The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So just to summarise this latest development:
There's a Russian company, owned by an oligarch close to Putin. It has a subsidiary, an American 'investment company'. In the lead up to the 2016 election, this 'investment company' did several things, including:
- Pay for and register white supremacy websites
- Give a huge amount of cash to Michael Cohen - a man working for Donald Trump in Trump tower - via a shell company

That same shell company, then, among other things, paid of a porn actress that to keep silent about an affair that Donald Trump had while his wife was pregnant, a week before the Presidential election.

These are all simply facts. No one appears to be denying any of the above. And yet...Paul Ryan? Mitch McConnell? Fox News? Anyone?

As a reminder, there was significant Fox News airtime given to the fact that Obama wore a tan suit.

I'm not sure how we live in a world where all of this is okay.
Very fine. Her invitation to invite brand new generation of anti-semites into Germany (of all places) shows you what an overcompensating fool she is.
That's a lie. It's simply not true; and by now you should know it.
The quicker fearless and his Israeli friends are given permission to gas Palestinian and Syrian children the less anti-Semites will exist in this world.
Well I know the majority of western people are civil and aren't islamophobic, but people like this guy are increasing a lot, it's kind of disgusting.
So just to summarise this latest development:
There's a Russian company, owned by an oligarch close to Putin. It has a subsidiary, an American 'investment company'. In the lead up to the 2016 election, this 'investment company' did several things, including:
- Pay for and register white supremacy websites
- Give a huge amount of cash to Michael Cohen - a man working for Donald Trump in Trump tower - via a shell company

That same shell company, then, among other things, paid of a porn actress that to keep silent about an affair that Donald Trump had while his wife was pregnant, a week before the Presidential election.

These are all simply facts. No one appears to be denying any of the above. And yet...Paul Ryan? Mitch McConnell? Fox News? Anyone?

As a reminder, there was significant Fox News airtime given to the fact that Obama wore a tan suit.

I'm not sure how we live in a world where all of this is okay.

Hypocrisy is cool as long as it's against the black guy.
Trump Has Now Broken Every One of His Economic Populist Promises

“Draining the swamp” has become a catchall-Republican slogan, like “lock her up,” that basically means doing anything to lash out at Trump’s opponents. During the campaign, though, it had a different and more specific definition. Trump promised to enact reforms to reduce the power of lobbyists and business. He specifically endorsed:

• A constitutional amendment imposing term limits on members of Congress

• A ban on federal employees lobbying the government for five years

• A ban on members of Congress lobbying for five years

• Tighter rules about what constitutes a lobbyist, instead of letting people call themselves consultants

• Campaign finance reform limiting what foreign companies can raise for American political candidates

• A ban on senior government officials lobbying for foreign governments

Trump has not merely forgotten these promises, his administration has embraced Washington sleaze with unprecedented gusto.
Playing the Islamophobic card to deflect inherent Muslim antisemitism. Thats why people like me are increasing a lot. It's so bloody obvious.
I as a muslim never had a problem with jews, as an arab it's obvious why I would have a problem with what Israel is doing especially that they just attacked my country two days ago, do you not think you are an islamophobe? You are the vile kind as well imo.
Aren't arabs semitic like jews?
Fearless calling Syrians anti-semitic was the most rediculous thing I've heard, there are literally jews living peacefully among us in Damascus(tbf a lot less now since the war started, but that's because of war not because anyone did anything against them), and we also have jewish churches in Damascus, I just don't understand this claim.
Fearless calling Syrians anti-semitic was the most rediculous thing I've heard, there are literally jews living peacefully among us in Damascus(tbf a lot less now since the war started, but that's because of war not because anyone did anything against them), and we also have jewish churches in Damascus, I just don't understand this claim.
Having grown up around similar types, I understand why. It’s a combo of ignorance and arrogance, which feed each other. That alone gives them no reason to attempt to discuss rationally, and instead get by with snide comments. Then they wonder why we call them stupid.
Aren't arabs semitic like jews?

Yes but the term "antisemitic" has historically only applied to anti-Jewish sentiment. From Wikipedia:

"The root word Semite gives the false impression that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic people, e.g., including Arabs and Assyrians. The compound word antisemite was popularized in Germany in 1879[6] as a scientific-sounding term for Judenhass("Jew-hatred"),[7][8][9][10][11] and that has been its common use since then.[12][13]"
Fearless calling Syrians anti-semitic was the most rediculous thing I've heard, there are literally jews living peacefully among us in Damascus(tbf a lot less now since the war started, but that's because of war not because anyone did anything against them), and we also have jewish churches in Damascus, I just don't understand this claim.

There are 9 Syrian Jews left in Syria

Wanna know why?...

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