The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Obama's neoliberalism has led fo Republicans controlling every branch of government and having a reality TV star in the white house. Trump campaigned on undoing Obama's legacy and he won. Every election since 2008 is an indictment of neoliberalism. Even 2012 was down to his personal charisma and likability.

No. Every election since 2008 was Republicans scaremongering Americans into thinking that Obama was everything he is not. Where is the Tea Party? Where are all the right wing groups that emerged after 2008 that Republicans rode to win back the house and the senate? You're also forgetting that Republicans also gerrymandered the crap out of the states after 2010.
She was only viable in the sense that she had the right credentials. She wasn't popular among voters and it led to her losing the election because that's how we decide who becomes president: voters, not think tank endorsements.
She was popular among Dem primary voters, however.
Not really. Your legacy is defined by how and what people remember of you and the good things you tried to achieve. He can try all he wants but what he's undoing can be redone. It's gonna be very hard after him however for any country to trust the US in ANY deal after this.

Sadly not true in a lot of cases. Regulations that have been deregulated by an administration cannot be reimposed by the next Administration. It’s to stop a constant yo-yo style policy that would obviously make operating a company very difficult.

Unfortunately it’s a rule which helps the Republicans, particularly the libitarian crew who favour fewer regulations.
Obama's neoliberalism has led fo Republicans controlling every branch of government and having a reality TV star in the white house. Trump campaigned on undoing Obama's legacy and he won. Every election since 2008 is an indictment of neoliberalism. Even 2012 was down to his personal charisma and likability.
I am not American so I don't know why Trump won but I'm old enough to know both houses have always changed hands. So saying the only reason this decision has been made is neoliberalism sounds a bit of a stretch.
Sadly not true in a lot of cases. Regulations that have been deregulated by an administration cannot be reimposed by the next Administration. It’s to stop a constant yo-yo style policy that would obviously make operating a company very difficult.

Unfortunately it’s a rule which helps the Republicans, particularly the libitarian crew who favour fewer regulations.

Correct. That's why we need a mass movement like the one we had in the article to protect gains and demand more.
She must have been shocked to find out that Republicans get to vote in general elections too. Just as she and her supporters were shocked to find out about the existence of the electoral college.

Aye and the Russian interference didn’t do her too many favours either.
I am not American so I don't know why Trump won but I'm old enough to know both houses have always changed hands. So saying the only reason this decision has been made is neoliberalism sounds a bit of a stretch.

I'm on my phone so I cant find it now but the congressional losses incurred by Democrats from 2010-2016 were well behind what models attribute to fatigue of the party in power.
Withdrawing from the deal. Iran being sanctioned again.
She must have been shocked to find out that Republicans get to vote in general elections too. Just as she and her supporters were shocked to find out about the existence of the electoral college.
I mean, I'm just pointing out that she won the nomination from voters, not from think-tanks. Was Bernie shocked to find out that people other than independents and young voters took part in the Democratic party primary as well?
OK daft question Time.
What is the Iran Nuclear Deal and why is it a big deal that the US are pulling out.
not something you just answer in one post. Its a deal set up by USA and europe to curtail Iran from having Nukes for about 10 years. Inturn those countries will lifted economic sanctions. Trump is pulling out because honestly i really cant give you a real answer other than because Obama did it. He is trying to set up his own Nuke deal with DPRK and will have to most likely use the Iran deal as a template anyway.
The "issues" he has with the Iran deal dont make any sense and pulling out now wont fix the issues. Only make it worse. I would really suggest reading up on it or at least watch a youtube video with John Oliver exlaining it with comedic relief
I mean, I'm just pointing out that she won the nomination from voters, not from think-tanks. Was Bernie shocked to find out that people other than independents and young voters took part in the Democratic party primary as well?

No, Bernie never expected to win the nomination. Whereas Hillary outright campaigned on "it's her turn".
But what does it mean for the deal if the US pulls out, if others like Britain/France etc continue to respect the deal?

To be fair, the argument of people like Pompeo and the other policy hawks, is not that Iran isn't complying. It's that it was a terrible deal in the first place because it doesn't cover ballistic missiles and the deal was only temporary, for 25 years.
That said, it is a perfectly good deal. My personal opinion is that you can't stop a country developing a nuclear arsenal and it's always better to delay that process for as long as possible.
If I was the Ayatollah I'd be on the phone with Pakistan and Russia offering every penny I stole for a handful of nukes.

I think a deal with Russia could be mutually beneficial right now. New ME access for Russia outside Syria, and protection from the US for Iran.
All my knowledge about the Iran deal is from the recent John Oliver episode and from that it sounded it will be a collosally horrific move if he does that. Any other publication which might debate that it's a good idea or there's a general consensus that it's an awful idea?
But what does it mean for the deal if the US pulls out, if others like Britain/France etc continue to respect the deal?
I think it will seriously affect it but won't kill it. Will limit Iran's access to the dollar and American banks. Iran already has so contract with oil companies like Total. Those contracts will probably need to be redone and some will be abandoned.
As is I don't think there's anything wrong with pulling out of the iran deal if all the other signatories pull out as well. The government is on shaky ground with a bad economy in Iran and the public not liking money being spent in Syria. Increased sanctions might well put them over the top and force a regime change. However it looks like Europe and Russia, china might still stay and do business with them so it won't break the camel's back.

The other issue however is doing it ahead of Korea talks. What incentive does Kim jong have to give up his weapons when he sees what happened to the dictator in libya for banking on the US and now US walking back it's promises and reimposing economic sanctions on Iran?
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