The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Proper banana republic dictator speech by Trump before the NRA convention right now.
But isn't there blood all over the hospitals in London because of so many knives? /s

Trump s manner of speaking is so weird. It makes even less sense when it's written out than when you re listening to him speaking.
What hospital in London which resembles a warzone with all the blood on the floor from stabbings was he actually talking about? Winging it with BS as usual

Why the feck is he doing a stabbing action? :wenger:
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I hope Sadiq Khan rubbishes this retarded story that the orange prolapsed arsehole is peddling in that video. In fact, he should probably call him out on Twitter.
So stabbing is more dangerous than shooting? He really doesn't know his ass from his elbow.

Indeed. If you were going to have an equally hyperbolic argument with him you could argue the hospitals are bypassed in America and it’s straight to the mortuary.
Indeed. If you were going to have an equally hyperbolic argument with him you could argue the hospitals are bypassed in America and it’s straight to the mortuary.
He would reply in this way: "So we don't wasted money to treat wounded people".
:lol: Giuliani and the WH haven't learnt their lesson after that shocker of a interview with Hannity.

Follow up to this... there’s rumours that Kushner is involved and it’s highly illegal, if true that it is him, the fact he has no security clearance would make this story huge.

What's the source of the rumors ?
I feel like Trump effectively spat in the faces of the Parkland victims, survivors and relatives by appearing at the NRA convention. I'm genuinely disgusted and angered by him. It seems nobody matters to him except himself.
I feel like Trump effectively spat in the faces of the Parkland victims, survivors and relatives by appearing at the NRA convention. I'm genuinely disgusted and angered by him. It seems nobody matters to him except himself.
It not only seems that way. It is an absolute fact. It's only him, Ivanka, and possibly Barron that matter to him.
I feel like Trump effectively spat in the faces of the Parkland victims, survivors and relatives by appearing at the NRA convention. I'm genuinely disgusted and angered by him. It seems nobody matters to him except himself.

That has been apparent for a couple of decades at least. The orange buffoon would throw pretty much anyone under the bus to save himself. I don't think I have ever had stronger feelings of disdain and hate towards anyone in my entire life.
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