The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Kim Jong Il played 18 holes in 18 shots. Don did it in 17.

That makes me always laugh when I read things like this. I used to underwrite insurance policies for Hole-In-Ones. The hosts of the tournaments usually insure the risks that they have e.g. a car or luxury car as prize for a hole-in-one. I remember that at the beginning I was surprised that the insurance company did not want to have more proof for it in difference to similar insurances. I was told that their was something like a golfer codex nobody breaks. I guess they should have told that to this two guys...
Rudy needs to take lessons from Sarah Sanders & Kellyanne in professional bullshitting.
Someone on TV today called Giuliani the spokesman for Trump's impeachment.
"Listen, Jeannine, if Putin's buddies knew all of your dirty secrets, would you do whatever he asked to protect your incredibel, beautiful daughter? The only reason the Democrats don't understand this because they're godless heathens."
Maybe he has finally realised his own tweets are working against him. Though I find it more likely that his phone's data connection has dropped out and when it manages to reconnect 20 tweets that have been stuck will suddenly appear.
Obviously talking directly to Trump. They really want to push his policies as the presenter mentioned but it's hard when he spouts BS on the regular. He's not gonna take the advice on board.

I think that's exactly what it was. Another direct request for him to "step away from the Twitter keyboard". They think they can sell his policies, they're having trouble stopping people laughing at the tweet feed.
I can't think of anyone I despise more right now than that man Donald Trump.
He’s on one today, making up for all that golfing he’s done this past weekend.

It is generally the mark of a nutter to do random capitalization.

I'm pretty sure it's a psychological ploy.

You focus on the capitalisation of the words so they have more power to people reading them subconsciously.
Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal
Israeli agency told to find incriminating material on Obama diplomats who negotiated deal with Tehran

Sources said that officials linked to Trump’s team contacted investigators days after Trump visited Tel Aviv a year ago, his first foreign tour as US president. Trump promised Netanyahu that Iran would never have nuclear weapons and suggested that the Iranians thought they could “do what they want” since negotiating the nuclear deal in 2015. A source with details of the “dirty tricks campaign” said: “The idea was that people acting for Trump would discredit those who were pivotal in selling the deal, making it easier to pull out of it.”

According to incendiary documents seen by the Observer, investigators contracted by the private intelligence agency were told to dig into the personal lives and political careers of Rhodes, a former deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, and Kahl, a national security adviser to the former vice-president Joe Biden. Among other things they were looking at personal relationships, any involvement with Iran-friendly lobbyists, and if they had benefited personally or politically from the peace deal.

Investigators were also apparently told to contact prominent Iranian Americans as well as pro-deal journalists – from the New York Times, MSNBC television, the Atlantic, Vox website and Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper among others – who had frequent contact with Rhodes and Kahl in an attempt to establish whether they had violated any protocols by sharing sensitive intelligence. They are believed to have looked at comments made by Rhodes in a 2016 New York Times profile in which he admitted relying on inexperienced reporters to create an “echo chamber” that helped sway public opinion to secure the deal. It is also understood that the smear campaign wanted to establish if Rhodes was among those who backed a request by Susan Rice, Obama’s final national security adviser, to unmask the identities of Trump transition officials caught up in the surveillance of foreign targets.

This is more serious than the Russia story for me
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