The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I wish she would stop saying stupid shit like this.

It ain’t stupid, it is a reality check imo.

The United States we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Merkel is 100% correct in her assessment of the situation. Trump is only interested in his own fortune, second to that it’s his own country. He don’t give two shits about Europe. This presidency had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Americans voted for Trump, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for him to be elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Trump represented me in any form.

feck that. If I were to list all the horrible shit he has said or done it would make War and Peace look like a tweet. What poll is this that has him doubling his numbers?
Kanye West is only a prominent African American in his own head, he is really just another Kardashian.
Nominates a torturer for CIA post while saying he supports torture and wants to go much further than waterboarding.
Appoints an ambassador to Germany 18 months later and just because he is gay doesn't mean it's props for a president that wears make up and sports a Liberace hair do.
Put a picture of these three Koreans in front of an average Trump supporter and their opinion will be the same, they should go back to where they came from.
This is like high fiving someone who has scattered a years worth of trash around a public park just because he left with a chewing gum wrapper in his pocket.
Has anyone fact checked Trump when he said he has delivered the best TV ratings in US history for 3am in the morning......

dying to find out if true
It ain’t stupid, it is a reality check imo.

The United States we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Merkel is 100% correct in her assessment of the situation. Trump is only interested in his own fortune, second to that it’s his own country. He don’t give two shits about Europe. This presidency had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Americans voted for Trump, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for him to be elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Trump represented me in any form.

We do not rely on the US to defend Europe though. It's a bullshit sentiment. If the purpose is indeed defense, Europe is settled. I wish we had more inpedependent capabilities when it comes to missions outside our very vicinity (and that may indeed be what she meant), but that's besides the point. Her statement as such feeds into a bullshit american trope that's been alive for far too long.
It ain’t stupid, it is a reality check imo.

The United States we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Merkel is 100% correct in her assessment of the situation. Trump is only interested in his own fortune, second to that it’s his own country. He don’t give two shits about Europe. This presidency had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Americans voted for Trump, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for him to be elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Trump represented me in any form.

It ain’t stupid, it is a reality check imo.

The Germany we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Trump is 100% correct in his assessment of the situation. Merkel is only interested in her own legacy, second to that it’s her own country. She don’t give two shits about Europe. This Chancellor had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Germans voted for Merkel, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for her to be thinly re-elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Merkel represented me in any form.
It ain’t stupid, it is a reality check imo.

The Germany we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Trump is 100% correct in his assessment of the situation. Merkel is only interested in her own legacy, second to that it’s her own country. She don’t give two shits about Europe. This Chancellor had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Germans voted for Merkel, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for her to be thinly re-elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Merkel represented me in any form.

Are you okay? Your comment looks just like a whatabout comment straight from Fox News.
Page 1668.

Trump is nearer to getting a Noble prize than being impeached.

Despite Trump's marketing, I think that Trump/the US quite obviously aren't playing the leading role with NK. From what's been going on already with SK/China it seems clear the US is following along. Not to say Trump/Pompeo have no role in it but it makes me think that there was already a deal in place and Trump, driven by his ego, is going to sign off on whatever is in front of him in Singapore to ensure he gets the headlines he covets.
Despite Trump's marketing, I think that Trump/the US quite obviously aren't playing the leading role with NK. From what's been going on already with SK/China it seems clear the US is following along. Not to say Trump/Pompeo have no role in it but it makes me think that there was already a deal in place and Trump, driven by his ego, is going to sign off on whatever is in front of him in Singapore to ensure he gets the headlines he covets.

Its a combination of all parties that is allowing this to happen imo. Trump's forward leaning style is definitely a factor, as is Moon's pragmatic approach to dealing with Kim. Kim himself has seemed to be very flexible and Xi has prodded him along in the right direction. Basically all parties came to terms with the idea that war benefits no one and cooperation benefits everyone.

Rudy Giuliani resigned from his private law firm on Wednesday as he steps up his work as one of President Donald Trump’s personal attorneys in the Russia investigation.

The former New York mayor initially took an unpaid leave of absence last month from the New York office of Greenberg Traurig, but in a joint statement issued Thursday the firm and Giuliani confirmed the separation was permanent.

“In light of the pressing demands of the Mueller investigation, I believe it is in everyone’s best interest that I make it a permanent resignation,” Giuliani said, referring to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. “This way, my sole concentration can be on this critically important matter for our country.”
So, he may not get the Peace one (who wants it anyway, overrated) but he is certain for the IQ Nobel? Am I correctly reading the last two pages, it has been a bit surreal.
Let's call it once in every 100 page reality check. Meeting confirmed with Kim.

Oh dear. Trump has done feck all regarding NK. It's mainly down to the Chinese and also the new government in the South and the goodwill that came from the combined Olympic games . You know, the games Trump took credit for?. :lol:

The desperation from Trump and his supporters to take credit for anything is as disturbing as it is sad, but not as sad as the complete reluctance to ever address anything bad he has done. They all come out the woodwork when he achieves a goal yet crickets when he does something damaging, illegal or completely moronic.

Also, as previously stated, I find the lack of Trump supporters in the Russia thread disturbing and also very telling.
If there is a Democratic president next up, they could undo everything Trump has done. Then you'd have to say Trump's legacy is dead and his policies also a failure. So Obama compromised too much, Trump not at all, and they both leave with dead legacies. I bet if Bernie came in and did the things he said he would, a lot of it would have been undone after he left office as well. I don't think you can blame the previous president for the current one undoing things. These things go in cycles because the country is so divided.

The problem with that is the US would be seen as untrustworthy and unreliable to make agreements with. After Trump you would see a lot less diplomacy even with a Democratic president.
It ain’t stupid, it is a reality check imo.

The Germany we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Trump is 100% correct in his assessment of the situation. Merkel is only interested in her own legacy, second to that it’s her own country. She don’t give two shits about Europe. This Chancellor had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Germans voted for Merkel, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for her to be thinly re-elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Merkel represented me in any form.
Hands down the most rediculous post I've seen in the caf.
The America we see now is not the country it once was. Their leader is completely irrational, and our values differ more and more. Merkel is 100% correct in his assessment of the situation. Trump is only interested in his own legacy, second to that it’s his own country. He don’t give two shits about America. This President had damaged a lot of relations which will take years to build up again.

I know that not all Americans voted for Trump, but it’s says a lot about their country and the huge divide (and other problems) internally for him to be thinly re-elected. I would be utterly ashamed if Trump represented me in any form.

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