The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Are most Israelis up for a big war too, or is it just some nutters led by Bibi?

Most would agree that a nuclear Iran is intolerable for them and must be prevented at all costs. Surveys conducted at the time of the deal suggested most were skeptical. I would also think that at this stage most believe a war with Iran is inevitable.
At this stage, Iran's best bet is to make a deal with Russia for protection, including putting nukes in Iran's territory (similar to US with Turkey). You cannot trust US if you're not an ally of them (and not even then under Trump).

Kim should also get China to guarantee the deal when it comes to discussing with US. Or even better, make a deal directly with South Korea and China bypassing entirely US.
The Saudis won't let oil hit $100. All they have to do is turn on the spigot and the price will drop to whatever they want.
I would assume they want prices to rise why else would they have gone to such lengths to get other countries to restrict supply?
A very high oil price benefits the Saudis. Their oil is sour crude which is harder to refine with its high sulfur content. With high oil prices companies might be tempted to invest in new oil refineries to take sour crude off Saudi.
This will be different from Iraq 2. The "coalition of the willing" will be US and UK and that's about it.
This will be different from Iraq 2. The "coalition of the willing" will be US and UK and that's about it.

The coalition of the willing in Iraq was US, UK and Spain because they needed a EU member that was not UK to justify the attack as something that "some countries" from the international community approved it. No other relevant country (and Spain was not really relevant) seconded that invasion.

That didn't stopped Iraq's invasion as it will not stop Iran's invasion. Sometimes we forget that George Bush jr was as demented than Trump but without tweeter and better manners
This will be different from Iraq 2. The "coalition of the willing" will be US and UK and that's about it.

I'm not sure we'd be behind any attack on Iran. We were tentative on Syrian airstrikes and during Brexit May won't want an all-out war with Iran because she'll know she won't get approval from parliament, and I doubt she'd go without that. Plus the roots of this war would be even more objectionable than Iraq because the reasons (i.e. revoking this deal) would a lot more obviously be our own doing.
Saudi Arabia calling Iran extremist, haha, you couldn't make that shit up. The pot calling the kettle black....
I'm not sure we'd be behind any attack on Iran. We were tentative on Syrian airstrikes and during Brexit May won't want an all-out war with Iran because she'll know she won't get approval from parliament, and I doubt she'd go without that. Plus the roots of this war would be even more objectionable than Iraq because the reasons (i.e. revoking this deal) would a lot more obviously be our own doing.

I think it’d end May’s government if she tried it.
I think it’d end May’s government if she tried it.
Yes, but can you imagine her saying no if the US ask? All Hell will break loose if the US go for Iran.
The US being led by this cartel of scum is so incredibly dangerous for the whole World.
I think it’d end May’s government if she tried it.

Absolutely. She wouldn't get it past parliament, and would be slaughtered if she tried to avoid passing it through parliament. As the leader of a government who argue we don't have enough money for stuff she'd also be slated for being able to find that money for a war that shouldn't be happening, all that without a majority in the first place. She'd be fecked.
Yes, but can you imagine her saying no if the US ask? All Hell will break loose if the US go for Iran.
The US being led by this cartel of scum is so incredibly dangerous for the whole World.

Even though she'd rather not defy the US she wouldn't have a choice when it comes to this one - wouldn't have the will here to do it.
Even though she'd rather not defy the US she wouldn't have a choice when it comes to this one - wouldn't have the will here to do it.
No, there wouldn't be in Parliament (I hope)...but I fear she may join in for a few missile launches a la Syria. The fact she would subsequently be deposed is kind of irrelevant.
Doubt the UK would be in for such an adventure.
For maybe the first time, I don't get the feeling that Trump's US cares about allies and coalitions. Those manipulating him (read: anyone who has ever spoken to him) want this to happen, and it probably will.

And 40% of the US will still talk about snowflakes, libtards and Obama.
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