The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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They're the wrong kind of Muslim. (not my opinion, just paraphrasing the SA position)
For SA to be in, Israel will have to sit this one out. And it is important that SA is in, since it would add somewhat of a legitimacy with the rest of the Muslim world. If it is just USA + Israel it can spiral quickly out of control with the other Muslim countries. The word crusade will start to be mentioned . You can infer the rest.
For SA to be in, Israel will have to sit this one out. And it is important that SA is in, since it would add somewhat of a legitimacy with the rest of the Muslim world. If it is just USA + Israel it can spiral quickly out of control with the other Muslim countries. The word crusade will start to be mentioned . You can infer the rest.
SA's new leadership sees Israel as a legitimate country, there's little the rest of the muslim world can do about it. It's not like Bangladesh is going to march into Jeddah.
SA's new leadership sees Israel as a legitimate country, there's little the rest of the muslim world can do about it. It's not like Bangladesh is going to invade Jeddah.
Big difference between recognizing a country and being allied with it.
In no way imaginable SA will ally with Israel about anything, let alone an invasion against a Muslim country.

They’ve been allied under the table for quite a while now. It’ll never be an open type of alliance with hugs, kisses and flag ceremonies, but it’s one of the most significant developments in Middle Eastern politics in the last fifteen years.
Israel and SA will all in.
Israel won’t, since they’re smart enough to stand back and watch others lose their lives at their gain, heck they didn’t bite when Saddam tried to pull them into the first gulf war when he fired missiles at them.

The Saudis however are stupid enough to go balls deep, and it’ll prove beyond costly. Theyre struggling with a bunch of villagers in Yemen, a campaign against Iran will probably destroy them.

But hey if Trump really believes in mobilising an Arab force, why not have a Saudi-led Arab coalition leading the charge :angel:
This is not accurate. He got a lower percent of the vote than Romney and only 0.4% more than McCain. The real difference is the people who supported Obama didn't support Hillary.

Ignoring that it was a peoples movement is part of the problem.

Stick your head in the sand, it won't make the problem go away, it will just make it worse.

Its a complete mess. Iran and the remaining signatories are still in it and will still do business with one another, which will put the US in the weird position of sanctioning its own allies for doing business with Iran.
Ignoring that it was a peoples movement is part of the problem.

Stick your head in the sand, it won't make the problem go away, it will just make it worse.

I provided you with data and you just repeated nonsense. Does this look like a people's movement? 15 million more people were eligible than 2012 and he got 2 million more. He lost vote share over Mitt freaking Romney.

Popular vote:

McCain - 60 million
Romney - 61 million
Trump - 63 million

Percentage of vote:

McCain - 46%
Romney - 47%
Trump - 46%

Voting age population:

McCain - 230 million
Romney - 235 million
Trump - 250 million
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He didn't fight for anything. Didn't fight for a public option, didn't fight for Gorsuch, didn't fight for gun control. He just threw up his hands and said "ah well what can you do".

If there is a Democratic president next up, they could undo everything Trump has done. Then you'd have to say Trump's legacy is dead and his policies also a failure. So Obama compromised too much, Trump not at all, and they both leave with dead legacies. I bet if Bernie came in and did the things he said he would, a lot of it would have been undone after he left office as well. I don't think you can blame the previous president for the current one undoing things. These things go in cycles because the country is so divided.
I'm not sure we'd be behind any attack on Iran. We were tentative on Syrian airstrikes and during Brexit May won't want an all-out war with Iran because she'll know she won't get approval from parliament, and I doubt she'd go without that. Plus the roots of this war would be even more objectionable than Iraq because the reasons (i.e. revoking this deal) would a lot more obviously be our own doing.
Also, Iran isn't the failed state with weakened central authority that Iraq had become in 2003 as a result of sanctions from the first Gulf War and oil for food programs. A war with Iran would be as close to a world war as you could get without engaging a nuclear power. I don't see it happening, and if it does the UK won't follow. It'd be a slaughter for any PM who sanctioned this (the Tory party would suffer as Labour has since Iraq).
Agree... though I suspect they might use the distraction of Iran to get balls deep into feking over Palestine more than usual
They’ve already been doing that now.

People haven’t noticed because of the distraction of what’s happening in Syria and Iraq, but in the last couple years they’ve ramped up the settlement colonisation. Not to mention they’ve hit the jackpot with the Wotsit president who pretty much supports it as well as vowing to give them Jerusalem.
Israel won’t, since they’re smart enough to stand back and watch others lose their lives at their gain, heck they didn’t bite when Saddam tried to pull them into the first gulf war when he fired missiles at them.

The Saudis however are stupid enough to go balls deep, and it’ll prove beyond costly. Theyre struggling with a bunch of villagers in Yemen, a campaign against Iran will probably destroy them.

But hey if Trump really believes in mobilising an Arab force, why not have a Saudi-led Arab coalition leading the charge :angel:
With all the countries around Isreal annihilated Iran is the only country standing in the way of Israeli power and expansion plans in the ME. The USA is, as usual, doing all this for the Israeli cause. This is now the turn of Iran to bow down or else they are next in line to be destroyed like Iraq, Libya, Syria.

The Saudi/UAE hierarchy knows full well to support the USA/Trump on their policies or their seats of power will be taken away. The present leaders have basically become slaves to stay in power.
Even if Iran acquired capabilities to make the N-bomb several parts of Israel would be out of bounds by any act of violence carried out by Iran, such as the Al-Aqsa or the Millions of Muslims concentrated in Tel Aviv, Hebron, Ramallah and many other places. Just can't see how Iran is a Nuclear threat. Iranian politicians would also know its own population would also be meeting God at the same time as Israelis would also retaliate with their own stockpiles of N-Bomb.


Nonsense. Oil production costs in Russia are between 2-3 USD and 20 USD depending on an oil deposit. Current Brent Crude is around 77 USD. Russia is quite comfortable as long as prices don't plummet below 30 mark or so.
Nonsense. Oil production costs in Russia are between 2-3 USD and 20 USD depending on an oil deposit. Current Brent Crude is around 77 USD. Russia is quite comfortable as long as prices don't plummet below 30 mark or so.

That’s only taking into account the pure economics of oil which would be fine if Russia was just a Corporation producing oil spinning profits.

It’s more complicated than that in that a lot of your economy is reliant on said Oil profits so the figure it would need to fall to for any sustained period of time for you to feel the pinch is far higher than 30 bucks a barrel.

Considering Oil makes up more than 50% of your exports, if it dropped from 75 dollars down to 50 you’d have around an 18% hole to fill.
That’s only taking into account the pure economics of oil which would be fine if Russia was just a Corporation producing oil spinning profits.

It’s more complicated than that in that a lot of your economy is reliant on said Oil profits so the figure it would need to fall to for any sustained period of time for you to feel the pinch is far higher than 30 bucks a barrel.

Considering Oil makes up more than 50% of your exports, if it dropped from 75 dollars down to 50 you’d have around an 18% hole to fill.

The oil-and-gas sector accounts for 16% of GDP of Russia. The country also has ample gold reserves. Europe's reliance on Russian gas won't stop any time soon, in fact it'll keep rising.

Russia's going to be fine. It's America with that lunatic in charge, they're in real trouble. When he's done as POTUS, the whole world will be a big mess and whatever's left of America's reputation will be in tatters.
Even if Iran acquired capabilities to make the N-bomb several parts of Israel would be out of bounds by any act of violence carried out by Iran, such as the Al-Aqsa or the Millions of Muslims concentrated in Tel Aviv, Hebron, Ramallah and many other places. Just can't see how Iran is a Nuclear threat. Iranian politicians would also know its own population would also be meeting God at the same time as Israelis would also retaliate with their own stockpiles of N-Bomb.

That's too innocent from you, Sults. No one really care about the religious or humanitarian aspects. That's a myth that started in the middle ages with the church in Europe and the caliphate in the islamic world. it's all politics and all politics is about interests.

And anyway, the problem is not just for Israel, but for KSA, UAE, Egypt...etc.. and for the world. Long-ranged missiles and nuclear bombs and you can reach anywhere. If technology doesn't permit it now, it will in the future.
And anyway, the problem is not just for Israel, but for KSA, UAE, Egypt...etc.. and for the world. Long-ranged missiles and nuclear bombs and you can reach anywhere. If technology doesn't permit it now, it will in the future.

Why should non-nuclear nations be consistently bullied destroyed with trade sanctions, wars, freezing and stealing of its own sovereign assets? Listen to the video posted by @Drifter

Are we really that naive to think Iran would bomb Israel, Saudi, Egypt or any of its closest neighbours? Anyway, the whole point of the deal was to stop Iran developing the N-Bomb which has now been cancelled. Basically, Israel and its allies are looking for any excuse to send Iran into oblivion the way it has to Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria.
That's too innocent from you, Sults. No one really care about the religious or humanitarian aspects. That's a myth that started in the middle ages with the church in Europe and the caliphate in the islamic world. it's all politics and all politics is about interests.

And anyway, the problem is not just for Israel, but for KSA, UAE, Egypt...etc.. and for the world. Long-ranged missiles and nuclear bombs and you can reach anywhere. If technology doesn't permit it now, it will in the future.
I don’t know, as treacherous as the Mullahs are in Iran, I do think their sentimental attachment to the Islamic holy sites in Palestine is genuine. I mean bear in mind this is a country that supports the Palestinian cause when they have no obligation to do so, especially considering the general anti-Persian sentiment in the Arab world.

The Gulf Arab states on the other hand don’t care the slightest. I mean the Saudis are currently desecrating their own holy sites by building hotels and public toilets pretty much on the most reverred Islamic sites. They probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid if the Israelis turned Al Aqsa into a giant IDF gift shop.
Why should non-nuclear nations be consistently bullied destroyed with trade sanctions, wars, freezing and stealing of its own sovereign assets? Listen to the video posted by @Drifter

Are we really that naive to think Iran would bomb Israel, Saudi, Egypt or any of its closest neighbours? Anyway, the whole point of the deal was to stop Iran developing the N-Bomb which has now been cancelled. Basically, Israel and its allies are looking for any excuse to send Iran into oblivion the way it has to Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria.

It's exactly that, the breaking news on CNN, 10 minutes after Trump's press conference, was that they had information from US officials and israeli official that Iran was preparing an attack on Israel, how convenient is that. and a couple hours afterwards we hear that there was an attack on an Irani position in Syrian from Israel. The US, Israel and to a certain degree the KSA are looking for a way to invade Iran.

We will see an attack on Iran soon enough. Unless the allies from the EU do something to prevent it.
Trump is like one of those awful 'new broom' bosses who fires people just to appear decisive.
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