The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This Fearless chap sure is living up to the stereotypical Trump fan..
He doesn't care about Trump, it is just that Trump is Netanyahu's friend. As long as Trump does everything Israel want, Fearless will adore him even if that kind of politics will damage US.
He doesn't care about Trump, it is just that Trump is Netanyahu's friend. As long as Trump does everything Israel want, Fearless will adore him even if that kind of politics will damage US.

I’ve always been bemused why conservatives have such a hard on for Israel.
I’ve always been bemused why conservatives have such a hard on for Israel.

Lots of reasons. Cultural and religious affinity; the success of the Jewish population in America; a founding story which resonates with Americans. A recent Gallup poll shows 64% of Americans sympathize with Israel over the Palestinians -

Then there is the fact that Israel, the most prosperous and stable country in the region, has been a major strategic asset for America in the Middle East.

Without these factors, the famous Lobby would be completely ineffective.
Lots of reasons. Cultural and religious affinity; the success of the Jewish population in America; a founding story which resonates with Americans. A recent Gallup poll shows 64% of Americans sympathize with Israel over the Palestinians -

Then there is the fact that Israel, the most prosperous and stable country in the region, has been a major strategic asset for America in the Middle East.

Without these factors, the famous Lobby would be completely ineffective.

Some of the biggest political donors to both parties have been Jewish as well. They control a lot of policy and narrative.
Some of the biggest political donors to both parties have been Jewish as well. They control a lot of policy and narrative.

'Control' is the wrong term. Rich doners representing any lobby can have a high degree of influence under the right conditions - with Israel the conditions are almost always right due to the factors I mentioned above.

Contrast with, say, rich Arab doners representing Gulf states - for now they can buy a lot of influence in Washington due to various factors, but they can never buy the level of sympathy that Israel continues to draw across America. The day their funds/oil runs out, their influence on American policy will immediately become severely limited.
'Control' is the wrong term. Rich doners representing any lobby can have a high degree of influence under the right conditions - with Israel the conditions are almost always right due to the factors I mentioned above.

Contrast with, say, rich Arab doners representing Gulf states - for now they can buy a lot of influence in Washington due to various factors, but they can never buy the level of sympathy that Israel continues to draw across America. The day their funds/oil runs out, their influence on American policy will immediately become severely limited.
Not if they decide to cash out of the US economy. Oil rich states have astronomical amounts of cash invested here, same as China.
^Politics: the art of compromise.^ :rolleyes:
The deal was working and of course, you were not happy because you had to show Iran is still an evil country for your propaganda.

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