet.

9. Tax reform is have been done yet but it will be at the cost of the programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. This goes against the whole improving health by making it cheaper and better for all that he promised during he´s run for presidential election. The tax cuts are also temporary for those that belong in the bottom 60% while also being pitiful amounts of tax benefits. Those in the bottom 60% will also pay more in the future after 4-5 years ish and the tax cuts are permanent for top the rest and that includes the big corporations. It is a lie to say these are tax cuts for working and middle class Americans as those will end up paying more in the long run.

10. ISIS are not fully destroyed yet and many other groups deserve credit for ISIS losing like the Kurds and Iran as they have done a lot of battles against them. This is far from a sole American victory and Donald Trump trying to take credit for destroying ISIS is seriously insulting.

11. This is active throwing people of Health care and people will end up dying with no treatment as a result as many poor people will make a very poor decision to not get health care through the ACA. This is hardly something to brag about.

12. Allowing restaurant owners to take the tips that servers gets as part of their much needed wage is not really helping the workers at restaurants. Also making it harder for employees to do class action lawsuits against their employers is very bad for workers and as such it is blatant attack on workers through deregulation. This is to help corporations screw over their employees in case they have done something seriously wrong.

13. This is stupid as the climate change will affected every country and person in the world and it is verified by the scientific community. This is only adding to damaging the planet that we all live on and no the Americans do not get a bad deal.

14. This was a nice bonus i agree.

15. I thought the Republicans wanted states to have more independent ability to govern as they want to ? They seem all to happy to force their will on the states when it benefits them like their war on drugs and Cannabis.

16. Republicans likes to say they are pro-life but yet they attack programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security that helps people staying alive. Republicans calling them selves defenders of life through the pro-life movement is nothing short of blatant hypocrisy. They have alo bailed out on Puerto Rich and 4600 ish American citizens there have died in the aftermath of hurricane Maria due to inadequate funds for aid and reconstruction efforts.

17. When Donald Trump is one of most immoral men you can find in America as he lies and deceives everyone for personal monetary gain like not paying contractors. He is a mayor part of the corruption in U.S.A. He has not done anything but scream FAKE NEWS on twitter as like that has done anything of substance in the fight against corruption. In fact Donald Trump lies and deceives all the time so in fact it is him and the Republican party that do not stand up to him that is the part of the corruption in America. Him screaming fake news on Media all time does not change this as he does it even when what he whines about is easily proven true. All media is biased and the Republican TV channels like Fox news is the least reliable TV net works of the major channels in U.S.A. He is adding corruption to the political society rather than doing something about it like him not distancing him self from his own businesses while he is president. He is also making money from all the trips to his own golf clubs even though that is against the constitution and as such adding to the corruption in U.S.A. The Republicans are letting it happen and that makes them complicit as they just stand by and do nothing. Donald Trump and the Republicans are amongst the most main corrupt media sources you can find in America and that is incredible as there is where you can find Alex Jones info-wars fake news channel as well.

You won´t get away with posting your propaganda talking points here that depend on the uninformed to work.

I disagree, but don't have time to write a 30 page essay as a rebuttal on an internet forum.
There's only one actual cult here.

Liberals/progressives/universally adored legend/whatever criticised Obama and still do for certain aspects of his presidency. Trump's lot literally think the man can do no wrong.

There was definitely a cult of Obama throughout his eight years. It wasn’t as extreme/intense or in-your-face as the Trump cult, but it was there.
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