The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The thing is: the US pulling out doesn’t mean anything anymore at this point because everyone else has declared they will honor the agreement. If anything, it will be the first actual sign of the leadership ability the US has lost. Nobody gives a feck.
The thing is: the US pulling out doesn’t mean anything anymore at this point because everyone else has declared they will honor the agreement. If anything, it will be the first actual sign of the leadership ability the US has lost. Nobody gives a feck.

The other members who remain in the deal are insignificant in all of this since they won't be able to stop Trump from acting militarily once the Iranians resume the program. In effect the deal will be dead and we will be back to a bilateral situation.
The other members who remain in the deal are insignificant in all of this since they won't be able to stop Trump from acting militarily once the Iranians resume the program. In effect the deal will be dead and we will be back to a bilateral situation.
Literally just undo each and everything done by the last administration, consequences be damned, just so we can do the same thing (but worse) and put our name on it.
I have not read up on it but can the deal even hold up if US does not honour it? Iran has already indicated they won't keep their end up if US reneges on the deal.
The thing is: the US pulling out doesn’t mean anything anymore at this point because everyone else has declared they will honor the agreement. If anything, it will be the first actual sign of the leadership ability the US has lost. Nobody gives a feck.
Hope so.
The thing is: the US pulling out doesn’t mean anything anymore at this point because everyone else has declared they will honor the agreement. If anything, it will be the first actual sign of the leadership ability the US has lost. Nobody gives a feck.
I wish his dad the butler had pulled out.
I have not read up on it but can the deal even hold up if US does not honour it? Iran has already indicated they won't keep their end up if US reneges on the deal.

The "deal" was verifiable stop to nuclear work in exchange for reduction in sanctions. Depending on how Trump breaks the deal, this could mean the US puts fresh sanctions on Iran. I don't know for sure how effective those will be if the EU doesn't follow, but I think the way some of these sanctions work is that if any non-US business (like, say Airbus) has any dealings with the US, they are not allowed to have dealings with Iran/Iran's govt/PSUs. If that's the case US pulling out will effectively kill he deal.
The sanctions will also be the end of Rouhani's popularity since his whole agenda was negotiating Iran's way out of isolation in exchange for economic growth. If that doesn't happen, I don't think he can expect to remain, and hardline skeptics including Khamenei will be vindicated.
The other members who remain in the deal are insignificant in all of this since they won't be able to stop Trump from acting militarily once the Iranians resume the program. In effect the deal will be dead and we will be back to a bilateral situation.

I doubt they will start again, they will just wait Trump our like everyone else.
The other members who remain in the deal are insignificant in all of this since they won't be able to stop Trump from acting militarily once the Iranians resume the program. In effect the deal will be dead and we will be back to a bilateral situation.

I doubt they will start again, they will just wait Trump our like everyone else.
The "deal" was verifiable stop to nuclear work in exchange for reduction in sanctions. Depending on how Trump breaks the deal, this could mean the US puts fresh sanctions on Iran. I don't know for sure how effective those will be if the EU doesn't follow, but I think the way some of these sanctions work is that if any non-US business (like, say Airbus) has any dealings with the US, they are not allowed to have dealings with Iran/Iran's govt/PSUs. If that's the case US pulling out will effectively kill he deal.
The sanctions will also be the end of Rouhani's popularity since his whole agenda was negotiating Iran's way out of isolation in exchange for economic growth. If that doesn't happen, I don't think he can expect to remain, and hardline skeptics including Khamenei will be vindicated.

The part regarding Airbus et al would need to be specifically approved by Congress and I very much doubt they will do that. Also the reason the EU countries have declared they will follow to respect it.

These fecking cnut are the laziest SOBs on the planet. They can't do anything right and take everyone for fools. Can we shoot them into the sun soon, please? Elon?
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Iran announcement due at 7pm BST then? Any chance the deal won't scrapped?
Iran announcement due at 7pm BST then? Any chance the deal won't scrapped?

Doubt it. It was a major campaign promise of his and so far he's done his best to fulfill those. Think we're gonna be seeing a clean break with the deal and a major push for regime change (probably short of an actual military intervention) in Iran over the next twelve months. Expect to hear a lot about the MEK in that time.
Doubt it. It was a major campaign promise of his and so far he's done his best to fulfill those. Think we're gonna be seeing a clean break with the deal and a major push for regime change (probably short of an actual military intervention) in Iran over the next twelve months. Expect to hear a lot about the MEK in that time.

What would be the ramifications? All talk?
If Iran has kept their word and the U.S just tears it up anyway I hope other countries think twice before lapping it up with America
Iran announcement due at 7pm BST then? Any chance the deal won't scrapped?

Unlikely. The most optimistic view is that Trump could announce he wants to completely renegotiate the deal and will give a deadline before withdrawing the US from the deal.

That's the best case scenario, but its looking increasingly likely he'll announce the withdrawal.
Doubt it. It was a major campaign promise of his and so far he's done his best to fulfill those. Think we're gonna be seeing a clean break with the deal and a major push for regime change (probably short of an actual military intervention) in Iran over the next twelve months. Expect to hear a lot about the MEK in that time.

I've no idea how thats going to happen.
Unlikely. The most optimistic view is that Trump could announce he wants to completely renegotiate the deal and will give a deadline before withdrawing the US from the deal.

That's the best case scenario, but its looking increasingly likely he'll announce the withdrawal.

Cheers. Here's hoping its something along those lines.
You're going to have another Syria though.

The dynamics would be very different but yeah, it’d be extremely messy if it got anywhere. I don’t think supporting the MEK has much if any chance of success though, or even making much of an impact at all, they’re despised in Iran.
This fool should the be boycotted left right and center in the international community if he utters "regime change".

surprise surprise

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told his colleagues from the E3 — France, Germany and the United Kingdom — on Friday that President Trump has rejected the understandings that were drafted with American negotiators over the last four months regarding a possible fix of the Iran nuclear deal.

Why it matters: Pompeo's message in a conference call on Friday was a de-facto U.S. announcement that it was walking away from negotiations with the Europeans over the Iran deal.

The details: On Friday, Pompeo organized a conference call with his three European counterparts. Sources who were briefed on the call told me Pompeo thanked the E3 for the efforts they had made since January to come up with a formula that will convince Trump not to pull out of the nuclear deal — but made it clear the President wants to take a different direction.
Yeah this really again underlines how child like the man's thinking is. You could argue he does what he says (read: shouts) he is going to do, but the fact he seems to have absolute disregard for alternatives continues to be a very infantile and dangerous way to go about world politics. Especially because it seems very clear that many decisions play directly into Israel, China and Russia's hands. The whole notion that Trump embodies the i dont care what others think and do what is best for America is therefore incredibly flawed.
Yeah this really again underlines how child like the man's thinking is. You could argue he does what he says (read: shouts) he is going to do, but the fact he seems to have absolute disregard for alternatives continues to be a very infantile and dangerous way to go about world politics. Especially because it seems very clear that many decisions play directly into Israel, China and Russia's hands. The whole notion that Trump embodies the i dont care what others think and do what is best for America is therefore incredibly flawed.

I just hope his presidency doesn't start another war, especially not with Iran. Yes they're not great, but they are hardly the biggest problem in the US/Europe. Ironically we seem to be allied with the worst offenders (Saudi, Russia)
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