The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He really is so fecking dim. He’s basically just admitted that his semantics for “Fake” is “Negative” rather than “Incorrect” or “Untrue”.
Didn't they pull the exact same stunt in Homeland about the Iran deal? :lol:

I don't watch it but isn't there also a narrative about the FBI being corrupt? Then you've got that 'Deep State' TV show by Fox. Its almost like there is an attempt to sway public opinion towards Trumps daft narratives using popular TV.
His flock won't catch that tho...
Might wanna hold off on that....

Second time actually. I already postponed the moment Trump was elected to be president. I feared back then it wouldn't take long before he went after Iran. I'd love to go one day though, looks absolutely breath taking.

Join the army and you'll get room and board paid for.

To be fair giving Obama one was stupid beyond belief so I don't why people are so outraged about this particular scenario.
Why should non-nuclear nations be consistently bullied destroyed with trade sanctions, wars, freezing and stealing of its own sovereign assets? Listen to the video posted by @Drifter

Are we really that naive to think Iran would bomb Israel, Saudi, Egypt or any of its closest neighbours? Anyway, the whole point of the deal was to stop Iran developing the N-Bomb which has now been cancelled. Basically, Israel and its allies are looking for any excuse to send Iran into oblivion the way it has to Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria.

Same as with North Korea. Not to bomb, but a card on the table.

And then to have MAD as a strategy, other countires should seek nuclear bombs if Iran gets one. Not that I'm content with Israel , or any country for the matter, possessing nuclear weapons. But I definitely wouldn't want to add a theocratic, Assad pals, state to the mix.

iran is already bombing muslim children with chemical weapons through their support to Bashar, just as Saudis are bombing them in yemen and supporting Qaeda in Syria.

In politics, ethics is a nice non-existent word.
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I don’t know, as treacherous as the Mullahs are in Iran, I do think their sentimental attachment to the Islamic holy sites in Palestine is genuine. I mean bear in mind this is a country that supports the Palestinian cause when they have no obligation to do so, especially considering the general anti-Persian sentiment in the Arab world.

The Gulf Arab states on the other hand don’t care the slightest. I mean the Saudis are currently desecrating their own holy sites by building hotels and public toilets pretty much on the most reverred Islamic sites. They probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid if the Israelis turned Al Aqsa into a giant IDF gift shop.

Not the sites. But bombing israelis together with the muslims there will definitely not be an obstacle. It's all about power and interests. Iran is bombing Musloim children with chemicals already.

As I mentioned above to Sultan, nuclear weapons are mainly for deterrance, and is an important card on the table. That's a huge advantage to iran if it gets one. If Saudis , emiratis and Egyptians do not seek nukes if Iran gets it, they are the dumbest ever.
I'm not advancing Iran gets the bomb.

Islamic jurisprudence does not allow the random killing of innocents or animals even in a defensive war. This would be the case with such weapons of mass destruction. The whole point of the treaty was to stop Iran producing a bomb. Trump by tearing up the deal is basically daring Iran to start production so he or another country has an excuse to bomb Iran into oblivion. If anything, countries that do possess Nuclear abilities should be protective of those not having capabilities. The present system seems to work against those not having a deterrent and are being bombed and or bullied through crippling sanctions.

No country who have access to WMD have been bullied or bombed. Is it any wonder countries are desperate to be a Nuclear state?
Between the tariffs, his demands about the fiscal priorities of foreign countries and now these new threats towards international companies after the withdraw of the Iran deal this guy is really starting to cost his allies money... This coupled with his inability to distinguish between friend or foe will lead (if it's allowed to continue for long) to a US isolation that Putin wouldn't have dared wish for.
I'd be checking the Visa's on those 3 "Americans" that he has just welcomed.....

Not a word of English between them
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